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Shirley Silveira Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits Plan (PSBP)

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1 Shirley Silveira Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits Plan (PSBP)

2 2 Postdoctoral Scholar Job Codes  3252 Postdoctoral Scholar – Employee  3253 Postdoctoral Scholar – Fellow  3254 Postdoctoral Scholar – Paid Direct

3 3 Postdoctoral Scholar Employee  3252 Postdoctoral Scholar – Employee An appointment is made in this title when: » Agency funding the salary requires or permits the appointee to be an employee of the University or »General Funds, Opportunity Funds or other University discretionary funds are used to support the position Salary paid through Payroll

4 4 Postdoctoral Scholar Fellow  3253 Postdoctoral Scholar - Fellow An appointment is made in the title “Postdoctoral Scholar – Fellow” when: » Postdoctoral Scholar has been awarded a fellowship or »Traineeship for Postdoctoral study by an extramural agency and the fellowship or traineeship is paid for through an University account Salary paid through Payroll

5 5 Postdoctoral Scholar Paid Direct  3254 Postdoctoral Scholar - Paid Direct An appointment is made in the title “Postdoctoral Scholar – Paid Direct” when: »The Postdoctoral Scholar has been awarded a fellowship or »Traineeship for Postdoctoral study offered by an extramural agency and the agency pays the fellowship or »Traineeship is paid directly to the Postdoctoral Scholar, rather than through the University Payroll system Such appointments shall have a “without-salary” (wos) status Salary not paid through Payroll

6 6 Period of Initial Eligibility (PIE)  Postdoc must enroll during their PIE The PIE starts on the first day of eligibility, generally the date of hire The PIE period ends 31 days after the start of the appointment Postdoc may enroll past the PIE period »only by exception, with approval from the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator

7 7 Eligibility Requirements  Eligibility Requirements for Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits Plan Initial Eligibility for: Postdoctoral Scholars – Employee, Fellow, and Paid Directs are: »An initial appointment at 100% time for at least three months or »50%-99% time for at least 12 months

8 8 Eligibility Retention Eligibility Retention: Postdoctoral Scholars – Employees are: »Required to maintain an average regular paid time of at least 17.5 hours per week (43.75%) Note: the paid percent time may differ from the appointment percent time Eligibility Retention: Postdoctoral Fellows and Paid Directs are: »Required to maintain an appointment at a minimum of 43.75% time

9 9 BELI Codes  Derived and Assigned The Benefit Eligibility Level Indicator (BELI) code of "P" should be assigned by the department exclusively to individuals in job codes: »3252 Postdoctoral Scholar – Employee »3253 Postdoctoral Scholar – Fellow »3254 Postdoctoral Scholar – Paid Direct Appointments must total 50% or more for a year or more, or 100% for three months or more UC’s Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) will automatically derive a BELI code of “P” when: »There are one or more active appointments in Title Codes 3252, 3253, or 3254 »The duration and percent of those appointments total 50% or more for 12 months or more, or 100% time for three months or more

10 10 BELI Out of Compliance  If department’s assigned BELI code of “P” does not match the PPS derived BELI Code, an “Out of Compliance Report” is generated Departments receive the BELI Out of Compliance Report monthly Please check your report If a Postdoc appears on the report, verify that the appointment and BELI are correct If not, please correct the BELI accordingly If you have any questions, please contact the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator

11 11 Who pays for benefits?  3252 Postdoctoral Scholar - Employee Department pays the employee’s share of the cost for all benefits, plus the broker fee. Postdoc pays employee’s share of cost (currently, applies to Health Net PPO medical plan and Long Term Disability only)  3253 & 3254 Postdoctoral Scholar – Fellow & Paid Direct Some cost are negotiable Departments must pay for the required benefits: (Short Term Disability, Life & AD&D, and Workers Compensation) Postdocs must pay: »Employee’s share of cost for PPO medical and Long Term Disability »Other cost for benefits are negotiated with their Principal Investigator (PI) with the exception of the required benefits »The required benefits are not negotiable and must be paid by the department or funding source.

12 12 How are benefits charged?  3252 Postdoctoral Scholar – Employee: Benefits are charged to the pay distribution line associated with the appointment in HCM

13 13 How are benefits charged?  3253 Postdoctoral Scholar – Fellow: Benefits are charged to the pay distribution line associated with the appointment in HCM To charge benefits to a different funding source: »The department will need to transfer the benefits cost monthly by using a UPAY646P form »Completed forms are sent to the Payroll Office for processing

14 14 How are benefits charged?  3254 Postdoctoral Scholar - Paid Direct: Benefits are charged to the pay distribution line associated with the appointment in HCM »100% of the benefit cost can be charged to a different funding source »To accomplish this, the department must complete the Premium Payment Description Form indicating the chart-string that the benefit cost should be charged too  If the department changes the funding source in HCM: A new Premium Payment Description Form must also be sent to the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator to change the chart-string »Failure to notify the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator of the chart- string change will result in the benefits continuing to be charged to the original chart-string

15 15 Share of Cost  Postdoc’s are required to share the cost of benefits when: 3253 & 3254 Postdocs may be asked to the share the cost of benefits When there is a share of cost, departments must complete a Premium Payment Description Form and submit it to the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator to set up monthly billing 100% of benefits cost will hit the department’s general ledger, »Once the Postdoc pays their share of cost, the department’s general ledger will reflect this amount

16 16 Premium Payment Description Forms (PPDF)  How to use the PPDF Complete the PPDF indicating who is responsible for paying the cost of benefits The costs may be split in a variety of ways but the department is responsible for paying the required benefits (Short Term Disability, Life & AD&D and Workers Compensation) Postdoc billing is set up using the Campus Accounts Receivables System (CARS)

17 17 PPDF (Cont.)  100% of benefits cost hits the pay distribution line associated with the appointment in HCM or the chart-string listed on the form (only applies to 3254)  When the Postdoc makes a payment, the department is credited this amount  To set up billing, departments must send the following to the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator: University of California Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits Plan Enrollment, Change, Cancellation or Waiver Form Premium Payment Description Form The Postdoc’s, Check or Money Order for two months of premium cost made payable to U.C. Regents  If the department changes the funding source in HCM once billing is set up, they must also send in a revised Premium Payment Description Form

18 18 Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits Plan (PSBP) Benefits  PSBP benefits plan choices are: Health Net Medical HMO or PPO »PPO Medical (monthly contribution for Postdoc $30, $60 or $90) Health Net Dental HMO or PPO Health Net Vision PPO Long Term Disability (monthly contribution for Postdoc $5.39 ) for 2009 Short Term Disability, Life & AD&D, and Workers Compensation (The above benefits are paid by the department and the cost may not be passed on to the Postdoc »enrollment is automatic Repatriation & Medical Evacuation for J1 Visa holders and their dependents are covered under the Life & AD&D plan

19 19 Garnett-Powers & Associates  Garnett-Powers & Associates is our broker for the Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits Plan (PSBP) The role of the broker is to: »Act as liaison between the carriers and the University »Provide benefit information »Expedite coverage with carriers so Postdocs can access care immediately (when needed) »Provide COBRA administration »Provide a dedicated toll-free UC customer service line for both campus administrators and Postdocs (1-800-254-1758) or e-mail the broker directly using their website »Effectively communicate and educate both Postdocs and administrators in all aspects of the benefit plans, available insurance carrier services and annual Open Enrollment

20 20 Other Qualifying Events  Changes to enrollments, due to a qualifying event, must be made within 31 days following the date of the qualifying event  Qualifying Events: Marriage Divorce Establishing a domestic partnership Birth or adoption of a child Involuntary Loss of Coverage (ILOC) Adding eligible dependents moving into the service area or arriving in the United States

21 21 Enrollment Process  Postdoctoral Scholar can enroll in benefits by using one of two methods On-line enrollment: »Use the portal “At Your Service” on the Garnett-Powers website if the Postdoc meets the on-line enrollment criteria or Enroll using a paper form located on the Garnett-Powers web site, »form must be printed and sent to the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator »

22 22 On-Line Enrollment  Postdocs can enroll on-line if they meet ALL the following criteria: Postdoc is enrolling in PSBP for the first time They are within their 31-day Period of Initial Eligibility (PIE) Postdoc has a Social Security Number If enrolling a spouse, the spouse must have a Social Security Number also

23 23 Paper Enrollment Form  Paper enrollment forms are located on the Garnett-Powers web site Click on Enrollment Click on PSBP Enrollment Form Choose Mac or Windows »Fill out the enrollment form which is a writable PDF »You must answer “Yes you have read the COBRA rights” form will be blank when you print if you do not answer question »Print out enrollment form and Beneficiary Form »Important: filling out the form on the website does not enroll the Postdoc in benefits Forms must be sent to the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator for processing all benefit elections

24 24 Change of Appointments  A change of appointment from one postdoc job code to another does not create a PIE to enroll in benefits or add dependents to Health and Welfare plans  A change of appointment from a Postdoc to an Faculty/Staff position does create a PIE to enroll in benefits under the Faculty/Staff plans The first month, is not free when moving from a Postdoc position to an Faculty/Staff position

25 25 Time Off & Leaves  Postdocs are eligible for four weeks of Personal Time Off (PTO) per year  Postdocs are eligible for 12 days of sick leave per year  Appointments of less than twelve months are eligible for PTO & Sick leave in proportion to the appointment  Leaves are subject to Academic Personnel Manual 390 and should be treated like all other leaves for Faculty/Staff Questions regarding leaves should be directed to Academic Personnel

26 26 Disability & FMLA  Disability leaves are processed like all other leaves for faculty & staff through HCM  Disability for Postdocs is processed by Garnett- Powers & Associates PSBP Disability carrier is The Standard Insurance  Postdocs are eligible for FMLA if they meet the criteria - For questions about FMLA, please contact Employee Relations

27 27 Separations Separations  Please remember to terminate your Postdocs timely in HCM this action: Separates Postdocs in the payroll system Ensures that benefit’s end dates will appear in the payroll system Ensures that Postdoc will receive COBRA notification within the appropriate time frame Ensures that the department does not get charged for benefits beyond the appointment end date If the department does not separate the appointment timely they will be responsible for premiums charged to them until the system automatically de-enrolls the Postdoc » Departments will not receive credits in these situations

28 28 COBRACOBRA  COBRA notification is done by Garnett-Powers for Postdoctoral Scholars in job codes 3252, 3253 and 3254 Postdocs with questions regarding COBRA should contact Garnett-Powers at 1-800-254-1758 If COBRA Continuation Coverage is elected, the Postdoc will be responsible for paying the premiums directly to the insurance carriers

29 29 Long Term Disability (LTD) Processing  If Postdocs are enrolled: Department action is required to cancel (LTD) Must be processed manually To cancel this benefit send the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator an email If you are not sure about enrollment check with the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator after you have terminated the Postdoc in HCM

30 30 Paid Direct Billing  Paid Direct Billing Postdoc who is set up for direct billing: » contact the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator immediately after terminating the postdoc in HCM to request a cancellation of monthly billing Postdoc who is set up for billing: »moves from a 3254 direct paid to a 3252 employee billing must be cancelled by notifying the Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator Billing continues until a request to cancel is received »failure to cancel billing may result in the department being charged for benefits costs after the Postdoc has separated from the University

31 31 Key Things To Remember BELI codes must be “P” for job codes 3252,3253 & 3254 Postdoc must meet eligibility requirements to be eligible for benefits Benefits enrollments are subject to a 31-day PIE Postdocs must enroll in or opt out of benefits within their PIE A change in job codes does not create a PIE to enroll in benefits (unless it is from a Postdoc to a Faculty/Staff position) Department must check general ledgers monthly to make sure benefits cost are processed in the way they are intended Appointment extension should be done timely to avoid disruption in benefits Departments that fail to terminate Postdocs timely risk incurring benefits cost until the system automatically de-enrolls them »Departments will be responsible for these benefits costs

32 32 Contact Information  For questions and help with the Postdoctoral Scholar Benefits Plan (PSBP), contact: Postdoctoral Benefits Coordinator Shirley Silveira 510-642-1623 Garnett-Powers & Associates Customer Service 1-800-254-1758

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