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Flotilla Leadership Course

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1 Flotilla Leadership Course
Instructor Notes: Introduce USCG Auxiliary and what we do Introduce the Instructor(s) and Proctors Explain the logistics for the session National Training Department

2 What You Will Learn Establish accountability and responsibility and ensure that members follow the Chain of Leadership. Use the monthly calendar to comply with scheduled reports. Report Flotilla activities in a timely manner. Create a Flotilla budget and financial reports that reflect Flotilla requirements. Instructor Notes: The core modules in this course are designed to familiarize each participant with the duties and responsibilities of the Flotilla Commander.

3 What You Will Learn Account for all inventory.
Establish a relationship with the Coast Guard in your area. Develop Emergency Plans and update them as necessary. Locate and use reference materials and manuals, both hard copies and online versions. Use e-Auxiliary to support all Flotilla functions. The core modules in this course are designed to familiarize each participant with the duties and responsibilities of the Flotilla Commander.

4 Course Description The Flotilla Leadership Course (FLC) provides Flotilla Commanders (FCs) an organizational framework and resources to successfully manage their Flotillas.  It orients FCs by presenting leadership and management concepts and providing tools and other online resources that support their position throughout their tenure.   Coast Guard Auxiliary Policy Statement      The Flotilla Leadership Academy (FLA) provides Flotilla Commanders (FC) an organizational framework and resources to successfully manage their Flotillas.  It orients the FC by presenting leadership and management concepts and providing tools and other online resources that support the requirements of this position throughout its tenure. While duties and responsibilities in the Auxiliary vary across different areas of the country, there are mandatory reports and items that a Flotilla Commander must address in a timely fashion. At the end of this module you will be able to: How to ensure that members follow the Chain of Leadership; Use the monthly calendar to comply with scheduled reports; Report Flotilla activities in a timely manner; Create a flotilla budget and financial reports that reflect Flotilla requirements; Account for all inventory; Establish a relationship with the Coast Guard in your area; Develop Emergency Plans and update them as required; Locate and use necessary reference materials and manuals.

5 Blended Course Design The FLC utilizes a blended learning approach to deliver online and residential instruction to FCs about essential aspects, resources and tools for effective management of members and resources. The online course is available through the Blackboard 8 Community System hosted by Southern New Hampshire University Online.

6 Manuals and Web Sites Auxiliary Manual (AuxMan) - M16790.1G
Flotilla Procedures Manual (FPM) – M Rules of Order Other Manuals National Web Sites Forms Chief Director of Auxiliary (CHDIRAUX) The Auxiliary Manual (AuxMan) and the Flotilla Procedures Manual (FPM) are the two manuals Flotilla Commander will use most of the time. The main reference for the Flotilla is the AuxMan. This is available online at the link provided. The AuxMan is divided into 12 chapters and 13 Appendices and it provides answers to most questions about Flotilla issues, such as uniforms, protocol, or procedures. The FPM is an annotated document that pertains specifically to flotilla functions and covers all aspects of the flotilla, from administration through protocol and correspondence. The Rules of Order help you in run a flotilla meeting correctly. They are taken from the reference Robert’s Rules of Order, which is the accepted guide for meeting procedures by the United States Coast Guard. Forms are found on the National Auxiliary website. First, choose the type of form you want, whether regular or . Then, select your form and the accompanying instructions; most forms are self explanatory. Consult with your FSO-Information Services Officers (FSO-IS) if you need additional information. Links for most manuals can be found on the Chief Director’s website, including a ribbon checker, Auxdata, the Aux Knowledge base and the National Auxiliary web site. Familiarize yourself with these sites to become comfortable in finding the information you or your members may seek.

7 Yearly Calendar Start in December – a sample calendar is available in the Documents section of the course web site. Get Password and Instructions for AUXDATA ANSC By 31 December to DIRAUX, DCDR ANSC 7006 – Changes made to the staff ANSC Record of unit meeting ANSC By 31 January to DIRAUX The yearly calendar begins with December because a new FC has mandatory reports that need to be submitted at or near the end of the current year. The calendar presented here lists the recurring reports/duties/activities that a Flotilla Commander will need to address by month. This list needs to be updated with items that pertain specifically to your Flotilla. The forms listed (7007, 7006, 7017, 7025) are mandatory reports that reflect changes to staff offices and financial reports that need to be sent to DIRAUX and the Division Commander. Online interactive forms are available to make it easy to complete these forms in a timely manner. The ANSC 7006 form is used throughout the year whenever there is a change to an office.

8 Finances The following sample reports are available in the Course Documents section: Sample Flotilla Budget FPM Page 1 C-4 Sample Flotilla Periodic Financial Report – FPM Page 1 C-5 Flotilla Financial Report – ANSC 7025 A budget establishes fiscal responsibility. A properly prepared budget with correct and complete information should allow the Flotilla to be financial secure and solvent. The budget is prepared by the budget committee and presented to the membership for approval before money can be spent. The Standing Rules govern the amount that the Flotilla Commander can spend in an emergency; all else needs approval by the membership. In the Flotilla Procedures Manual (FPG) you will find a sample flotilla budget on page 1 C-4 and on page 1 C-5; there is a periodic financial report that you can use to assure the flotilla stays within the budget. Once the budget is approved, the FSO-FN keeps track of the budget and reports monthly to the membership. The FSO-FN should also highlight any developing problem areas in time to work on a solution. Using the ANSC 7025, the FSO-FN can give the incoming officers a good financial picture; an interactive link is provided.

9 Monthly Reporting Activities
Report to DCDR by the 20th of each month. Check AUXINFO reports. Review articles for the Flotilla Newsletter. Confirm Vice Flotilla Commander is getting reports from Flotilla Staff Officers. The monthly report to the Division Commander should include all the activities that are not routine to the Flotilla. Examples are: National Safe Boating Week, Public Education programs, Public Affairs accomplishments, PATON patrols, USCG requested ATON night patrols, fellowship, and any awards that are requested for members. There will be many other occasions that are pertinent to your flotilla. AUXINFO is a reporting program that reflects activities that have been entered into AUXDATA, the data-reporting system used by the Auxiliary. AUXINFO will show what your flotilla has done during the last month. This report will help you learn about your strengths and areas that need improvement. Using this information you can formulate goals and plan member training . It is essential that you submit your newsletter article on time every month to the publications officer. You have to be the role model for supporting your staff communicate with each Flotilla member. Furthermore, some flotillas have members that live outside the local membership area and may not make every meeting. Through your article you should inform all members about the policies, procedures and activities of the Flotilla. Remember to acknowledge and publicly thank members who consistently assist the Flotilla in achieving its goals. Finally, remind Staff Officers to also submit a report to the publications officer for inclusion in the newsletter. Each staff officer should be encouraged to send a monthly report to the Vice Flotilla Commander. These reports help the Flotilla Commander and the membership assess how the Flotilla is performing and address problems that may arise in a timely fashion.

10 Unit Inventory Record Inventory should include purchased and donated items: All equipment. Real Estate. Inventory. Stocks and Bonds. Unit Inventory Record form – see Back of ANSC 7025. Follow the link to the sample Inventory Report which is on the back of the ANSC 7025, the Flotilla Financial Report. You may need guidance as to what you include in the inventory. The purpose is to provide an annual accounting of what your flotilla owns and owes. This form is also used for transfer accountability and responsibility upon the election of new officers or a new FSO-Materials (FSO-MA). This form includes detailed instructions.

11 Emergency Planning Disaster Plan: Calling Tree v “EverBridge”
Pre/Post Preparations and Patrols. Recovery Plan. Joint Exercises/Drills. Create any local Area Requirements: Tornadoes. Hurricanes. Floods. Earthquakes. Every DIRAUX and USCG Sector Commander requires a written Disaster Plan from all Flotillas and Divisions. Disaster Plans include, but are not limited to, Hurricanes, Floods, Evacuations, Tornados and any other natural or man-made disaster. If developed properly, a Disaster Plan can be used for all events. A Disaster Plan usually includes a Calling Tree, Pre and Post disaster preparations and a Recovery Plan. Information about local boat ramps used, telephone numbers for bridges, the roster of the flotilla or the division and anything other information useful in assisting Auxiliary members, the USCG and the local public. If your Sector has assets crucial to your community, it would be advantageous to participate in the disaster drills or exercises your Emergency Operations Center develops for your area of responsibility. Examples of these assests are bridges, ports and nuclear power plants located on local waterways. .

12 Relationship with the Gold Side
In your District, this begins with the DIRAUX, the District Commodore (DCO); the CG AUXLO, the District Captain (DCAPT) and Division Commander (DCDR). Follow the chain of leadership. Invite active duty and Reserve to fellowship events. Look for ways to assist, not hinder. Remember your uniform!

13 e-AUXILIARY National Web site
"How to Library"(AuxData, AuxInfo, e-Directory) AuxData AuxInfo Auxe-Directory 2009p

14 HOW TO LIBRARY Visit the "How to Library" to learn how to:
Use the eDirectory  How to use AUXINFO: Use AUXINFO to determine IT & Aide Hours  Use AUXINFO to determine AWARDS  Use AUXINFO to determine unit DEMOGRAPHICS  Use AUXINFO to determine Operational hours (Cox, Crew, Pilot, Radio) Hours  Use AUXINFO to determine the number of VSCs   Use the AUXINFO COMPETENCY CUBE  Use AUXINFO to determine completion of a workshop  Use AUXINFO to determine completion of a currency task (NAVRULES example)  Use AUXINFO to determine a units PA activity  Use AUXINFO to track your activity 

15 HOW TO LIBRARY Visit the "How to Library" to learn how to: Use AUXDATA
Load Citrix.  Update Personal Info.  Check Currency Maintenance.   Useful AUXDATA Reports.  Print a Report with Citrix.   Save a Report with Excel.   Print Mailing Labels.   Use Excel to Print a Member Roster.   Update Patriot Readiness Availability.

16 USCGAUX Forms Home USCGAUX Forms Home Access to all current forms:
Download / fill-in / print. Access to forms: Fill-in / send-off. Miscellaneous Documents: Letterhead / business cards / press releases. Level of Adobe controls level of access. Input officer must agree to accept forms Keep copies – no notification of bad addresses

17 National Training Dept.
The Department of Training serves our members by designing, delivering, and maintaining courses in leadership, member training, value-added training, and AUXOP specialty courses.  E-Learning AUXOP C-School Leadership Value-Added Training Open book exams include IT / VE / PV / NAV OSC exams for all except SAR and ACN 2009p

18 PC Tools Get Free Adobe® Reader®
Download PowerPoint, Excel and Word viewers

19 Click on the box to access the USCGAUX AUXWeb

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