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A Quick Tour of RFID in Manufacturing Dennis Carmichael, President.

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Presentation on theme: "A Quick Tour of RFID in Manufacturing Dennis Carmichael, President."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Quick Tour of RFID in Manufacturing Dennis Carmichael, President

2 Introduction Cimulus, Inc. Data Collection and Management Focused on using technology for efficiency and accuracy Former member of EPCglobal, defining the EPC standard Me Electrical engineer, co-founder of Cimulus and ERT Systems Career in developing practical applications for technology Dennis Carmichael of Cimulus, Inc.

3 What is RF-ID? The Technology: Evolutionary Just another member of the Auto-ID family, alongside bar codes, OCR, image processing, thumbprint scanners, etc. Use-Cases: Revolutionary? No silver bullet, but offers some unique capabilities that open a few new doors Radio-Frequency Identification RFID is one of many Auto-ID Technologies

4 Applying RF-ID Comparison of RFID vs. Bar codes Extremely Cheap & Reliable Technically Simple Large Existing Infrastructure

5 Passive Read with No Line-of-Sight More Data, such as Serial Numbers Read/Write capability Physical & Data Security Extremely Cheap & Reliable Technically Simple Large Existing Infrastructure Applying RF-ID Comparison of RFID vs. Bar codes

6 Applications Locating and Tracking Dies, reusable containers, tools and inventory: watch them without expanding procedures Putting RFID to Practical use Pack/Ship Validation Portal readers to verify part type, quantity, and serial numbers, post-pack / pre-ship

7 Washable Tags for Textiles Rugged tags that can be read without careful positioning, auto-sorting at high speeds Liquid/Hazardous Chemicals Unwieldy & heavy containers, meeting tracking & reporting requirements without system integration Applications Putting RFID to Practical use

8 Read range & Interference Distance and orientation, materials, and “shadowing” Reliability & Costs “Off the roll” quality (<100%), damage in use, costs vary wildly EPCglobal, ISO, Local Standards Frequency band allocations, signal strengths, even privacy Industry Adoption 30+ years of semi-custom applications Challenges Think Win-Win… The Only Way It’ll Work

9 Thank You! Dennis Carmichael Cimulus, Inc. (734) 327-9532

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