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Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Introduction  Our state of being: We are …. Ignorant Ignorant Guilty Guilty Corrupt Corrupt.

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Presentation on theme: "Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Introduction  Our state of being: We are …. Ignorant Ignorant Guilty Guilty Corrupt Corrupt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Introduction  Our state of being: We are …. Ignorant Ignorant Guilty Guilty Corrupt Corrupt

2 Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Introduction  Consequences of our state ……. Foolish hearts darkened – Rom. 1:21 Foolish hearts darkened – Rom. 1:21 Thoughts continually evil – Gen. 6:5 Thoughts continually evil – Gen. 6:5 Minds are clouded by sin and ignorant of the things of God – Eph. 4:17,18 Minds are clouded by sin and ignorant of the things of God – Eph. 4:17,18

3 Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Introduction  Results of our state of being ……. Exchanged God’s truth for a lie – Rom. 1:25 Exchanged God’s truth for a lie – Rom. 1:25 Blinded by Satan – 2 Cor. 4:4 Blinded by Satan – 2 Cor. 4:4 Deluded with self-righteousness Deluded with self-righteousness

4 Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Introduction  This is what we know about sin … Inherited – Rom. 5:12 ; Ps. 51:5 Inherited – Rom. 5:12 ; Ps. 51:5 Against God only – Ps. 51:4 Against God only – Ps. 51:4 Leaves no good in us – Ps. 14:1-3 Leaves no good in us – Ps. 14:1-3 Is a disease of the body – Ps.32:3,4 Is a disease of the body – Ps.32:3,4 Leaves no peace with God – Rom. 3:17 Leaves no peace with God – Rom. 3:17 Separates from God w/o hope – Eph. 2:12 Separates from God w/o hope – Eph. 2:12

5 Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Prophet  Office of Prophet One who sees things One who sees things Receives revelation from God Receives revelation from God In service to God In service to God Messenger who speaks God’s truth Messenger who speaks God’s truth Represents God to man Represents God to man

6 Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Prophet  Jesus as Prophet Light of the world – John 1:4,5 Light of the world – John 1:4,5 Shows us the Father – John 14:9 Shows us the Father – John 14:9 O.T. concept – Deut. 18:15-18 O.T. concept – Deut. 18:15-18 N.T. fulfillment – Acts 3:22 ; Jn. 6:14 N.T. fulfillment – Acts 3:22 ; Jn. 6:14 Jesus claims to be one – Luke 13:33 Jesus claims to be one – Luke 13:33

7 Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Prophet  Spirit of Illumination – enlightens mind  Shows God to us  Scatters darkness of error  Represents past and our Justification  Continues work as prophet through the Holy Spirit  Teaches verbally (Word of God) and factually (events)  Convicts world of sin – John 16:8

8 Prophet, Priest, & King Past, Present & Future Application As prophet, Jesus Christ enlightens our minds through the Holy Spirit. Is that Spirit of Illumination active in your hearts to know God and worship Him? John 5:39 John 5:39 2 Timothy 3:16 2 Timothy 3:16 John 16:12-15 John 16:12-15

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