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The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act.  Software copyright is protected by law for 50 years after it is published  It also includes data stored on computer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act.  Software copyright is protected by law for 50 years after it is published  It also includes data stored on computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act

2  Software copyright is protected by law for 50 years after it is published  It also includes data stored on computer systems, e.g. music, films and photographs

3 The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act  It is an offence to:  Copy copyrighted data or software  To run pirated data or software  To transmit pirated data or software

4 The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act  Most published material (including text, images, video, music, software etc) is protected by the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

5 The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act  Copyright may be infringed if, without the prior permission of the copyright owner, you  Copy a work (including scanning or storing electronically)  Issue copies to the public  Perform, show or play the work in public  Broadcast the work or include it in a cable programme  Make an adaptation of the work

6 The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act  Infringement of the Act:  You are liable to be held personally responsible. Infringing the law may be a criminal offence.

7 The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act  Watch the videos  The Alleyk@tz: logo design The Alleyk@tz: logo design The Alleyk@tz: logo design  The Alleyk@tz: plagiarism The Alleyk@tz: plagiarism The Alleyk@tz: plagiarism  Musicians vs record companies - who owns the music? Musicians vs record companies - who owns the music? Musicians vs record companies - who owns the music?  Catching the copycat Catching the copycat Catching the copycat

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