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COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE FOR SPRINGS IN TEXAS Prepared by: Ben Bates, Jason Pickett, Mark Pillion, Yasmin Sierra Status Report.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE FOR SPRINGS IN TEXAS Prepared by: Ben Bates, Jason Pickett, Mark Pillion, Yasmin Sierra Status Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE FOR SPRINGS IN TEXAS Prepared by: Ben Bates, Jason Pickett, Mark Pillion, Yasmin Sierra Status Report

2 OVERVIEW Introduction Purpose Summary Project Description Progress Problems Conclusion Questions

3 INTRODUCTION This is a progress report on the status of the Texas springs database compilation as of April 02, 2010

4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Integrate data Create a comprehensive map-based database Create a systematic standard For categorization of spring data Standard is unique to this study Convert into a GIS Allow for further analysis

5 SUMMARY Texas Hydrological Innovations’ Focus So Far  THI has been compiling and cleaning data  Completion of the data compilation for the Zone 1 *At this point THI compiled data for Zone 1 which includes approximately 1000 springs.

6 STATUS The database is currently on budget and on schedule. We expect to have the database and final report completed on time by May 05, 2010.

7 PROJECT CONCEPT Single Comprehensive Digital Database Heitmueller and Reece (2003) TWDB NWIS USGS Historical Springs River Systems Institute

8 WORK PROGRESSION Zone 1: 995 Springs 27 Counties Zone 2: 562 Springs 131 Counties Zone 3: 619 Springs 96 Counties

9 WORK COMPLETED Task 1. Created a project standard Task 2. Simplified attribute table Task 3. Aggregated primary databases Task 4. Eliminated duplicate data Task 5. Converted latitude/longitude Task 6. Contacted Helen Besse, specialist on springs of Texas

10 CREATED PROJECT STANDARD Based on attributes that exist, THI created a standard for the categorization of the spring data. Created by locating commonalities in attributes amongst the primary databases and determining which other attributes are pertinent to the study.


12 923 Springs Zone 1: Springs Found in more than 1 Database

13 72 Springs Zone 1: Springs Found in 1 Database

14 THI CONTACTED HELEN BESSE THI began initial discussions with Helen Besse Issue: The data documented by the Ecological Recovery Foundation does not have spatial reference Privacy issues exist for some springs THI will be meeting with Helen Besse to determine how to best incorporate their data

15 CURRENT WORK IN PROGRESS THI is currently evaluating the water quality and gathering and analyzing water discharge data. Attributes for Water Discharge High and Low flow Average flow discharge 10 th and 90 th percentile Date the data was recorded

16 FUTURE WORK Construct a Piper Diagram The Piper Diagram will be used to show inorganic chemical characteristics for select springs. The characteristics will be used to determine the source Aquifers where the Aquifer is unknown. Currently we have water quality for 820 springs. Of those, 48 have unknown aquifers.

17 FUTURE WORK Completion of Zones 2 and 3 Import data into Arc GIS We will convert tables currently in Excel format to.dbf files. Create a user friendly map. THI will explore the options to create a map that targets users with no GIS experience or ESRI ArcGIS access.

18 FUTURE WORK Complete Final Deliverables Create metadata Create a website CD containing all project components Poster of project Power Point presentation Final Report

19 PROBLEMS TWDB Elevation Issues Estimated from a 7.5 minute map Privacy Issues Spring location disclosure Water Quality Data Missing potassium Discharge Data One source (USGS) Data to be included?



22 CONCLUSION THI has completed Creation of the project standard Aggregation of the primary databases (for Zone 1) Elimination of duplicate data (for Zone 1) Simplification of the attribute table Conversion of latitude and longitude (for Zone 1) Reviewed Current & future work schedules Problems THI is on schedule and the final deadline will be met


24 Ben Bates Web Master Jason Pickett Analyst Mark Pillion Assistant Project Manager Yasmin Sierra Project Manager If you have any questions you may contact any member of THI

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