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 Eye Protection  Tape Measure  Saw  Hammer  Semi – Gloss Paint  Blacco top Soil  Flathead Wood Screws  Designer Leaves  Fertilizer  Solid wood.

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Presentation on theme: " Eye Protection  Tape Measure  Saw  Hammer  Semi – Gloss Paint  Blacco top Soil  Flathead Wood Screws  Designer Leaves  Fertilizer  Solid wood."— Presentation transcript:


2  Eye Protection  Tape Measure  Saw  Hammer  Semi – Gloss Paint  Blacco top Soil  Flathead Wood Screws  Designer Leaves  Fertilizer  Solid wood  Round Pots  Ornaments  Plastic Wire

3  I used regular wood from a wooden table a solid wood because it is hard to break. Solid wood is a term used to refer to the use of natural lumber as opposed to fabricated wood such as plywood. It can also mean a solid wooden structure.

4  Round pots are the industry standard for full depth pots.  Ideal for planting perennials and other plants that have large root systems.  Traditional style pots, made durable with plastic with a wide rim for added strength.

5  Step 1) Measure the length of solid wood.  Step 2) I nailed the peace of drywall into the bottom of the flower box to hold soil in place and water from leakage.  Step 3) I painted the flower box with a semi-gloss paint.  Step 4) I poured the soil and fertilizer into the flower box.  Step 5) I dug holes into the soil planted the round pots.  Step 6) I nailed the designer leaves around the edge of the top of the flower box.  Step 7) I used plastic wire to tie around the designer leaves for the ornaments.

6  Plant Growth  Improve the soil structure  Provide bigger plants, and bigger blooms  Improve the health of the plants  Supplies the required nutrients to provide optimum results.  Increase yields  Uses: Use Fertilizer for.  Vegetable Gardens  Flower Gardens  Bedding Plants  Lawn Preparation.  Flower boxes

7  Nitrogen -Apply higher concentrations of nitrogen in early growth stage. It provides for leaf root growth.  Phosphorous - to help promote big, bright blooms in flowering stage.  Potassium-helps use water and resist drought, it promotes healthy green flowers. Plants use potassium as an enzyme to produce proteins and sugars. Potassium is used to control it’s water content without potassium the flowers could not grow. Blacco Top Soil Fertilizer

8  Blacco top Soil  I choose to use blacco top soil because it is where plants obtain most of their nutrients to stimulate growth for progression in the flower box.

9  What is Semi-gloss paint ?  A paint that dries with a finish between glossy and flat, a substance as coating to protect or decorate a surface especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid, dries to form a hard coating.

10  Perennials =4  Synthetic Astilbe  Hosta  Synthetic Lavender  Geranium  * Synthetic – Prepared or made artificially not of natural origin.  Why I choose Perennials  It gives the gardener a head start of at least a month over those planting only annuals because perennials can handle cold weather.

11  Front Measurements 28 inches long.  Front Width 5 ½ inches for each peace of wood.  Side Measurements 15 inches long.  Side Width 5 ½ inches for each peace of wood.  Back top Measurement 27 ½ inches long.  Back Top Width 5 ½ inches.  Back bottom Measurement 28 inches long.  Back bottom Width 5 ½ inches.  Bottom Measurements 15 inches long.  Bottom measurement Width 5 ½ inches for each peace of wood.

12  Plant Type: Perennial  Plant Height: 2 feet tall Plant, Width: 2 feet wide  Special Features: Flowers, Attractive foliage, Drought tolerant, Deer resistant, Easy to grow.  Bloom Time: geraniums give great show late spring and early summer. Geranium

13  Plant Type: Perennial, Herb, Shrub  Plant Height: 1-3 feet tall Plant, Width: 1-3 feet wide.  Special Features: Flowers, Attractive foliage, Fragrant, Cut flowers, Dried flowers, Attracts bees, Drought tolerant, Deer resistant.  Bloom Time: Early Summer to late Summer, early June to August.  * The Pollen produces nectar for drinking bees. Synthetic Lavender

14  Plant Type: Perennial  Plant Height: To 5 feet tall Plant, Width: To 4 feet wide  Special Features: Flowers, Attractive foliage, Fragrant, Cut flowers, Drought tolerant, Tolerates wet soil, Easy to grow.  Bloom Time: Hosta bloom for two to three weeks every year. Most species bloom during the warm summer months of July and August. Hosta

15  Plant Type: Perennial  Plant Height: 6-40 inches tall Plant, Width: 18-30 inches wide  Special Features: Flowers, Attractive foliage, Fragrant, Cut flowers, Attracts butterflies, Tolerates wet soil, Deer resistant.  Bloom Time: From June to July.  The color plays a vital role in attracting butterflies. Synthetic Astilbe

16  The main focal point of the Flower box would be the synthetic foliage plants of the Astilbe and the Lavender, This gives it a unique transformation of creativity and interest of focus in the flower box. The synthetic plants provide a fun burst of color and low maintenance, fortunately the advances of synthetic plants in the flower make the imposters virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

17  Cost/Estimate  Blacco top Soil= $ 0.00  Fertilizer= $ 0.00  Tools/Material= $ 0.00  Perennials= $ 0.00  Total Cost Estimate= $ 0.00  Actual Cost  Blacco Top Soil= $ 20 per cubic yard or bag.  Fertilizer= $ 38.50.  Tools/Materials= $ 275.50.  Perennials= $ 25.  Total Actual Cost= $ 359.

18  1 ) I selected this topic because I am a former landscape student here at Apollo. All the material I had to do the flower box I had at my house or in my garden.

19  2) For my research I had to locate a solid wood which was from my back yard that’s made from a wooden table. Perhaps the greatest advantage of solid is that the wood is the same all the way throughout the project, so repairs are relatively easy. I had to locate two plants the Geranium and the Hosta plants that were from a local flower shop. I used two synthetic plants of synthetic Atilbe and synthetic lavender from my own garden. I had to figure out the size of the flower box so I can account for how much soil to put into the flower box.

20 3) I learn how to design a flower box for a garden, and that experimenting with creative variety of flowers will add beauty to the flower box. I learn that mixing soil with fertilizer enhances the plant ability, it is the primary source of carbon and nitrogen required by plants for their nutrition. It improves soil’s structure which is necessary for plant advancement.

21  4 ) Choosing the right soil and fertilizer to put in the flower box, I also had trouble with the amount of soil I had to put into the flower box so it can hold up with the wood and plywood.

22  5) I thought the flowers that I used of perennials were a great for creativeness, I also believe I did well on my budget knowing that the tools and materials were all free from my own home and garden.

23  6) I would have added some annuals but most don’t bloom until a month after perennials. I also wouldn’t have added much soil to the flower box because it is heavy, but the time and work put into the flower box design was worth it knowing I did it from a wooden table.

24  7) I would say if you got a project in mind go for it and have a positive attitude, a positive attitude goes a long way to success, be sure to plan extra time to study the most important aspects of your project.

25  8) I would like to thank the Judges for coming out to watch my presentation and the audience and fellow student for watching me present.


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