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Treating Eating Disorders Treatment of eating disorders involves addressing: problematic eating behaviors misusing of food to handle stress and emotions.

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Presentation on theme: "Treating Eating Disorders Treatment of eating disorders involves addressing: problematic eating behaviors misusing of food to handle stress and emotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treating Eating Disorders Treatment of eating disorders involves addressing: problematic eating behaviors misusing of food to handle stress and emotions Treatment for Anorexia nervosa and binge eating: Treatment for eating disorders is a combination of psychotherapy and medical management.

2 Treating Eating Disorders Roughly 30 % of people with anorexia receive treatment; whereas only 6 % of bulimics receive treatment Sometimes it’s hard to treat because of denial and secrecy: Arrange to speak w/ friend in a private place Express your concerns Listen to your friend and offer support If you are upset about your friend’s situation, seek professional counseling and help

3 How are Athletes Different from General Population More common in athletes than general population and more common in female athletics than male athletics Leanness-dependent/weight-dependent sports such as wrestling, body-building, gymnastics. Pressure in sports to be thin/lean, athletes in these sports often fluxgate weight in order to meet demands Judged sports such as ballet, gymnastics, figure skating are found to bet at the highest risk

4 How are Athletes Different from General Population Factors such as: perfectionism, high self-expectations, competitiveness, hyperactivity, repetitive exercise routines, compulsiveness, drive, body image distortion, pre-occupation with dieting and weight. These factors were all found to be common in Athletes and those who have Anorexia. Unfortunately it’s easy to develop if you are an athlete.

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