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 What are some reasons why an individual would lose their driving privileges?

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1  What are some reasons why an individual would lose their driving privileges?

2 Students will be able to explain the chemical process of how alcohol affects the body and in turn impairs the ability to drive safely. Students will be able to create a variety of strategies to persuade someone away from drinking and driving.

3 Chapter 7

4 Question: Is driving a privilege or a right? Answer: Privilege, which is why NJ can suspend or revoke driving privileges. Question: Should driving be a right? Why or Why not?

5 Driver’s under age 21 found driving with a BAC of.01 or more will be penalized. Drivers 21 and over found driving with a BAC of.08 or more will be penalized.

6 If a driver under 21 drinks or purchases alcohol in a bar or liquor store, they may be: -Fined $500 -Lose license for 6 months -Possible Alcohol Education treatment center -6 month suspension begins when driver is first eligible to receive a license if they do not have one.

7 What happens to you when you abuse your driving privileges? Activity: In your groups, research and write down the mandatory penalties for the following offenses (use the Driver’s Manual for research). Each group will briefly present their information to the class. #1 1 st Offense, BAC.08 to.10 #2 1 st Offense, BAC.10 or more #3 Underage 1 st Offense, BAC.01 to.08 #4 2 nd Offense, Alcohol or drug related DUI (within 10 years of 1 st offense) #5 3 rd Offense, Alcohol or drug related DUI (within 10 years of 2 nd offense) #6 1 st Offense, Driving with no insurance #7 1 st Offense, Drinking alcoholic beverages while driving or riding

8 Present your findings in order from 1 – 7. 1 st Offense DUI (.08 -.10) -3 month license suspension -$250-400 fine -12 to 48hrs in IDRC -$230/day fee for IDRC -Up to 30 days in jail -$100 Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund Fee -$100 Alcohol Education Fund Fee -$1,000/year surcharge for 3 years -$75 Safe neighborhood Fund Fee -Possible Interlock Device for 6 months to a year Drinking and Driving…Is it worth it?

9 1 st Offense DUI (.10 or more) -7 moths to 1 year license suspension -$300 to $500 fine -Plus all other fines/penalties from 1 st Offense DUI (.08 to.10) 1 st Offense DUI Underage (.01 to.08) -30 to 90 day suspension of driving privilege (beginning immediately or when the driver is eligible for a license) -15 to 30 days community service -Participation in IDRC or Alcohol Education and Highway Safety Program Sobriety Test

10 -State Law requires all drivers charged with DUI attend IDRC -While there, drivers will attend an alcohol and highway safety education program -A decision will then be made if further treatment is necessary -If further treatment is required, a driver will attend at least a 16 week treatment program -Participation is required in IDRC for re-licensing

11 If convicted of DUI, you may be required to install an Ignition Interlock Device on your vehicle. The higher your BAC, the more probability you will be required to have one. Repeat DUI offenders are likely to have one installed. A driver must blow into the device before the car will start. If the driver’s BAC is.05 or more, the car will not start.

12 Activity: In your groups, take a few minutes and create a list of all the violations you can think of regarding motor vehicles. -Unsafe Driving -Reckless Driving -Abandoning a car -Carrying Alcohol -Ice and Snow -Speeding -Failure to comply -Insurance Fraud -Drug Offense -Hit-and-Run -Lying on Application -Forgery and Fraud -Driving While Suspended

13 A person over 13, but under 18, may have driving privileges postponed if convicted of graffiti A person under 21 may have driving privileges suspended or postponed for 6 months if convicted of setting false alarms.

14 The Motor Vehicle Commission keeps track of a motorist’s driving record by adding points to the record when the motorist is convicted of a moving violation. The more serious the violation, the more points a motorist is given. Up to three points will be subtracted from a driver’s record for every year the motorist goes without a violation or suspension.

15 See if you can guess the amount of points for each violation… Failure to Yield to a Pedestrian in a Crosswalk 2 Points Racing on a highway 5 Points

16 Operating a vehicle on public or private property to avoid a traffic control signal or sign 2 Points Improper Passing on Right or off- roadway 4 Points

17 Tailgating 5 Points Speeding 1 – 14mph over the limit 2 Points Speeding 15 – 29mph over the limit 4 Points

18 Failure to stop at a traffic light 2 Points Improper Passing of a School Bus 5 Points

19 All Drivers begin a 2 year Probationary Period when they receive their special learner’s permit or examination permit. During that, a Driver Can Not: -Have 2 or more Moving Violations -Totaling 4 or more Points If They Do… -The driver must enroll in the Probationary Driver Program -After complete, 3 points will be removed from their license

20 A driver who accumulates between 12 and 14 points on their record in a 24 month period must attend a NJ Driver Improvement Program. After Completion of the class, the driver will have 3 Points removed from his or her license A driver will be on a 1 year probation after completion of the class

21 or more Points in Years $150 Will result in a Surcharge of… Plus $25 For Each Additional Point A driver who accumulates

22 If you want to voluntarily reduce points on your record, a driver may enroll in a Defensive Driving Course. Defensive Driving Course will: -Provide drivers with collision preventing techniques -Provide drivers with increased safety skills -Remove 2 points from their record -Reduce insurance rates (most likely)

23 John Purkey oror Sarah Sylviano Both are Habitual Offenders, or someone who has had their license suspended 3 times in 3 years Unless you want a life of…

24 New Jersey does not allow any conditional or special work licenses, so if you lose your license, its… or The Bus Grandma Taking you to work…

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