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Rules-Ed Session October 20, 2009 How does Bylaw 15 affect me? COUNTERS AND COUNTABLE FINANCIAL AID VT Compliance Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Rules-Ed Session October 20, 2009 How does Bylaw 15 affect me? COUNTERS AND COUNTABLE FINANCIAL AID VT Compliance Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules-Ed Session October 20, 2009 How does Bylaw 15 affect me? COUNTERS AND COUNTABLE FINANCIAL AID VT Compliance Services

2 Who is a “counter” ?

3 A student-athlete becomes a “counter” if: ► 1) He/she receives any amount of athletics scholarship.

4 A student-athlete becomes a “counter” if: ► 2) He/she receives a scholarship/grant (in any amount) from a source outside of Virginia Tech for which athletics ability or participation plays a major role in his/her selection. What does this mean? ► ► He/she must be an athletics participant in order to be considered for the scholarship; OR ► ► Athletics participation is a major consideration in the selection of the recipient. ► ► Examples include: high school booster club scholarships, state sport association scholarships, memorial scholarships in memory of former athletes, etc.

5 A student-athlete becomes a “counter” if: ► ► 3) In the sports of Football, Men’s Basketball and Women’s Basketball, he/she receives a non-athletics scholarship/grant (in any amount) from or through Virginia Tech that does not meet the NCAA’s academic exemptions, and he/she participates in a varsity contest. Examples include: VGAP, VT Grant, Funds for the Future, Commonwealth Award, etc.


7 Once a student-athlete in a Head Count Sport becomes a counter, he/she now counts as “one” towards the team limit. “HEAD COUNT” SPORTS

8 Once a student-athlete in an Equivalency Sport becomes a counter, any other “countable” financial aid now counts towards his/her equivalency, as well as the team limit. “EQUIVALENCY” SPORTS

9 “Countable” financial aid comes in two types: 1)Any scholarship from a source outside of Virginia Tech for which athletics ability or participation is a major factor in the selection process.

10 “Countable” financial aid comes in two types: 2)Any institutional scholarship/grant that is awarded by or through Virginia Tech and does not meet one of the NCAA’s academic exemptions.

11 If a student-athlete is a “counter,” If a student-athlete is a “counter,” which types of financial aid will “count”? ALWAYS COUNT ► ► Athletics Scholarships ► ► VT Funds for the Future ► ► VGAP Grants ► ► Commonwealth Grants ► ► “VT Grant” ► ► VT Tuition Waivers ► ► National Merit Scholarships awarded by VT ► ► SEOG Grants ► ► PHEAA Grants

12 If a student-athlete is a “counter,” If a student-athlete is a “counter,” which types of financial aid will “count”? NEVER COUNT ► ► Pell Grants ► ► Loans of any type ► ► Academic Competitiveness Grant ► ► Corporate National Merit Scholarships ► ► Veteran’s Benefits ► ► AmeriCorp Benefits

13 If a student-athlete is a “counter,” If a student-athlete is a “counter,” which types of financial aid will “count”? DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED TO DETERMINE ► ► Scholarships awarded by a High School ► ► Private “Outside” Scholarships (for these two types, see Bylaw 15.2.6) ► ► “General Scholarships” awarded by VT ► ► VT Departmental Scholarships ► ► VT Honors Scholarships (for these three types, see Bylaws 15.02.6, &

14 Is the award based on the student- athlete’s high school record? Does it have a significant academic component? 1200 SAT or 105 ACT or 3.5 GPA or top 10%? Is the award based on the student- athlete’s record at Virginia Tech? Is it a standing scholarship or award? Criteria include athletics ability, participation, or interest? FINANCIAL AID IS COUNTABLE (if he/she is a counter) Does it have a significant academic component? YES NO YES NO START HERE Analysis of Virginia Tech Non-Athletics Scholarships FINANCIAL AID IS NOT COUNTABLE (if he/she is a counter) NO


16 Questions ??? COMMENTS?

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