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RSC activities Professor Jim Iley CChem FRSC Director, Science and Education, RSC.

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Presentation on theme: "RSC activities Professor Jim Iley CChem FRSC Director, Science and Education, RSC."— Presentation transcript:

1 RSC activities Professor Jim Iley CChem FRSC Director, Science and Education, RSC

2 Outline  Vocational qualifications  Industrial placements  Degree accreditation

3 Vocational qualifications

4 RSciTech and RSci  450,000 technicians that will be needed by 2020 to underpin a growing innovation economy (Technician Council)  Two new registers from the Science Council: RSci and RSciTech  The RSC is one of 7 professional bodies to pilot the scheme – currently awaiting pilot licence

5 Current activities revised membership categories will allow non-graduate applicants to join RSC membership presentation and promotion of the new registers at the Laboratory Equipment Trade Show (Nottingham) 6 months RSC project funded by the Gatsby Foundation Sectors Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Contract analysis services, Food & Drink, Materials, Energy, Water, Defence, Agriculture and Academia

6 RSC vocational qualification study OBJECTIVES  scale of non-graduates working in technical roles across various chemical sectors  identify current apprenticeships providers and the number of apprenticeship schemes in the chemical sciences  Identify the opportunities for future potential for vocational qualifications in chemical sciences via both apprenticeship schemes and university/college courses

7 Industrial placements

8 Industrial Placements Chemistry World Jobs  Dedicated placement website  Free industrial placement advertisement for companies  Supported by HE STEM Programme

9 Industrial Placements Industrial Placement Guide  Written by Robin Mellors-Bourne (Careers Research and Advisory Centre)  Aimed at potential host companies  Provides guidance and clarifies misconceptions about hosting industrial placements  Supported by the HE STEM Programme

10 RSC degree accreditation

11  Currently accredit >250 chemistry programmes at 40 universities  Emphasis on applying knowledge and solving problems  Aligned to academic requirements for Chartered Chemist  Output focussed  Peer review process  Criteria based on external reference points  QAA benchmark  Qualification frameworks  Two levels of accreditation  Bachelor  Master

12 Key requirements for accreditation  Breadth of chemistry  Depth of chemistry  Practical abilities  Research training  Professional skills  Robust and varied assessment  Adequate resources  Quality assurance  Suitable placement activity  Appropriate degree title

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