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WHY PRESERVE BIODIVERSITY?. Essential Question: Why preserve biodiversity? Objectives: 1.View photos of endangered species on the Internet and discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "WHY PRESERVE BIODIVERSITY?. Essential Question: Why preserve biodiversity? Objectives: 1.View photos of endangered species on the Internet and discuss."— Presentation transcript:


2 Essential Question: Why preserve biodiversity? Objectives: 1.View photos of endangered species on the Internet and discuss the reasons why these animals are threatened and why they should be protected 2.Define Biodiversity, Ecosystem, and Extinction 3.Explain why all members of an ecosystem are important 4.List the reasons why biodiversity should be preserved

3 KEY TERMS 1. Biodiversity: the existence of many different kinds of plants and animals in an environment 2. Ecosystem: everything that exists in a particular environment 3. Extinction: the state or situation that results when something (such as a plant or animal species) has died out completely


5 MEMBERS OF AN ECOSYSTEM What happens if one member of an ecosystem no longer exists? For example, what might happen if a certain type of fish dies out of a lake ecosystem, leaving its predators without a food source and its prey without a predator? What are some potential impacts for animal and plant members of the ecosystem and for people who live near or make use of the ecosystem (e.g., fishers or tourists).

6 GROUP ACTIVITY discuss and list the reasons why they think biodiversity is important and why endangered animals and habitats should be protected. Why should ecosystems be kept healthy, with every member of the ecosystem protected?

7 5 MAJOR CATEGORIES 1. Economic: "Biodiversity can help people make money or keep people from losing money." 2. Recreational: "People love outdoor activities like fishing and backpacking, which would not be possible if ecosystems were destroyed." 3. Human health: "Biodiversity can help people find better cures for illnesses." 4. Human rights: "If biodiversity is protected, indigenous people can continue to live in their native lands." 5. Spiritual/intrinsic value: "Biodiversity should be preserved for its own sake," "Animals and plants have a right to live," and "People rely on wild places and creatures for spiritual fulfillment."

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