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IER Conference on Health & Safety Fighting Back: to 2015 and beyond.

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Presentation on theme: "IER Conference on Health & Safety Fighting Back: to 2015 and beyond."— Presentation transcript:

1 IER Conference on Health & Safety Fighting Back: to 2015 and beyond

2 ABOUT GMB Around 620,000 members across both the Public and Private sector Over 12,000 Safety reps

3 Is it all Gloom & Doom? Coalition approach – Deregulation plus! Labour Party – eyes on the Economy- H&S not seen as a priority Devolved governments – some (small) success Europe – incrementally moving right

4 Safety Representatives & Safety Committee Regs Not been affected as yet Elephant in the room ( do we highlight or not?) Hold onto what we have but expect workplace reps to assert these Future provision?

5 Influencing the future TUC Manifesto → Labour Party Manifesto 10 point agenda

6 European H&S Strategy From 2013 – 2020 However it appears that 2013 will be a “gap year” On line consultation

7 Areas for consideration in Europe Nano- materials Endocrine Disrupters/Workplace Carcinogens Physco- social hazards/Stress Ageing Workforce Minimum sized Labour Inspectorate

8 GMB Wish List Enhance the role of safety reps – more rights for roving reps Full consultation on the health, safety and welfare aspects of public procurement contracts

9 Conclusion Two Options- Roll over and accept! Or Plan, organise and fight back!!!

10 Europe General approach, often large contracts H&S requirements will vary according to the supplier or service EU Strategy on H&S 2013-2020- Stress, Nano- materials, ageing workforce, carcinogens and minimum Labour Inspector Standards Involvement in Procurement?

11 WTO ! Pleurilateral Agreement on Government Procurement A safe, competent workforce Industry best practice Incorporate safety into design Work approved method statements

12 The role of Local Authorities as clients H&S Management in the Waste & Recycling Industry- the principles can be used elsewhere Not just consultation but “active worker involvement” but only in the context of delivering the service NOT in procuring the service

13 Barriers to good work- force engagement There are unsurprisingly some common themes which explain the barriers to good work force engagement Hierarchical approach- seen as top down, patronising Poor communication skills on many level Culture of mistrust

14 Pressures on the Workforce Anectodal reports on facility time/time off Tax Payers Alliance Francis Maude Eric Pickles

15 Building & Woodworkers International (BWI) All Public contracts have high H&S standards built in Failing contractors not being allowed to compete in future Public sector should be a major force in driving up standards Ratification of ILO clause 94 on baasic provisions on H&S at work

16 TUC 10 point H&S Manifesto The two relevant points to public sector procurement Sign up to all ILO conventions on H&S Set standards and bar poor performers from future contracts

17 The Future Engage the current administration? X Consider influencing incoming administration√ EU Strategy consultation later in the year – suggest worker involvement in public sector procurement √

18 Thank You Thank you for listening – Any Questions?

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