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Northern Arizona University University Budget Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Northern Arizona University University Budget Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northern Arizona University University Budget Office

2  State appropriation funding has decreased from nearly 40% of funding sources in FY08 to 23% in FY14 ◦ Tuition and Fees, Government Grants and Contracts, and Auxiliary funding sources have increased during this time

3  State Budget continues to be significantly impacted from the reduction in General Fund Appropriations ◦ FY13 marked the first year General Fund Appropriations made up less than 50% of the initial State Budget ◦ Increased funding from tuition collections has helped offset the 31% decline in general fund appropriation since 2008

4  Beginning Balance; Revenue; Net Transfers In ◦ Providing significantly more sources of funding to support unit operations  65% growth from FY09 actual funding sources to FY14 budgeted funding sources

5  Impact from adding local funding resources to state resources is significant for all units

6  Important to incorporate all funding sources during the budgeting process and throughout the year ◦ Helps to determine what resources are available to fund University, Division and Department priorities  Questions to further clarify your decisions ◦ What are your recurring expenses (e.g. people) and what are the changes you expect to those recurring expenses (either new ones or ones that should/need to end)?  Should/Could they be funded on state funds or local funds? ◦ What are your 1 time expenses (operations/capital/new initiatives)?  Do you have room for those expenses on your state funds (if expenses are allowed) or do you have local funds to cover it? ◦ Do you have funding to cover your expenses through state funds, beginning balances, new revenue?  Is your revenue a recurring revenue stream or a one time event? ◦ Do you expect to see a decrease or increase in your local ending balance compared to your beginning balance? ◦ What other changes do you expect?

7  What additional transactions do you expect to see before year end that will impact your YTD revenue and expense?  How do your YTD expenses/revenues compare to the projected amount for the end of the year? ◦ If you are projecting LESS than your YTD amounts, what transactions do you expect that will decrease the amount by the end of the year? ◦ If you are projecting MORE, is the additional amount realistic given the amount of time left in the year?

8  NSTAR Reports ◦ Finance ◦ HR  Salary Change Report (JFR access on Budget Shares drive)  Budget Adjustments and Local Fund Transfer listings (JFR Access on Budget Shares drive)  Business Objects Reports ◦ Transaction Detail ◦ Status of Funds ◦ Payroll  PS Financials ◦ Budget Overview

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