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Overseas Security Advisory Council Pearl Continental Peshawar Attack June 9, 2009 The contents of this (U) presentation in no way represent the policies,

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Presentation on theme: "Overseas Security Advisory Council Pearl Continental Peshawar Attack June 9, 2009 The contents of this (U) presentation in no way represent the policies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overseas Security Advisory Council Pearl Continental Peshawar Attack June 9, 2009 The contents of this (U) presentation in no way represent the policies, views, or attitudes of the United States Department of State, or the United States Government, except as otherwise noted (e.g., travel advisories, public statements). The presentation was compiled from various open sources and (U) embassy reporting. Please note that all OSAC products are for internal U.S. private sector security purposes only. Publishing or otherwise distributing OSAC-derived information in a manner inconsistent with this policy may result in the discontinuation of OSAC support.

2 Overseas Security Advisory Council Pearl Continental Hotel Only five-star hotel in Peshawar Popular lodging for many Westerners, aid workers, journalists, and businessmen Considered one of the “safer” places in Peshawar

3 Overseas Security Advisory Council Attack Details Although there have been conflicting open source reports, most suggest the following scenario: –Three men in a truck opened fire at the front gate with AK-47s and perhaps larger caliber weapon(s) –According to local police, the attackers drove towards the back of hotel to detonate a 500 kg RDX bomb at the west/back of hotel There have been some reports of gunfire and a possible second (smaller) explosion inside the hotel following the large blast Security Gate

4 Overseas Security Advisory Council Aftermath of Attack Current estimates: 11 killed, 68 wounded At least one member of the U.S. private sector injured in blast Several NGOs have reported staff are staying in the hotel No Americans casualties have been reported as of June 9 Some airlines flying into Peshawar use hotel for over- nights; there may be possible flight delays in the coming days

5 Overseas Security Advisory Council Recent Similar Attacks in South Asia Kabul Serena Hotel – 2008 Islamabad Marriot Hotel – 2008 Mumbai Hotels – 2008 Kabul Gov’t Ministries – 2009 Lahore Cricket Attack – 2009 Lahore Police Academy – 2009 Lahore ISI Headquarters – 2009 –Tactics similar to Peshawar: Gunmen engage security guards, then VBIED enters compound

6 Overseas Security Advisory Council Likely Suspects Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) –Pakistani government forces are currently engaged in operations against Taliban militants throughout the Northwest Frontier Provinces –TTP claimed responsibility for the Lahore ISI attacks, which used similar tactics –Threatened attacks in all major cities in Pakistan al-Qa’ida and affiliated groups have repeatedly targeted hotels in Pakistan over the past several years, with several significant attacks in Islamabad and Karachi Open press reporting indicated that U.S. government was planning to purchase hotel to be used as Consulate space

7 Overseas Security Advisory Council Threat Environment in Pakistan U.S. official personnel have been prohibited from staying at major hotels in Pakistan since late 2008 due to ongoing threat Since March, Pakistani militants have been staging 1-2 large scale attacks in major cities per month –No evidence to suggest their operational capability will diminish in the near future

8 Overseas Security Advisory Council For Further Information Reports: WARDEN MESSAGE: PESHAWAR TRAVEL TRAVEL WARNING: PAKISTAN LAHORE ATTACK AND PAKISTAN SECURITY OUTLOOK PESHAWAR CRIME AND SAFETY REPORT (view in slide show format to utilize hyperlinks) Marc Solomon Regional Coordinator: South Central Asia 571-345-2235 Overseas Security Advisory Council

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