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WORLD WAR I AND ITS AFTERMATH. What were the results? Germany surrendered. Allies impose Treaty of Versailles. Declares Germany guilty for war. This sets.

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2 What were the results? Germany surrendered. Allies impose Treaty of Versailles. Declares Germany guilty for war. This sets the stage for WWII! League of Nations formed to try to prevent war in the future.

3 Surrender Eventually, the Allies overwhelmed the Germans with men and equipment “Americans and tanks”

4 German Surrender Germans protesting against the war Economic collapse of Germany (British navy blocking German ports: Germans starving) German mutiny (Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II gave up power on November 9th, 1918)

5 Germany Germany: Nov 11, 1918 ARMISTICE TREATY: Officially ended WWI with a treaty between Germany and Allies that ended the war on the Western Front Armistice Day  Veterans Day (1954)

6 Paris Peace Conference Dominated by the BIG FOUR: U.S., France, Britain, and Italy The victorious powers met in Paris in 1919 to determine the postwar settlement Representatives from the Central Powers were NOT invited to attend The Russians were NOT invited to attend January 1919 Georges Clemenceau (France), Lloyd George (Britain), and Woodrow Wilson (US) at Versailles

7 PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE Wanted Germany to pay back reparations to the Allies Brought about the Treaty of Versailles

8 Treaty of Versailles Peace treaty signing in Versailles, France in June 1919 Germany’s colonies were divided among surrounding nations Had to surrender their African colonies Germany  pay back billions in reparations Germany  limit the size of their military


10 NEW COUNTRIES Created new nations of Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia (Bosnia and Serbia were joined under this new nation) Reestablished Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland as independent countries


12 Creation of new countries Austria Hungary Czechoslovakia Romania Yugoslavia Poland East Prussia Latvia Estonia Lithuania Russia  U.S.S.R.

13 Wilson’s Fourteen Points 9 POINTS Dealt with Self Determination The right of people to govern themselves Issues surrounding territorial disputes 4 POINTS The causes of modern war FINAL POINT Establishment of the League of Nations Designed to be an international body to prevent offensive wars

14 Wilson’s Fourteen Points Were never adopted for several reasons The U.S. never joined the League of Nations because Senate rejected it, but it did set up a model for the United Nations

15 The U.S. adopted a policy of isolationism The League might possibly drag the U. S. back into another war The League might interfere in our own domestic affairs. The U.S. felt the League would be dominated by England and its buddies. League membership would involve the U.S. in world problems Violates isolationist poicy

16 Russian Revolution Russian citizens demand a change in government and an end to the war, so they overthrow the Russian czar Rise of the Bolsheviks, a group of radical Russian socialists New Bolshevik leader, Vladimir Lenin, withdrew Russia from the war Sets the stage for Joseph Stalin coming into power

17 Impact Social : Almost 10 million soldiers were killed and over 20 million are wounded Millions of civilians died as a result of the hostilities, famine, and disease The world was left with hatred, intolerance, and extreme nationalism.

18 Impact Economic : The total cost of the war: Over $350 billion. How was this paid for??? HEAVY TAXES: causes lower standard of living for the European people. Russia: communist seize power and introduce a new economic system. Economic collapses bring on the Great Depression of the late 1920’s and 1930’s.

19 Impact Political : U. S. emerges as a world power New countries are created in central Europe The League of Nations is created to solve international problems and maintain world peace. Will be a failure. Many nations turn to military dictatorships Primarily Russia, Italy, and Germany, to control their political problems.

20 A Look Into WWII Germany is upset by the harsh treatment by the Allies…………… WHAT WILL THEY DO?????

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