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By Will Parnell. * The system creates propulsion using an inert gas such as Nitrogen or Helium as the fuel. * The gas is stored under high pressure, then.

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Presentation on theme: "By Will Parnell. * The system creates propulsion using an inert gas such as Nitrogen or Helium as the fuel. * The gas is stored under high pressure, then."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Will Parnell

2 * The system creates propulsion using an inert gas such as Nitrogen or Helium as the fuel. * The gas is stored under high pressure, then sent to the thruster which releases the gas.

3 * A cold gas thruster has four main parts: a storage tank, a gas line, a valve, and a thruster.

4 * Cold gas thrusters are commonly used for vernier engines which are used for attitude control on spacecraft. * They are generally used for fine adjustments to the attitude or velocity.

5 * An astronauts Manned Maneuvering Unit is another use.

6 * The gas is kept in a pressurized tank, then released the thruster * The energy required for propulsion is contained in the pressurized gas.

7 * Cold gas systems do not produce as much thrust per kilogram of fuel as solid or liquid fuel. * The thrust relies only on the pressure inside of the containment tank.

8 * * rtments/space-engineering/space-systems- engineering/expertise-areas/space- propulsion/propulsion-options/chemical- rockets/cold-gas/ rtments/space-engineering/space-systems- engineering/expertise-areas/space- propulsion/propulsion-options/chemical- rockets/cold-gas/ * r r * * ering_Unit

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