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Father’s Day. Our Heavenly Father: Characteristics: Love Holiness.

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Presentation on theme: "Father’s Day. Our Heavenly Father: Characteristics: Love Holiness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Father’s Day

2 Our Heavenly Father: Characteristics: Love Holiness

3 Fathers in the Bible: Adam Abraham Noah

4 Adam: Genesis 1:27 God created mankind in His own likeness

5 Abraham: Genesis 17:5 Abraham to become the father of many nations

6 Noah: Genesis 6:9 Noah was a righteous man, walking faith- fully with God

7 Fathers in the Bible: David Joseph Zebedee

8 David: 1 Samuel 17:32 David volunteered to fight Goliath

9 Joseph: Matthew 1:20: Joseph told by an angel that he would become the father of Jesus

10 Zebedee: Matthew 4:21: Zebedee was the father of the disciples James and John

11 Contemporary Fathers: Billy Graham Charles Stanley Max Lucado

12 Billy Graham: Father of Franklin Graham Founder of BGEA

13 Charles Stanley: Father of Andy Stanley Founder of In Touch Ministries

14 Ono Church Fathers: Paul Wentling Lloyd Reigel Leroy Grubb


16 What Then, Should the Ono Church Do? “…BEING and MAKING disciples of Jesus Christ”

17 Credit: Bill Gothard – Founder, Inst. of Basic Life Principles “49 General Commands of Jesus Christ”

18 Christian Love: John 13:35 “Your love for one another will prove you are my disciples.”

19 Christian Love: Matthew 7:12 – “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.

20 Christian Love: Matthew 7:12 (cont.) “This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.”

21 Humility: A state of mind well pleasing to God – 1 Peter 3:4

22 1 Peter 3:4 “…the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”

23 Humility: Humility was a major emphasis of Christ’s teaching. [Luke 14:7– 11]

24 Luke 14:7-11: A parable, by Jesus, regarding a choice of seating at a dinner.

25 Luke 18:9-14: A parable, by Jesus, regarding the prayer of a Pharisee and a Publican.

26 Humility: http://www.breakingc cles/display_art.html?I D=16172 http://www.breakingc cles/display_art.html?I D=16172

27 Christian Meekness: An attitude of heart to God.

28 Christian Meekness: Submission to God, is the foundation of meekness.

29 Christian Meekness: An attitude of lowliness before God.

30 Christian Meekness: Philippians 2:3: Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others.

31 Christian Meekness: Philippians 2:3 (cont.): Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

32 Christian Meekness: Philippians 2:4: Don’t look out only for your own interests,

33 Christian Meekness: Philippians 2:4 (cont.): but take an interest in others, too.

34 Joyfulness: Philippians 4:4: Always be full of joy in the Lord.

35 Joyfulness Matthew 5:12: Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven.

36 Generosity: Matthew 5:16 Let your good deeds shine out for all to see

37 Generosity: Matthew 5:16 (cont.) So that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father.

38 Generosity: The action of doing more than is expected of us.

39 Generosity: Biblical examples: Paul – 2 Cor. 11:24-31 Good Samaritan – Luke 10:25-37

40 Generosity: Matthew 5:16 – “…let your good deeds shine out for all to see,

41 Generosity: Matthew 5:16 cont.): …so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father.”

42 Christian Responsibility: 1 Cor. 15:58 – “…be strong and immovable. Always work enthus- iastically for the Lord,

43 Christian Responsibility: 1 Cor. 15:58 (cont.) - …for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”

44 Self-Control: Galactions 5:22,23 - “The Holy Spirit produces…love, joy, peace…and self-control”

45 Self-Control: The difference between worldly and Godly self- control is, who gets the credit.

46 Truthfulness: 2 Cor 8:21 – “We are careful to be honorable before the Lord,

47 Truthfulness: 2 Cor 8:21 (cont.) - …but we also want everyone else to see that we are honorable.”

48 Truthfulness: 1Timothy 1:19 – “Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear.”

49 Truthfulness: Our actions are a reflection of our faith.

50 Deference: Luke 22:42 – “…Yet, I want your Will to be done, not mine.”

51 Deference: Submission or courteous respect given to another.

52 Creativity: Genesis 1:12 – “…and God saw that it was good.”

53 Creativity: Our secular culture needs the church to extend God’s love in creative ways.

54 Sincerity: Philippians 1:9 – “…so that you may live pure and blameless lives…”

55 Faith: Romans 1:12 – “…I want to encourage you in your faith,

56 Faith: Romans 1:12 (cont.) - …but, I also want to be encouraged by yours.”

57 Faith: Barriers to faith sharing: Fear of rejection Unanswerable question Fear of offending

58 Faith: Fear of rejection It’s God, not us, being rejected.

59 Faith: Unanswerable question Jot the question down and promise to get back.

60 Faith: Fear of offending It’s better to offend than to let the person face eternity unprepared.

61 Thriftiness: John Wesley – “Earn all you can; save all you can; give all you can.”

62 Thriftiness: Psalm 24:1 – “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.

63 Thriftiness: Psalm 24:1 (cont.) …The world and all the people in it belong to Him.”

64 Thriftiness: Stewardship begins and ends with the understanding of God’s ownership of all.

65 Initiative: A personal quality that shows a willingness to get things done.

66 Initiative: 2 Cor 8:17 – “…he is coming to you with much enthusiasm and on his own initiative.”

67 Discernment: Judge Not—Matthew 7:1

68 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 16. Do Not Cast Pearls— Matthew 7:6— Discretion

69 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 17. Ask, Seek, and Knock—Matthew 7:7– 8—Resourcefulness

70 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 18. Do Unto Others— Matthew 7:12— Sensitivity

71 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 19. Choose the Narrow Way—Matthew 7:13– 14—Decisiveness

72 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 20. Beware of False Prophets—Matthew 7:15—Alertness

73 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 21. Pray For Laborers— Matthew 9:38— Compassion

74 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 22. Be Wise as Serpents—Matthew 10:16—Wisdom

75 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 23. Fear God, Not Man—Matthew 10:26— Boldness

76 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 24. Hear God’s Voice— Matthew 11:15— Attentiveness

77 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 25. Take My Yoke— Matthew 11:29— Obedience

78 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 26. Honor Your Parents—Matthew 15:4—Honor/Reverence

79 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 27. Beware of Leaven— Matthew 16:6—Virtue

80 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 28. Deny Yourself—Luke 9:23—Determination

81 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 29. Despise Not Little Ones—Matthew 18:10—Tolerance

82 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 30. Go to Offenders— Matthew 18:15—Justice

83 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 31. Beware of Covetousness—Luke 12:15—Contentment

84 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 32. Forgive Offenders— Matthew 18:21–22— Forgiveness

85 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 33. Honor Marriage— Matthew 19:6—Loyalty

86 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 34. Be a Servant— Matthew 20:26–28— Availability

87 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 35. Be a House of Prayer—Matthew 21:13—Persuasiveness

88 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 36. Ask in Faith— Matthew 21:21–22— Patience

89 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 37. Bring in the Poor— Luke 14:12–14— Hospitality

90 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 38. Render to Caesar— Matthew 22:19–21— Gratefulness

91 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 39. Love the Lord— Matthew 22:37–38— Enthusiasm

92 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 40. Love Your Neighbor—Matthew 22:39—Gentleness

93 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 41. Await My Return— Matthew 24:42–44— Punctuality

94 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 42. Take, Eat, and Drink—Matthew 26:26– 27—Thoroughness

95 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 43. Be Born Again—John 3:7—Security

96 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 44. Keep My Commandments—John 14:15—Diligence

97 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 45. Watch and Pray— Matthew 26:41— Endurance

98 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 46. Feed My Sheep— John 21:15–16— Dependability

99 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 47. Baptize My Disciples—Matthew 28:19—Cautiousness

100 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 48. Receive God’s Power—Luke 24:49— Orderliness

101 BG 49 Commands (Cont.) 49. Make Disciples— Matthew 28:20— Flexibility

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