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Mango Language Learning Software: a new eResource Alison McMillan Technology Assistant – Marigold Library System.

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Presentation on theme: "Mango Language Learning Software: a new eResource Alison McMillan Technology Assistant – Marigold Library System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mango Language Learning Software: a new eResource Alison McMillan Technology Assistant – Marigold Library System

2 "Best Trip Ever" Mango Languages Web Commercial. Shows the Mango language learning program in action and how it can help you communicate when you travel, meet people, actually have real conversations. --1:44 mins d6tPpnEJXeQ d6tPpnEJXeQ

3 What is Mango? A new language learning e-resource. It is available on the TRACpac website under the E-resource links Mango replaces the previous TellMeMore / Auralog e-resource. Mango supports 34 languages for native English students and 15 languages for English as a Second Language students. Many of these languages are available at either Basic or Complete (Advanced) levels of detail.

4 What do you need? TRAC barcode (library membership) and pin number to open Mango from the TRACpac website. You can then create a personal account in Mango so you can take language courses on multiple visits. The software is Flash based so most Marigold library computers will not need extra software installed to make it work. Flash is free from if library patrons need it for their home computers. May want to purchase microphone headsets for privacy and convenience.


6 Mango Mobile Library Edition Learn languages everywhere you go with the free app for the iPhone® and iPod touch® (it also runs on the iPad®). Full featured, Mango Mobile Library Edition gives you access to all the Mango language courses offered through your library.

7 App Includes: Full access to all Mango courses offered by your library Interactive phonetic spellings Semantic color mapping Articulated-speed and fluent-speed pronunciations Literal translations and understood meanings Grammar notes Cultural notes Strategic memory building exercises Critical thinking exercises

8 App Requirements: Valid library account An account with Mango (set up through your library website) iPhone®, iPod touch® or iPad® running iOS4


10 Mango Staff Training Video

11 Why Mango? This is the Mango Languages story about Passion for language, culture and learning. --4:55 mins KDhukXB7cmM KDhukXB7cmM

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