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UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems (Under Article 5, Paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol) 11-12 April 2005 Wissenschaftszentrum, Bonn, Germany John Watterson.

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Presentation on theme: "UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems (Under Article 5, Paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol) 11-12 April 2005 Wissenschaftszentrum, Bonn, Germany John Watterson."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems (Under Article 5, Paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol) 11-12 April 2005 Wissenschaftszentrum, Bonn, Germany John Watterson & Sarah Baggott National Environmental Technology Centre - Netcen - Harwell Science Park, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QJ, UK Joanne Halliday UK Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs – Defra – London, SW1E 6DE With thanks to Susan Donaldson, Defra; Justin Goodwin and Glen Thistlethwaite, Netcen

2 UK NIS Planning Data Collection QA/QC Management Archiving Web Site Overview of presentation The UK National GHG Inventory System – development, implementation & experiences Inventory Planning Data Collection Quality Assurance and Quality Control Inventory Management and Archiving UK NIS Web Site

3 UK NIS Planning Data Collection QA/QC Management Archiving Web Site Overview of UK NIS

4 UNFCCC 15 April EU MONITORING MECHANISM 15th January & 15 March Inventory Compilation & QA/QC Data Gathering Checking Interpretation Calculation DEFRA Statistical Datasets (AEA Technology:- netcen) Energy & Fuel Statistics (DTI) Pollution Inventory (Environment Agency) Transport Statistics (DfT) Emission Factors (IPCC Guidelines) UnOffical Datasets: Industry & NGO’s (UKPIA, UKOOA Other Trade Associations, Individual Companies) Emission Factors Guidebooks & Literature Official Datasets: Unofficial Datasets: LLUCF inventory (CEH/FC/DEFRA) Agricultural Inventory (IGER/DEFRA) Other Inventory Development (Contracts/DEFRA) MOU* Development (2005/6) MOU* Development (2004/5) UK Emission Inventory Database Defra Contracts CRF NIR Key Controlled Data Flow Data Quality Agreements Data Sources: Xxx... DEFRA’s Zone of Authority AEA Technology Zone of Authority UK National Inventory System (DEFRA) * MOU = Memorandum of Understanding

5 UK NIS - Key organisations Single National Entity UK Defra GHGi management team 6+  Inventory Agency Netcen Data processing and reporting, QAQC management, GHGi planning & development 10+  Energy Industry Transport Waste Netcen 10+  LUCF Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 3  Agriculture Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research 2  Key Data Providers (KDPs) Energy data – DTI DfT - Transport UKOOA – oil & gas UKPIA - petroleum etc. Confirm capacity

6 UK NIS – Key Data Providers Key data providers DTI – Energy balance data EA/SEPA/NIDoE – Industrial point source data DfT – Transport data ESI – Power station data UKPIA – Refinery and petroleum products data UKOOA – Offshore oil and gas data Corus – Iron and Steel data Other trade associations and industry contacts

7 Single National Entity functions Defra’s key NIS roles & responsibilities NIS Management & Planning Overall control of the NIS development & function Management of contracts & delivery of GHGI Definition of performance criteria for NIS key organisations Development of Legal & Contractual Infrastructure Review of legal & organisational structure Implementation of legal instruments and contractual developments as required to meet guidelines NIS implementation plan in place. Ongoing review of current NIS. Development of MOUs or new legal mechanisms being discussed.

8 Inventory Agency functions Netcen NIS roles & responsibilities Planning Close co-ordination with Defra to deliver NIS Review of current NIS performance Assessment of required development Scheduling of tasks and responsibilities to deliver GHGI and NIS on time, to budget Preparation Drafting of agreements / MOUs Review of source data & identify developments required to improve GHGI quality Management Documentation & archiving Dissemination of information NIS implementation plan in place. Regular meetings with Defra. Contacts Database, Document archive, Development of NIS information for Key Data Providers Evolution of current inventory compilation system. Ongoing programme of meetings with Key Data Provider organisations.

9 Key Data Provider functions Data Provider NIS roles & responsibilities Data Quality, Format, Timeliness, Security Close co-ordination with Netcen to deliver source data in appropriate format and in time for inventory compilation phase, allowing for all required QA-QC procedures. Assessment of their current data acquisition, processing & reporting systems, taking regard for QAQC requirements. Identify any required organisational or legal development and resources to meet more stringent NIS data requirements, notably the security of data provision in the future. Communication with Defra, Netcen and their peers / members to help to disseminate information regarding NIS Ongoing programme of meetings between Netcen and Key Data Providers. UK NIS stakeholder workshop planned for May 2005. Review of KDP data systems planned for Summer 2005.

10 NIS implementation plan JanJulyDecJan JulyDecJanJuly DecJanJulyDec NIS Annex in NIR NIS implementation 2003200420052006 Meeting with KDPs Netcen developing MoUs Implement legal instruments? - discuss options internally - involved Defra legal team -liaison with Defra -develop MoUs for Key Data Providers -MoUs build on close working realtionship between Netcen and KDPs - degree of formalisation - legal character (MoU’s) Defra examining NIS implementation requirements UK NIS implemented ?? Web site operational

11 Experiences of and plans for the establishing the UK NIS Implementation UK working on NIS implementation since 2003 Resources Significant resources needed, delivered and still being delivered Degree of formalisation Are MoUs strict enough to ensure data delivery? Legal instruments might be required Effects of the EU ETS on data delivery Data reporting requirements of ETS has impacted on GHG key data providers Some Key Data Providers more sceptical of GHG data use Need to closely couple data delivery of ETS and NIS

12 Official consideration & approval Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Data collection Emission Calculation Database entry National Inventory Report Preparation Archiving Core Activity Output (CRF) -Inputs from all sector experts -Content evolves following FCCC Expert Review Team comments and Peer Review comments -Netcen co-ordinates -Internal review -Defra review

13 Quality Assurance and Quality Control UK NIS Planning Data Collection QA/QC Management Archiving Web Site

14 IPCC definitions Quality Control A system to ensure regular & adequate checking Quality Assurance A system of regular independent reviews Peer reviews In-depth reviews (FCCC)

15 Annual Data Flow Quality Control Documentation & referencing Data Request Raw Data Compilation:Dissemination Emissions Contacts DB: Who, What, When Online Internal Documentation Methodology Reports UNFCCC CRF UNECE NFR -Full reference -Calculation Method -Compilation Procedure -Responsibilities -Record of Change

16 QA/QC programme and plan Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Data collection Emission Calculation Database entry National Inventory Report Preparation Archiving Core Activity Output (CRF) -unique reference -check data input data -Full referencing of input data -check units, time series consistency -second person check -document on QA/QC page -online manual -check database CRF output -CRF totals -check for large changes from previous year -database files -spreadsheet files -source data -manuals -report -Time series -pollutant expert check -Global check -Explain large changes -Database fuel totals- vs-National statistics -mass balance checks -check tables and numbers -Second person check Quality Control Key Documentation Checking External Check QA activities -peer reviews -review of emission factors & methods e.g. Peer Review: Aviation e.g. Peer Review: Agriculture Other Peer Review: …… Quality Assurance

17 Quality Assurance: activities 2002-2005 Verification of the halocarbon inventory UK Met. Office Review of halocarbon estimates Netcen Peer Review of fuel combustion sources of CO 2 Tim Simmons Review of landfill CH 4 emissions Nottingham University Agriculture Peer Review Prof Ulrich Daemmgen (FAL, Germany) and Ulrike Doering (UBA, Germany) ISO 9002 2000 audit by Lloyds

18 UK NIS Web Site UK NIS Planning Data Collection QA/QC Management Archiving Web Site


20 Acknowledgements The UK GHG inventory is funded by UK Defra and the Devolved Administrations UK Defra Jim Penman – Head Response Strategies Susan Donaldson – GHG Science Advisor Joanne Halliday – GHG Science Advisor Netcen Glen Thistlethwaite – UK NIS development Justin Goodwin – Netcen Inventory Champion

21 ( - end of presentation - )

22 Supplementary information …

23 Overview of NIS compliance RequirementExisting arrangementsDevelopment needed Single National Entity Designate Single National Entity with overall responsibility for the inventory. Make available the postal and electronic addresses of that national entity. UK Defra (GA) currently has overall responsibility. Netcen is the inventory agency. Formal designation required for UK Defra – in progress. NIS Organisational Structure, Responsibilities, Legal & Procedural Basis Establish & maintain the institutional, legal and procedural arrangements for NIS functions. Include the definition of specific responsibilities between government agencies and other entities (e.g. on choice of methods, activity data, emission factors, QA/QC). UK Defra (GA) manages contracts with Netcen, CEH, IGER and others. Data providers include DTI, EA, DfT, UKOOA, UKPIA, Defra (other), FC, ODPM and Industry sectors. Formal agreements with key data providers to guarantee quality, timeliness and format of data required by Netcen. Well advanced - UK considering Memoranda of Understanding and also legal basis. Each Key Data Provider needs to review its legal and resourcing issues regarding delivery of data to Defra and inform Defra of required development of data acquisition & reporting systems, resources and legal framework to fulfil NIS requirement. Establish processes for official consideration and approval prior to submission Netcen clears NIR and CRF via Defra before submission to UNFCCC. Further early review of provisional inventory with Key Data Providers may be needed. Comments on time series consistency and magnitude of emissions.

24 Overview of NIS compliance RequirementExisting arrangementsDevelopment needed Resources of Inventory Agency & Key Data Providers The NIS should ensure sufficient capacity for rigorous & timely performance of Inventory Agency & KDP functions including:Data collection, data processing, data reporting, QA/QC, technical competence of staff, audit & review, continuous review Clearly defined annual cycles of data provision in place (e.g. energy statistics) in the UK. Single National Entity sufficiently resourced to carry their roles. Inventory Agency under contract to Defra Short internal reviews to confirm resourcing position and strengthen systems where appropriate. Planning & Management of GHGI Process Establish a NIS that ensures that inventory activities are planned, prepared and managed to ensure compliant performance of functions such as: data collection, method & emission factor selection, uncertainty assessment, QA/QC, inventory review. Strong and well defined planning and management process in place Sufficient capacity for timely performance of functions (including data collection and technical competence of staff) Review of current NIS system prior to implementation of the UK NIS. Peer & Expert Review Process Two reviews to date – CO 2 from fuel combustion and agricultural sector Currently implementing the recommendations of these reviews – completed prior to fixing our Assigned Amount. GHG Estimation Methods Follow IPCC 1996 guidelines and 2000 Good Practice Guidance Preparation of inventory estimates in accordance with IPCC guidelines and good practice guidance Review prior to 2006 NIR, and selective implementation of recommendations of the Peer Reviews.

25 Overview of NIS compliance RequirementExisting arrangementsDevelopment needed QA System Requirement - Key Data Provider Data Schedules to define format, quality, timeliness, security Establish clearly defined & detailed schedules to describe the requirements of data provision by KDPs, to include:-format, timeliness of delivery, QA/QC requirements, security of data provision Work to generate Memoranda of Understanding well advanced. MoUs developed for all Key Data Providers. Formalise MoUs – may choose legal instrument to secure data provision instead. QA System Requirement - Documentation & Archiving Maintain a system of clear documentation & archiving to ensure transparency of data flows from raw data through inventory compilation to reporting. Inventory management: Archive all relevant inventory information (AD, EFs, documentation outlining assumptions, methods etc) in a single location. Include internal documents on QA/QC procedures, external and internal reviews, annual key sources, key source identification and planned inventory improvements. Clear data archiving in single location will facilitate Art. 8 reviews of inventory data. Advanced, tested and externally inspected system in place. Two key databases – inventory database, and contacts database. Inventory ‘locked’ and all relevant information archived each year after the inventory is completed. Review system and check for any compliance gaps.

26 Overview of NIS compliance RequirementExisting arrangementsDevelopment needed QA System Requirement: IPCC Guidance, Tier 1 & Tier 2 QC Procedures Implement general inventory QC procedures (Tier 1) in accordance with QA/QC plan and IPCC guidance, and conduct source category specific QC procedures (Tier 2) to key source categories or where significant revisions have been made. Most procedures already in place. Review and checks for any compliance gaps. NIS reporting requirements (280/2004/EC, Art.3.1, and the Implementing Provisions for this – see also the timescale for MS reporting obligations in Annex VI of the Implementing Provisions, and the description of reporting requirements of supplementary information under Art. 7 para 2 in the Marrakech Accords.) Reporting of QA/QC activities and status of NIS are included within the NIR. New Annex to summarise the UK NIS – current status and development work.

27 Quality manual On-line manual Contains instructions on all aspects of inventory responsibilities including compiling the inventory reporting the inventory QA/QC section explaining what checks need to be carried out and when Induction training for new staff UK inventory system Outputs QA/QC Methods overview Databases & internal systems

28 Quality control Recalculation Revisions to methodologies mean emissions for all previous years re-calculated Uncertainties Assessment made following IPCC ‘good practice’ guidelines (Tier 1/2) Computer records For key databases, 60 minute rolling backup QA/QC of data suppliers Requesting details of procedures from data suppliers One-to-One meetings with major data providers

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