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Page 1, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Advanced Component-Based Software Engineering - Course Organization Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University Software.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Advanced Component-Based Software Engineering - Course Organization Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Advanced Component-Based Software Engineering - Course Organization Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University Software Engineering Division

2 Page 2, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE CBSE(CD5490) & CT (CD5480)  Teachers Ivica Crnkovic (examiner) Etienne Borde Aneta VulgarakisSéverine Sentilles

3 Page 3, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Course Information All information is placed on:  Advanced Component-based Software engineering Temporary

4 Page 4, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE The course  Advanced level course (7.5 ETCS)  Master Students - Grades 3,4,5  Ph.D. students – certificate that you have passed the courses  Course elements Lectures – Introductions, Insights, Overviews Individual and group work Self study, reports, presentations

5 Page 5, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE The course goal  To give the students an overview of component-based software engineering  To train students in finding and summarizing particular topics within CBSE  To give students insight in different areas related to CBSE  To train students in writing reports  To train students in presenting technical reports

6 Page 6, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE  Now it is your turn to present yourself! Name, etc. Main interest Experience with component-based development Expectation from the courses

7 Page 7, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Course Overview  Basic concepts of Component-based software engineering What is a software component? What is Compinent-based software engineering Component characteristics Component specification Quality attributes of software components Modeling languages and Architectural Definition Languages Component-based development process Component-based model for embedded systems  Self-study and project-based

8 Page 8, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE CBSE assignments 1.Assignment 1 1. Report from the selected topic (a part from the book Building reliable component-based systems, or a similar literature) 2.Assignment 2 A technical paper that uses a particular topic in modeling of different properties of components or practical work

9 Page 9, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE IMPORTANT DAYS WeekDayDateTimePlaceEventContent 3Tue2009-01-1909:15- 11:30ZetaLECTURESIntroduction to CBSE and course 4Tue2010-01-2609:15- 12:00ZetaLECTURES CBSE principles, component models, compositions 5Tue2010-02-0209:15- 12:00ZetaLECTURESModeling Languages 6Tue2010-02-0909:15- 12:00ZetaSeminarsAssigment 1 6Thu2010-02-1113:15-16:00Zeta Seminars Assigment 1 11Tue2010-03-1609:15- 12:00ZetaSeminarsAssigment 2 12Thu2010-03-1813:15-16:00ZetaSeminarsAssigment 2 - final result

10 Page 10, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Literature  CBSE (cd5490) Ivica Crnkovic, Magnus Larsson: Building reliable component-based systemsBuilding reliable component-based systems Ivica Crnkovic: CBSE - New Challenges in Software Development (on the Course web page)CBSE - New Challenges in Software Development Ivica Crnkovic et al: Specification, Implementation and Deployment of Components (on the Course web page)Specification, Implementation and Deployment of Components Ivica Crnkovic, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Michel Chaudron, A Classification Framework for Component Models (on the Course web page) A Classification Framework for Component Models Clemens Szyperski, Component Software - Beyond Object-Oriented Programming – Second EditionComponent Software - Beyond Object-Oriented Programming – Second Edition Heineman and Councill: CBSE - Putting Pieces Together Kurt Wallnau et al: Building systems from Commercial Components Papers found on the internet in the digital libraries...

11 Page 11, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Lectures  Lectures and seminars are mandatory  Lecture Course organization Introduction to CBSE Overview of “Building reliable component-based systems” book Assignments Overview (Predictability of quality attributes of component-based systems) (How tow write and how to review technical reports?) -------------------------------------------------- Examples of component-based models

12 Page 12, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Assignments  Assignment 1 A technical report – overview of an topic from a CBSE Presentation  Assignment 2 A technical report/paper from particular area of CBSE Or project work Presentation

13 Page 13, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Assignment 1  Per topic (a part or set of chapters) Write a report that summarizes a selected topic from the CBSE book (+ an additional aspect).  Explore the reference material  3000 words ± 10% (8-10 pages)  template template Presentation material – ca 10-15 slides – USE TEMPLATE  Presentation 15 minutes, minutes questions Review 2 or 3 reports from other students  Review template Review template  1 student, or 2 students work together

14 Page 14, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Assigment 2 - Alternative 1  A project related to component-based development  A design and implementation of a particular problem Report describing the result Implementation Presentation and demonstration  1 student, or 2 students work together

15 Page 15, August 14, 2015 Advanced CBSE Assignment 2 – Alternative 2  Alternative 2 (for PHD students) Write a technical paper that uses a particular topic from Component-based software Engineering A summary of existing research and practical results  10-30 references 15-20 pages (no copies allowed) Presentation 1 student, or 2 students work together

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