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Safety & Safety Documentation 2 3 Safety in three Questions Why ? Providing a safe workplace is a legal and moral obligation on every undertaking, and.

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2 Safety & Safety Documentation 2

3 3 Safety in three Questions Why ? Providing a safe workplace is a legal and moral obligation on every undertaking, and avoids financial losses. Who ? Everybody in his area of technical or organisational responsibility How ? By following laws, regulations, standards and best practice in matters of safety Comprehensive safety documentation enables traceability and preservation of future value

4 Safety & Safety Documentation 4 CERN Safety Policy CERN’s Safety policy defines and embodies the Organization’s commitment to safely carry out its mission as an international particle physics research laboratory by ensuring: the best possible protection in occupational health and safety matters of all persons participating in its activities on its site and of those living in the vicinity of its installations, and by limiting the impact of its activities on the environment; the use of best practice in the field of radiation protection and the safe operation of its installations.

5 Safety & Safety Documentation 5 Rules and Regulations Safety Standards from different sources: CERN Safety rules Areas where CERN rules are not available: European directives and Harmonised standards Host state rules (laws, ordinances, decrees) International standards (IEC, ISO) Best practice & return of experience always considered HSE regulatory watch service for safety regulations

6 Safety & Safety Documentation 6 Who is in charge ? Project Leader L. Rossi Work Package 1 WP 1 Leader Item 1.1 WP Engineer 1 Item 1.2 WP Engineer 2 Item 1.N WP Engineer N Work Package 2 WP 2 Leader Work Package N WP N Leader Technical Coordinator I. Bejar-Alonso Safety Officer Th. Otto CERN HSE Correspondent J. C. Gascon Safety relies on the hierarchical structure of the project Persons are in charge for Safety of personnel and “items” under their responsibility “Item”: An equipment, process, activity, substance …

7 Safety & Safety Documentation 7 Role of the PL’s office Project Leader Overall responsibility Approves the Safety Documentation (“Safety File”, see later) Technical Coordinator Provides coherent framework for edition and approval of technical documentation

8 Safety & Safety Documentation 8 Role of Work Package Members WP Leader Implement Project Safety Policy in each WP Assure use of agreed Safety Standards Coordinate Safety documentation within the WP WP engineer / member Work according to agreed Safety standards Contribute to Safety documentatio n

9 Safety & Safety Documentation 9 Role of the Safety professionals HSE correspondent Entry point to qualified Safety experts within the HSE unit Establishes individual Launch Safety Agreements Safety Officer Assists the PL in all aspects of Safety Available for consultation to all project members Editor-in-chief of Safety File

10 Safety & Safety Documentation 10 Safety Organisation Reference document Summarises the Safety Policy and its implementation In approval stage EDMS 1313247

11 Safety & Safety Documentation 11

12 Safety & Safety Documentation 12 3 Qs on Safety Documentation Why ? Comprehensive Safety documentation enables traceability and preservation of future value Obligation w.r.t. to Host Sates, insurances, contractors, our own collaborators, … How ? Establishing a “Safety File”, Demonstrating conformity of equipment Performing Risk Assessment for activities Who ? PSO is the editor of the Safety File All project entities contribute to the documentation

13 Safety & Safety Documentation 13 HL-LHC Safety Doc Two distinct purposes: 1. Assure that the project phase is Safe. i.e. residual safety risks are acceptable 2. Establish Safety documentation for all equipment produced within the project → LHC Safety folder

14 Safety & Safety Documentation 14 Conformity Equipment should generally be conform to an (inter)national standard: Harmonised standards guarantee that equipment meets also European Directives e.g. ISO-EN 1200x ↔ Machinery directive “Conformity” ascertains that the equipment is not inherently unsafe Conformity is demonstrated by certificates from notified or approved bodies

15 Safety & Safety Documentation 15 Risk Assessment Description of the Safety relevant aspects of an equipment or activity Hazard register : which dangerous phenomena are present ? which of them are sufficiently covered by procedures, rules, statements of work … Estimation of risk Where required, recommendation and implementation of protective measures

16 Safety & Safety Documentation 16 Safety Documentation Management Proven method, adapted to work in “matrix” structures In use at CERN for Accelerators Other facilities EDMS 1177755

17 Safety & Safety Documentation 17 Safety File Parts 1. Descriptive Part: Brief Description of the equipment or activity with focus on Safety-relevant features 2. Demonstrative Part: Hazard register Risk Assessments 3. Operational Part: Links to operational procedures 4. Return of Experience (REX)

18 Safety & Safety Documentation 18 Installation reports O&M procedures Conformity certificates Technical certificates Acceptance test reports Tests Records Installation reports O&M procedures Conformity certificates Technical certificates Acceptance test reports Tests Records What is in the Safety File ? HL-LHC EDMS node managed by PSO Calculation reports Design reports Drawings Risk assessments Calculation reports Design reports Drawings Risk assessments

19 Safety & Safety Documentation 19 Step 1: Hazard Identification Hazard Identification Table Filled in jointly by WP members and Safety profesionals EDMS 1361970

20 Safety & Safety Documentation 20 Step 2: Launch Safety Agreement Prepared by HSE correspondent Guidelines for all hazards identified: Applicable regulations (CERN, int. or nat’l.) Deliverable documents and certificates.

21 Safety & Safety Documentation 21 Further work The LSA is the start point for establishing Safety documentation Describing equipment Assembling requested documents and certificates (conformity) Performing Risk Assessments … Important: The mass of Safety documentation shall not exceed that of the equipment being describded

22 38th LSC, 21. 2. 2014 22

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