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Toll Violations BATA Oversight Committee January 2008.

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1 Toll Violations BATA Oversight Committee January 2008

2 2 Tolling & Violation Systems on State-Owned Toll Bridges

3 3 CSC Violation Processing Image Reviews 900,000 images are reviewed each month Obtains vehicle owner information from DMV Sends violation notices Average of 160,000 first and second violation notices are sent each month First Notice – Toll plus $25 penalty Second Notice – Toll plus $70 penalty Collects violation payments Service Center Website

4 4 Customer Violations (Issue #1) Customer violation are about 6% (600,000 per month) of total transactions. All tolls are collected through license plate images.

5 5 True Violations (Issue #2) True Violations are mostly non-customers. True violations average about 3% (300,000 per month) of total trans actions.

6 6 True Violations - Equipment Issues (Issue #2) Currently (November 2007), about 50,000 violations per month are un-collectable due to equipment issues (e.g. cameras, image transmission, etc.).

7 7 True Violations - Vehicle Issues (Issue #3) Currently (November 2007), about 112,000 violations per month are un- collectable due to vehicle issues (e.g. no plate, dealer plate, obstructed plate, etc.)

8 8 Violation Payments (Issue #4) Violation payments have significantly increased with the implementation of DMV-holds.

9 9 Estimated Gap Between Toll Revenue Expected and Violation Funds Collected FY 06-07FY 07-08 (Estimated) Expected Toll Revenue from Violations (customer and true violations) $31,433,758$45,390,162 Violation Revenues Received (customer and true violations) $24,572,157$41,893,241 Net (Loss)/Gain($6,861,601)($3,496,921) Percent of Total Revenues-1.6%-0.7%

10 10 Violation Enforcement Plan 1.Reduce customer violations 2.Reduce true violators 3.Identify those that violate 4.Get payment from those who violate

11 11 Violation Enforcement Plan Customer Violations (Issue #1) 1.Retune tag readers in all FasTrak®-only lanes. 2.Replace all toll tags that are older than 5 years old. 3.Notify customers to properly install their toll tags. 4.Examine charging fees for excessive pay-by-plates. True Violations (Issue #2) 1.Implement CHP enforcement of violations at toll plazas, especially for vehicles that do not have license plates. 2.Conduct a public awareness campaign regarding violation enforcement. 3.Improve violation policy signage at plazas. 4.Introduce legislation allowing BATA to impound/boot vehicles and to revoke the driver’s license of vehicle owners with unpaid violations.

12 12 Violation Enforcement Plan Identify Violators (Issues #3 and #4) 1.Replace violation cameras system. 2.Develop “look-up” system with out-of-state DMVs. 3.Implement automatic violation processing agreements with rental car agencies. 4.Implement program to distribute toll tags at car dealerships. 5.Pursue legislation to require the issuance of license plates at car dealerships. Get Payment from Those that Violate (Issue #5) 1.Institute collections actions for motorists with outstanding violations (underway). 2.Improve DMV Hold processing with DMV, including use Franchise Tax Board to recover payment from motorists with outstanding violation payments.

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