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1 Geographic Names Project U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior Proposed National Standard for Named Physical & Cultural Geographic Features.

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1 1 Geographic Names Project U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior Proposed National Standard for Named Physical & Cultural Geographic Features

2 2 Full Title Identifying Attributes for Named Physical and Cultural Geographic Features (Except Roads and Highways) of the United States, Territories, Outlying Areas, and Freely Associated Areas, and the Waters of the Same to the Limit of the Twelve Mile Statutory Zone

3 3 Timeline 1890: U.S. Board on Geographic Names Established 1947: Board reauthorized in public law 80-242 1975: Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) implemented 1987: GNIS designated as official Federal source of names & locations 08 Feb 05: NIST withdraws FIPS 55 as Federal standard 01 Jan 06: GNIS Feature ID supersedes FIPS55 Place Code 13 Jul 06: Proposal submitted to ANSI INCITS L1 Committee 21 Sep 06: Briefed to FGDC Homeland Security Working Group 12 Oct 06: Briefed to INCITS L1 Committee 18 Oct 06 : Proposal accepted by INCITS L1 Committee May 07: Draft Standard submitted to INCITS L1 Committee TBD 07: Standard approved Translating existing federally developed standards into a national, public, consensus based standard

4 4 Supersedes ANSI X3.47:1988 [R2004], Structure for the Identification of Named Populated Places, Primary county Divisions and other Entities of the U.S. and Its Outlying Areas for Information Interchange FIPS PUB 55-DC3:1994, Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and Other Locational Entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Outlying Areas

5 5 Standardization not Regulation  Homeland Security/Homeland Defense  Civil Support  Emergency Preparedness & Response  Regional & Local Planning  Site Selection & Analysis  Cartographic Application  Environmental Problem-solving  Tourism  All Levels of Communication The implications of incorrect, inaccurate, or contradictory feature data appearing simultaneously from multiple sources are, if anything, more serious today. Why Standardize Feature Names and Locations?

6 6 Need for Names Standardization Before—19 th Century Scientific and exploration expeditions recorded conflicting feature names, resulting in significant confusion and difficulty Today Geographic names are a key component of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure An official A-16 layer And a base layer of The National Map Always Consistency is a key attribute of base geographic information

7 7 U.S. Board on Geographic Names 4 September 1890 – Established by Presidential Executive Order 25 July 1947 – Re-established by Public Law 80-242 Representatives of Federal agencies concerned with geographic information, population, ecology, and management of public lands.

8 8 U.S. Board on Geographic Names Ensures uniformity in geographic nomenclature and orthography throughout the Federal government Formulates principles, policies, and procedures for domestic feature names standardization. Serves as Federal authority to which name problems, name inquiries, name changes, and new name proposals are directed Promulgates Decisions with respect to geographic names and locations Publishes official feature names and locations

9 9 Concepts And Terms Concept and terms relating to geographic feature names and locations are defined within the Principles, Policies, and Procedures for Domestic Geographic Feature Names of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (

10 10 Geographic Names Information System Official Federal source for feature names and locations Base theme of The National Map Authoritative A16 database for geographic names Conforms to Board principles, policies, guidelines 30 Years of Data from authoritative sources Stable, mature geographic information system Full national coverage, consistent, seamless Quality assured, prevents duplication Open, interoperable, available, web services Functioning partner base – Federal, State, Local, Tribal Large user community of long standing

11 11 Feature Examples in the GNIS 502,000 hydrographic features – Synchronized with NHD 395,000 cultural features – Mostly structures  Cemetery, Dam, Locale, Mine, Military (historical), Oilfield, Tower, Trail, Well 376,000 structural features  Airport, Building, Church, Hospital, School, Post Office 257,000 landforms – In no other layer of The National Map  (Other than hydrographic features in NHD) 170,000 populated places 100,000 admin features  Civil, Forest, Park, Reserve 97,000 historical features – In no other layer 14,000 transportation point features  Bridge, Crossing, Tunnel (14,000 Antarctica features)

12 12 Scope of Standard Domestic named geographic features, geographic areas, locational entities  All types, physical and cultural (Except roads and highways) Generally recognizable and locatable by name Of interest to all levels of government and public for any purpose As defined by authoritative source/data owner  Inclusive, not exclusive  Standard does not address specifications relating to ownership, permanence, size, scale, types, classes, or other factors

13 13 Exclusion Guidelines Generally excluded  Brand name commercial facilities (unless a landmark)  Unnamed features locatable only by address or other locative attribute  Small infrastructure and utility elements, e.g., utility poles, junction boxes, pumping stations, mile markers  Mobile or transitory features that do not achieve significant name and location recognition Guidelines subject to review and revision by the Board on Geographic Names and staff The final authority concerning applicability of any particular feature or feature set to this standard rests with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names or the staff of the Geographic Names Project. The final authority concerning applicability of any particular feature or feature set to this standard rests with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names or the staff of the Geographic Names Project.

14 14 A Geographic Feature is: Feature ID Name Location An entity on the landscape/seascape that requires identification, location, and attribution for information of government and the public having: Minimum Identifying Attributes Characterized and differentiated solely by function— not by relationships, hierarchies, size, extent, age, composition, structure, ownership, or other factors

15 15 The Feature Identifier (ID) is: Permanent, unique, national record number  To absolutely identify that record  To absolutely distinguish the record from all others  In any database, dataset, file, or document Without information content  Not a code but doesn’t restrict the use of codes  Not subject to change as attribute values change  Can be mapped to system-specific record identifiers Never withdrawn and never reassigned Assigned sequentially to new records  Highest existing number plus 1

16 16 Why a Standard Feature ID? Ensures national record identity and uniqueness Promotes horizontal and vertical data consistency Correlates multiple datasets  Overlapping, potentially contradictory  Virtually impossible to correlate masses of feature data based solely on attribute comparisons or spatial analysis Ensures all attributes and attribute values from any source apply to the specified feature and to no other Ensures Federal, State, county, local data properly represented in official Federal database available to all Mitigates against incorrect, inaccurate, contradictory feature data appearing simultaneously in multiple layers

17 17 The Standard Feature Name is: Alpha-numeric name, title, or designation  The one and only official name per feature (May be any number of variant or alternative names)  In any language expressible in Roman Alphabet Within guidelines of Board on Geographic Names  Complete and correct in wording, spelling, capitalization, diacritical marks, special characters  Nationally consistent. Standard in form, presentation. Defined by authoritative source/data owner  In all but a few cases requiring formal Board review (Mostly natural features)

18 18 Why a Standard Feature Name? Consistent common reference available to all Accurate and current by authoritative source Without a standard feature name: Text easily looses consistency in multiple sources  Even minor variations in wording, spelling, capitalization, diacritical marks, special characters  Uneven use of generic terms in the name (School, Fire or Police Station, Hospital, Emergency Facility, etc.)  Non-standard abbreviations  Difficult to enforce quality assurance and validation File matching by name difficult & labor intensive

19 19 The Standard Feature Location is: Official point to which official name is referenced  Reliable as national locational identifier  Independent of size, extent, other spatial representations  Based on verifiable document/graphic/image/GPS  (Geocoded locations not sufficiently accurate.) Stored as latitude and longitude  Decimal degrees to seven places, NAD83  Available in geospatial format Defined by authoritative source/data owner  Normally near center or centroid with exceptions  Within guidelines of the Board on Geographic Names

20 20 Why a Standard Feature Location? Consistent common reference available to all Accurate and current by authoritative source Without a standard feature location: Boundaries not reliable for identity or uniqueness  Multiple versions, varying resolutions, differing precision  Uncertain currency  Overlapping jurisdictions—horizontal and vertical  Subjective and/or purpose-specific definitions Many features have no single set of definable, official, recognized, or agreed upon boundaries  80% of communities have no legal boundaries

21 21 Applying as an Authoritative Source Apply to Geographic Names Project  Any Federal, State, local agency, associated contractors  Able to serve as responsible source of named feature data  Covering National, regional, and/or feature class categories Granted primary authority to enter and revise data  Data from other sources coordinated with authorized source The standard does not address conflicting claims of jurisdiction, authority, responsibility, ownership, and/or stewardship  Resolution rests with claimants

22 22 Defining a National Standard Feature Name & location become national standards upon:  Submission by authoritative source of a new feature  Validation by Geographic Names Project, or  Decision by the Board on Geographic Names (Natural features, canals, reservoirs only)  Entry into Geographic Names Information System  Assignment of a new Feature ID Board Policy:  Names and locations of cultural (not natural) features are determined by authoritative source and are not subject to formal Board review and decision

23 23 Revising a National Standard Feature Revisions submitted by authoritative source At any time through multiple mechanisms:  Written correspondence, telephone, electronic mail, secure web forms, batch files (most standard formats), automated exchanges utilizing web feature services  Other procedures as technology advances Changes validated and committed by Geographic Names data specialists

24 24 Accessing Feature Data Feature data available through GNIS:  Public web query site (  File Download Services (  Web map, feature and XML services  Customized files on request  Collaborative efforts on common application interfaces  Other mechanisms in the future Contains other non-standard attributes—feature classification, secondary points, feature State(s) and county(ies), topographic map name(s), history, description, designations

25 25 Related Efforts Feature ID/Name/Location in DHS Geospatial Data Model  Top level optional attributes (next version spring 2007) Referenced In draft FGDC Address Standard GNIS Feature ID superseded FIPS55 Place Code  Draft MOU with Census to manage the transition  Coordinating with other agencies and organizations National Gazetteer Project (Sandia Labs/Patton Alliance)  GNIS the Authoritative source for domestic names and locations MOU with GSA/OPM to maintain Federal agency geolocation codes with relationship to Feature ID Coordination initiated with NGA HIFLD program and HSIP data collection

26 26 Worked for the Topos For over a century, the U.S. Board on Geographic Names assured consistency and accuracy of geographic names on USGS Topographic Maps, the only national system of maps. This was a mission critical to national development. For thirty years, the Geographic Names Information System has been the primary mechanism for accomplishing this purpose. Can we do less in the age of the Internet, GIS, and The National Map?

27 27 Contacts Louis Yost Acting, Executive Secretary U.S. Board on Geographic Names  (703) 648-4552  Jennifer Runyon Board on Geographic Names Senior Researcher  (703) 648-4550  Joan Helmrich Names Coordinator  (703) 648-4622  Dwight Hughes Sr. Software Engineer  (703) 648-5793 

28 28 Thank you for your interest! Questions? The End

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