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Professional Growth= Teacher Growth
+ = Self-Reflection + Professional Growth= Teacher Growth Today we will explore two proposed multiple measures - Self-Reflection and Professional Growth or Development. It is through the synergistic relationship of the two that Teacher Growth most commonly occurs, and ultimately student growth. The expectation that teachers will intentionally plan and document their professional growth is not a new concept in Kentucky. It’s important to note that the Professional Growth Plan (PGP) is not a plan that is visited only at the beginning or at the end of the school year. Instead, it is a live document that will be revisited during the year. It also will provide evidence to inform a teacher’s evaluation. While some of what we’re going to look at next may appear familiar, the procedures and instruments that may be different for you. 1
I will be able to explain and implement the Professional Growth Planning process including completing a needs assessment, setting a goal and developing an action plan. Learning Target (Read the target)
Teachers’ Professional Growth Planning Process
Needs Assessment PGP needs assessment based on self assessment using the framework, identified content/pedagogy needs from assessment results, Student Voice and other survey results, summative evaluation from previous year, etc Goal Setting Focuses on what skill or content needs to be learned to improve practice Identifies ways you could learn about the focus Identifies evidence that will show that you have reached your goal. Action Plan Outlines the steps that the teacher is going to take to learn the new skill or content Is reviewed mid-year and adjustments are made to the strategies if needed Both the teacher and principal PGES processes involve Professional Growth Planning. Right now, we’re going to focus just on the teacher PGP and deal with each of the three aspects of the PGP in detail, then we will look at drafting our own Professional Growth Goal and contemplating an action plan. ACTIVITY: Divide into thirds: Each group will discuss an aspect of the PGP, then share out their thoughts, ideas, etc. with others (Why do you think the aspect you studied is an important part of an effective PGP. Needs Assessment: The most critical difference between these new PGP expectations and those of the past is the intent is to build new habits for determining professional growth needs, and more importantly, new practices in developing the skills that will meet the needs of learners. Goal: In the case of this goal, the teacher is the learner, but that is not where it ends. Action Plan: The evidence of teacher growth and effectiveness will be seen in the learning of the students. In other words, did the professional learning help the teacher change practices, and as a result, does the evidence show impact on student learning?
Collaboration between teacher and supervisor is KEY
PGP= Year Long Process Initial Reflect Examine Data Develop the PGP Implement the PGP On-Going Reflection Collaboration between teacher and supervisor is KEY The Professional growth is a year long process that: incorporates continuous reflection - the first step in the process is a reflection on the teaching standards. It is important that we understand and follow the process for quality PGP development and implementation because: Teacher professional growth translates into student learning.
Role of Teacher Initial reflection Review of multiple sources of data
Collaborate with Principal to develop Professional Growth Plan Implement PGP Action Plan Regularly Reflect Regularly Reflect on PGP Progress Modify Strategies as necessary Ongoing Implementation and Reflection Summative Reflection on your Goals Let’s think about the differentiating roles of teacher and principal in the PGP process. (Read the slide).
Role of Principal Collaboration with Teacher Actively listens
Provides evidence based feedback Encourages risk taking Reviews data Uses inquiry as a tool for discussion Encourages critical refection Monitors Implementation of PGP Determination of attainment of the goal The principal serves a valuable role in the PGP process. Collaboration between principal and teacher is a must in a well developed and implemented PGP.
The Professional Growth Plan (PGP) is intended to foster personal and professional growth and development of teachers for the purpose of enhancing teacher effectiveness to promote student learning. Through the processes we’ve just discussed: The Professional Growth Plan (PGP) is intended to foster personal and professional growth and development of teachers for the purpose of enhancing teacher effectiveness to promote student learning. Plainly stated Professional Growth plans should lead directly to improved student learning.
Professional Growth and School Improvement
The teacher professional growth plan, effectively developed and implemented with fidelity, will not only improve individuals but also the entire school community. The professional growth plan provides teachers with an actionable plan to maximize their own potential, which in turn maximizes the school's potential. Faculty professional growth leads to a staff that: interacts regularly and frequently collaborates to make decisions about all aspects of the school based on sound professional judgment, and takes individual and collective responsibility for the success of its students. We should be mindful of the strong evidence that individual teacher growth impacts total school improvement. The teacher professional growth plan, effectively developed and implemented with fidelity, will not only improve individuals but also the entire school community. ACTIVITY: With a partner, discuss each of the statements on the slide. Clarify and explain these statements … The professional growth plan provides teachers with an actionable plan to maximize their own potential, which in turn maximizes the school's potential. Faculty professional growth leads to a staff that: interacts regularly and frequently, collaborates to make decisions about all aspects of the school based on sound professional judgment, and takes individual and collective responsibility for the success of its students.
PGP=EFFECTIVENESS As a measure of teacher effectiveness, professional growth activities should be more than a yearly, “one time” event. Every teacher should view professional improvement as an ongoing process for enhancing and strengthening their techniques, methods, products and performance. As a measure of teacher effectiveness, professional growth activities should be more than a yearly, “one time” event. Every teacher should view professional improvement as an ongoing process for enhancing and strengthening their techniques, methods, products and performance. Teacher professional growth plans are written to extend a teacher's professional growth through reflective practice. Each plan is unique to the individual, based on self assessment and is guided by the Kentucky teacher effectiveness standards. The teacher professional growth plan is best supported in a climate of inquiry. Each teacher must be actively engaged in the implementation of their plan in order to derive the maximum benefit from their established goals. The implementation of the plan is ongoing work and will evolve throughout the school year. On-going reflection may modify the activities but not the goal.
Developing the PGP Professional growth plans that link teacher practice to improved student achievement: are grade-specific and relevant to content reflect goals based on the teacher’s self- assessment of professional learning needs incorporate multiple data sources to corroborate the self-assessment When developing the PGP we should make sure that practices; are grade-specific and relevant to content reflect goals based on the teacher’s self-assessment of professional learning needs incorporate multiple data sources to corroborate the self-assessment ACTIVITY: Discuss these three points with a partner
Development of Professional Goal
Paradigm Shift: The intent is to change habits and practices that will lead to overall improved student learning. Principal - Teacher Collaboration Effective Goal Setting No More Isolated Work! As we get deeper into the PGP process we will need to think about how this process is different what we have done in the past.
The PGP process begins with a Self Reflection on Standards. Reflective practices can rapidly accelerate personal and professional growth. By using powerful questions to challenge and deepen your understanding of instructional practices, many new possibilities may open for both you and your students. We are often reminded to “Begin with the end in mind.” This means we must know what it is that we need to change in our professional behavior before we set begin developing the PGP. The process begins with a reflection on researched based standards. Your Kentucky Framework for Teaching is the starting point in this process of teacher growth. The teaching practices in the framework are research based. We know that we are headed in the right direction when we reflect on research based practices.
Big Rock Questions for Goal Setting
What do I want to change about my leadership or management roles that will effectively impact student learning? What is the personal learning necessary for me to make that change? What are the measures of my success? What is the time frame for me to accomplish my goal? ACTIVITY: Let’s take some time and begin asking ourselves specific questions and self-reflect about the goal setting process
Reflection on Standards
Teacher self-reflection on standards is a critical part of determining professional growth needs. Component 3C: Engaging Students in Learning (Pgs.29-30) Underline your areas of greatest strength Circle your areas of greatest need Based on this self-assessment what is your current performance level? What is an area of possible growth for the upcoming school year? Using the Framework, let’s get more specific in the self-reflection process using the Framework: Walkthrough framework pages 29-30 Instruct participants to: read component description paragraph Review performance level indicators Review critical attributes and possible examples Follow instructions on slide
Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template
Next Step: Walkthrough HANDOUT Steps once the framework component has been analyzed Walk through the handout with participants, then have them choose one to focus on using the framework for teaching…
Examining Data Sources
What relevant data sources are available to teachers on our school? Working together with table partners, identify possible data sources that could assist in building the foundation for the PGP goal. How do we use the data, along with our reflection, to determine a focus for the PGP? (Use handout Activity #1) Think about the many student data sources that you have available in your school and district. Brainstorm these data sources on the handout provided. One table participant should be the official recorder for the group. The recorder’s worksheet will be used to formulate the information on the wall chart paper. A facilitator will combine charts to make a master list of possible data sources for student goal setting.
Potential Data Sources to Consider Along with Self-Assessment Outcomes
School Improvement Plan Formative and Summative Assessments Principal Observation Peer Observation Program Reviews Surveys Other Data Sources Self Reflection CANNOT BE the sole basis for determining the focus of the Professional Growth Plan. Self reflection should be supported by other forms of relevant data which could include… Slide Information
If it cannot be measured, it cannot be managed
Hot on The Trail for Just The Right Measurement: To Establish the Baseline What measures of quantity, quality, and/or impact will be used to determine whether the goal has been achieved? How will progress along the way be measured? Progress toward achieving the goal typically is measured through benchmarks. Some benchmarks focus on the process, as in are we doing what we said we were going to do? Other benchmarks focus on the outcome, as in are we seeing early signs of progress toward the results? We must keep in mind that multiple sources of data will be used to determine a focus for the PGP, but there must be a reliable measure that is used to Establish the baseline and to determine goal attainment? To Determine Goal Attainment
Alright, you’ve identified a variety of potential evidence sources for each of the first four domains of the KY Framework for Teaching completed (or at least gotten a good start) on a self-assessment of your current levels of effectiveness in each of the domains But, now what? What do you do with this self-assessment? Let’s put this self-assessment / evidence sources piece into a context.
Professional Growth Plan Goals
A CRITICAL strategy for teacher professional growth is the setting of actionable and measurable professional growth goals. A critical strategy for teacher professional growth is the setting of actionable and measurable professional growth goals. After self-reflection assessment has been completed, the process becomes collaborative between the teacher and the principal. After the teacher has identified a domain and a component for concentration, the principal and teacher will collaboratively develop the PGP. They will review multiple data sources to support teacher PGP area of concentration, they will begin the critical task of establishing the PGP goal. To assure that a professional growth goal meets the same criteria as a student growth goal the following questions might guide a teacher’s thinking. What do I want to change about my instruction that will effectively impact student learning? What is my personal learning necessary to make that change? What are the measures of success? A critical strategy for teacher professional growth is the setting of actionable and measurable professional growth goals. We think of these goals as “smart goals”. The word "smart" stands for specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic/relevant and time bound. Designing goals around these concepts and measuring your goals through these qualifications makes them viable. After self-reflection assessment has been completed, the process becomes collaborative between the teacher and the principal. After the teacher has identified a domain and a component for concentration, the principal and teacher will collaboratively develop the PGP. After reviewing multiple data sources to support teacher PGP area of concentration they will begin the critical task of establishing the PGP goal. To assure that a professional growth goal meets the same criteria as a student growth goal (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound), the following three questions might guide a teacher’s thinking. In Part B of the instrument: Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning, the teacher reflects with the Principal on three critical questions: A Professional Goal Statement(s) is then written in Part B.
TRAINING SCENARIO DOMAIN 2: CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT COMPONENT 2E: Organizing physical space OBSERVATION FEEDBACK KPREP Student SURVEYS END OF COURSE MAP EPAS OTHER Let’s follow a scenario in which a teacher has completed his/her self-assessment. In our scenario, the teacher has conducted the self-assessment and reflected on the evidence that supports their findings. Using the Framework for Teaching, this teacher identified their present effectiveness ratings in each of the domains and components, consolidated areas of potential growth, and determined a final focus area in collaboration with the principal. Although the final focus area for the professional growth goal was in domain 2 (Classroom Environment) and Component 2E (Organizing Physical Space), this was only determined to be the primary focus after the evidence was reviewed from a variety of sources. In this case, data from Student Voice surveys, Observation Feedback and other sources may have provided the preponderance of evidence for the growth goal.
Goal Setting “It is essential to recognize that these goals are goals for the teacher’s learning, not student learning.” –Charlotte Danielson With the focus area of Domain 2 Component E as the focus area, the teacher now asks him or herself three guiding questions, the answers to which will provide the foundation for his/her Professional Growth Goal. Those questions are: What do I want to change about my practices that will effectively impact student learning? How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning? How will I know if I accomplished my objective?
What do I want to change about my practices that will effectively impact student learning?
I specifically want to change my students’ perception that my classroom is unsafe and distracting. I want to learn how to use my space more efficiently and effectively so that the classroom is more welcoming and conducive to learning. Using three guiding questions we are going to explore the thought process for providing a foundation for his/her professional growth goal If we could hear the thinking of our scenario teacher, we might hear him/her reflecting that… Slide Information
How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning?
I believe I can develop a plan of action that includes some readings on classroom organization, peer input, classroom visits, and organizing/purging my classroom materials. I believe I can develop a plan of action that includes some readings on classroom organization, peer input, classroom visits, and organizing/purging my current materials.
How will I know if I accomplished my objective?
My goal will be accomplished when: Students can navigate the room easily Physical space allows for diverse student groupings, Student Voice Survey results improve on the indicators that students feel safe and the learning environment is free from distractions Principal feedback from observations show growth on the KY Framework for Teaching; advancing from DEVELOPING to ACCOMPLISHED on Domain 2 Component E My goal will be accomplished when students can… Slide Information
I specifically want to change my students’ perception that my classroom is unsafe and distracting. I want to learn how to use my space more efficiently and effectively so that the classroom is more welcoming and conducive to learning. I believe I can develop a plan of action that includes some readings on classroom organization, peer input, classroom visits, and organizing/purging my classroom materials. I will know I accomplished my goal when students can navigate the room easily, the physical space allows for diverse student groupings, when Student Voice Survey results improve on the indicators that students feel safe and the learning environment is free from distractions, and observation feedback from the principal showing growth on the KY Framework for Teaching from developing to accomplished on Domain 2 Component E. When put together, the final product is a professional growth goal built on self-assessment and personal reflection. It is important to also collaborate with the principal to assure that all available evidence sources have been considered and any resources needed from the principal are reasonable and available.
SAMPLE GROWTH GOAL During the school year, I will alter the current student perception that my classroom is an unsafe and distracting learning space, as indicated by 47% of students’ responses on the Student Voice Survey, to the perception that it is a fun, safe and supportive learning environment. Goal attainment will be measured by at least 95% of students responding positively. HANDOUT: Sample Growth Goal ACTIVITY: Using this growth goal answer questions on the handout…
We Have Agreed on the Goal
Now What? After an effective goal is written and agreed upon the teacher must identify the learning that must take place in order to achieve the goal. Once a principal and teacher agrees on the professional growth goal area and the goal has been written it becomes important to identify the learning that is necessary for the teacher to accomplish the goal.
Strategies Aligned to Goal
Professional Growth Strategies are the “how to.”—the link between goal and goal attainment. Strategies are how professional growth happens After identifying the new learning that is necessary to accomplish the goal the strategies are identified and agreed upon. Teachers are encouraged to examine their professional practices and read education research to provide the most effective instruction to students. Think about the sample goal that we examined earlier. TURN AND TALK: What new learning might the teacher need in order to implement the goal we just saw? Take a minute to discuss this question at your tables.
Action Plan The essence of an Action Plan is that it is a sequence of steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, for a strategy to succeed. Even the best professional growth goal is only words on paper until it is contextualized within a quality Action Plan. The essence of an Action Plan is that it is a sequence of steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, for a strategy to succeed. Take a few minutes to talk about possible strategies and actions that a teacher using the sample growth goal might incorporate into his/her action plan.
Designing An Action Plan
Critical Elements: What do you have that has been working for you? timelines? reflections? other? What additions do you believe would be helpful? HANDOUT Available Resources:
Let’s begin YOUR Action Plan
Working with your building or district colleagues, brainstorm possible formats for organizing your action plan. Think about what has been helpful to you in your current process: Are there things that you need in addition? Are there any resources available in the building or district to assist you in this task? Capture your thoughts so that they can be shared later with your principal. ACTIVITY
Putting It All Together
Before we end this afternoon’s session, it is important that we take the three items we have been working on – self-reflection, professional growth goals and action plans – and put them into the larger context of the Professional Growth Goal Planning Process. So, let’s quickly review that process and see where these two elements fit in.
Complete a self-assessment
Use a variety of data sources including the Framework for Teaching, observation feedback, assessment data, survey results, etc. Be honest and transparent with yourself! Identify your strengths as well as your growth needs. Narrow the focus to a specific growth need that will have high impact on your professional growth and student achievement. The teacher references each of the domains and components of the Framework for Teaching. I had you practice this step by looking at Component 3C
Write a quality professional growth goal
What do I want to change? How can I develop an action plan? How will I measure progress? Next, the identified growth need is captured as a professional growth goal that is built on honest reflection to the questions of: What do I want to change about my practices that will effectively impact student learning? How can I develop of plan of action to address my professional learning? How will I know if I accomplished my objective?
Develop a quality action plan aligned with the goal
Then an Action Plan is developed in collaboration with the Principal that is aligned to the goal and that clearly identifies the teacher’s professional learning need and activities that will facilitate the needed learning. Growth Goal Action Plan
MONITOR and Make Strategy Adjustment
Monitor both PGP progress toward goal attainment AND strategy effectiveness Review the progress toward the goal with the principal. Make adjustments to strategies as needed (Reminder: Goals are not adjusted) Once the PGP had been developed it is important that the teacher continually reflect on the goal and strategies. The principal, as well as the teacher, should continually monitor progress toward achievement of the goal. Keep in mind that when strategies are not working they may be adjusted, the goal however should not be changed during the process.
Put the pieces into motion
Implement Reflect Review Document Finally, although we haven’t talked much about it today, the Action Plan gets implemented and the teacher reflects throughout the year and collaborates with the principal in monitoring success and modifying activities as appropriate.
DETERMINE SUCCESS Did I make meet or make progress toward my PGP Goal? What did I learn? How did I grow? Next Steps At the end of the year the goal is reviewed to see if the teacher has successfully achieved the goal. This happens in the end of year conference with the principal.
Once you are back in your school,
revisit your self-assessment using the Framework for Teaching. collect additional data sources related to your current levels of effectiveness. integrate all of the data to identify your strengths and potential growth areas. collaborate with your principal to narrow your growth needs to one area of focus and develop a professional growth goal design an Action Plan aligned with your professional growth goal communicate throughout the year on progress and revisions to your action plan Review the key points as stated on the slide.
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