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Workshop on Gender in Value Chains and Coaching Track in Uganda Rhiannon Pyburn and Jacqueline Terrillon Kampala, Uganda March 29, 2012.

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1 Workshop on Gender in Value Chains and Coaching Track in Uganda Rhiannon Pyburn and Jacqueline Terrillon Kampala, Uganda March 29, 2012

2 Objectives of the workshop 1.To introduce participants to guiding concepts and a selection of tools needed to integrate a gender perspective in the different stages of the programme cycle of a VCD facilitation process/intervention 2.To introduce the gender and value chain coaching trajectory to generate interest and inform potential participants about it

3 About Agri-Profocus: A membership based forum of companies and NGOs engaged in AVC activities (worldwide- Gender-ning); Its members, their partners & the stakeholders are working to improve farmer entrepreneurship in Uganda; Mobilizes its members and pools funds, knowledge, skills, expertise, rural finance, and organisational and institutional capacity development in VCD

4 APF Country Knowledge Agenda on Gender: 2008: enriching value chain thinking and practices by developing a gender sensitive approach (APF learning trajectory); developing strategies to empower women in VCD activities Chain interventions (producers, processing, marketing) for women’s empowerment. Knowledge development and joint action Overall gender equity/equality and value chain work through the APF learning trajectory; Supporting initiatives undertaken at individual or collaborating APF members

5 Cont. APF’s Gender Engagement in Uganda and the region: 2009: Creation of an online community through the gender in value chains platform: (500 professionals worldwide):debate Q&A, share resources, lessons and results. 2010: Gender in the ValueChain Writeshop in Kenya; 2011:Evaluation of the Writeshop within Ethiopia –Gender Value Chain Expert Group Meeting

6 2012 Planned Activities & on going: Gender in VC coaching Track Kick off Workshop on GVC and coaching trajectory: March 29 Book launch on GVCD resulting from the write shop in Nairobi (planned in May) for a larger audience and launching of the coaching trajectory for participants in the coaching trajectory Supporting participants in implementing and documenting their gender action plans (April-November 2012) Experience sharing workshop (November 2012) Development of cross country analysis based on lessons and experiences gained

7 Objective of the gender and VCD coaching Track Capacity strengthening of VC practioners on gender & inclusion in VC development Outcome Improved capacities to integrate a gender perspective in VCD oriented interventions Outputs 10-15 case experiences with gender sensitive VC interventions Each case discussed, documented and validated by group of participants Synthesis of cross-country experiences through an APF publication Objectives and expected results of the coaching trajectory

8 1.Selection of a gender sensitive VCD project/formulation of coaching objectives by each organisation (gender action plan) 2.One on one coaching provided by a local coach (distance coaching, 2 visits to the organisation) 3.Peer feed-back facilitated among participating organisations 4.Participants are invited to attend book launch and 2nd and 3thd workshops Methodologies/Activities

9 Coaching Team APF agri-hub: provide logistical and back-up support Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Uganda and Rwanda and F&S in Ethiopia and Kenya: Facilitate the gender coaching track, provide conceptual Framework and tools and back-stops local coaches KIT Systematize experiences in 4 countries F&S Develop and redesign applicable tools Local coach: Co-facilitate worskhops/events Provide one on one coaching (meetings, distance coaching) Matches organisations with similar experience, Assist in documenting experience and provide literature)

10 Pay attention to gender in the different phases of the value chain development cycle

11 During this workshop We will address tools that follow the VCD program cycle to 1.Select a value chain based on a set of gender criteria 2.‘Map’ a value chain from a gender perspective 3.Assess costs and benefits of an upgrading strategy for men and women 4.Measure gender impact at household/micro level with the Women’s empowerment in agriculture index (WEAI) More tools on the Toolbox of the Gender in VC Ning:

12 How? We will work in groups 1-2 groups will practice with the same tool 5-6 people per group Each group will apply the selected tool for a case they know (a particular VC intervention or sector) 4 resource persons are available for the 4 tools At the end of the group work you will be asked to summarize the pros and cons of the tool. This will be shared after lunch

13 13Title What is it about? Gender mainstreaming: Integration of a gender perspective into all stages of design, implementation and monitoring of projects, programs, policies or planning at all levels (local, regional, national, international) Cross-cuting VCD facilitation program cycle

14 Gender Sensitive Value Chain Mapping Collecting sex-disaggregated quantitative and qualitative data at the: Macro level: general enabling environment, overview of actors in each activity/segment of the VC Meso level: farmers organizations, service providers, etc. Micro levels: households, including poorer households using both a gender and a VCD perspective

15 Value Chain Analysis with a gender perspective 1.Identify gaps / discriminations and key gender issues along the VC –on both psychological/individual, social, economic and political … dimensions –at individual, household, community, market, national, international … levels 2.Investigate the root causes and consequences of gender inequalities and discriminations

16 Strategic planning & Definition of expected results Defining gender equality objectives and options of intervention (e.g. of strategies) Formulating envisioned IMPACT: Women’s empowerment through improved VC governance –Equitable sharing of roles and responsibilities –Equitable access to social, economic, material, human resources and opportunities –Agency: equitable and participative management of the value chain (chain governance) –Equitable control over and enjoyment of benefits ensuing from VCD: Production, income, employment

17 Empowerment Gain control over one’s life Acquire skills and abilities to make decisions, determine choices Influence political, economic social decisions and orientations within their communities Greater access to and control over benefits generated by their economic activities

18 Organizations with ongoing work in VCD and concrete plans to work on a particular value chain with the aim of making it gender sensitive 2 practioners per organization, preferably one gender specialist nd one VC specialist Package includes: 3 days face to face coaching per organization On demand distance coaching and knowledge support Membership of a network of peers supporting each other exchange visits Advise on the use of tools to apply in your gender sensitive VCD intervention Who can participate in the Trajectory?

19 Contributions of the participating organisations 1.Commitment to participate in the whole trajectory 2.Assign 2 staff: one gender specialist and 1 VCD specialist 3.And allow them to invest time in learning by doing based 4.On a real life case 5.Contributions to the costs of the amount of US$ 500 per organization covering room and board for workshops, coaching time and knowledge support and advise 6.Additional costs to be covered by the organization 7.Commitment will be confirmed by means of a written agreement

20 How to apply for the coaching track? Deadline for submitting your motivation is May 4th Provide a motivation letter comprising: 1.Name of the organization, address, contact 2.Description of work in VC 3.Which VC would you bring as a case? What 4.Are the challenges? 5.What would you like to improve? 6.What motivates you to participate? 7.Who will participate in the track? Send applications to:

21 Developing Coaching Questions… What is the change you want to see happen 1.As a result of your VCD intervention, on women and men small holders = IMPACT 2.Within your organisation, as a result of this coaching track = OPERATIONS 3.In your own activities and the way you address gender issues in your VCD interventions = your role as a VCD practitionner 4.How will you measure this change? ?

22 Contact Agri-ProFocusNetherlands: Tel: +31 (0)26 3542074 Email: Agri-ProFocus in Uganda Agri-Hub Uganda - Grace Tino Phone: +256 (0)712 580979 Email:> Jacqueline Terrillon:

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