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Adverse Reactions The complete absence of harmful effects, either immediate or delayed, when UBI is used property, has allowed clinical investigators to.

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Presentation on theme: "Adverse Reactions The complete absence of harmful effects, either immediate or delayed, when UBI is used property, has allowed clinical investigators to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adverse Reactions The complete absence of harmful effects, either immediate or delayed, when UBI is used property, has allowed clinical investigators to use this procedure over a period of twenty years and more on a single patient. Citrate reactions.all typical citrate reactions, accompanied by headache, chill, temporary fever of not more than 102.0 degrees F., and moderate calf muscle spasm. This is less than 0.1%, · Photosensitization (Light) Reactions sulfa drugs being the worst offenders. Iodide drugs can also be a problem, especially if given intravenously. Common non- photosensitive medications (ones that are OK to use with UBI) include penicillin, aspirin and other salicylates, broad-spectrum antibiotics, alkaloids, glucose, saline, and whole blood and plasma. It is our experience that psychotropic medications (pain pills, anxiety and depression pills) should be used with caution as UBI may increase their effect upon the body ’ s chemistry. · Reactions due to death of bacteria (Herxheimer ’ s Reaction). This “ die-off ” reaction is usually similar to “ flu-like ” symptoms of headache, achiness, tiredness, and just “ not feeling well ” and usually lasts only several days. · Exacerbation reaction ’ s in chronic diseases. Dr. Miley reports that in approximately 50% of individuals with bronchial asthma, nasal sinusitis and chronic rheumatic disease (also in acute rheumatic disease), there appears for the first four to five days following initial UBI an aggravation of the pre-existing symptoms which is usually no more severe than any previous severe exacerbation. This is especially true following the first application of UBI, much less likely to occur after a second UBI, and rarely after third. · Possibility of producing shock. Other reactions. A rare and mildly depressant effect

2 influencing the synthesis of prostaglandines cracking of albumin molecules immunomodulation formation of antioxidative scavengers influencing the oxyen-binding properties of the red blood cells metabolic effects Effects of photon therapy

3 Influence on synthesis of prostaglandines Cascade of arachidonic acid and inhibiting factors

4 biological effects: - decreased plasma viscosity - antiinflamatory activity Cracking of hydrogen-links in albumin molecules

5 stimulation of the physiological leucocytolysis Normal rate = 300000 per second stimulation of unspecific phagocytosis increase of the humoral germicide activity of the blood increase of the rate of T4-helper cells Immunomodulation caused by ultraviolet blood irradiation

6 short living activated oxygen radicals act as a stimulant on blood cells blood cells start the production of antioxidative enzymatic scavengers somatic cells start the production of antioxidative enzymatic scavengers after retransfusion of the irradiated blood Formation of antioxidative scavengers

7 increased intracellular concentration of 2,3 diphosphoglycerates in the erythrocytes causes a deviation to right at the oxigen binding curve Easier oxygen supply to body tissues

8 1. parameters of the rheology of the blood decrease of plasma viscosity improvement of the flexibility of erythrocytes decrease of the aggregation tendency of red blood cells decrease of the aggregation tendency of thrombocytes decrease of plasmatic fibrinogen level decrease of plasmatic lipid levels 2. Haemodynamic important parameters dissolving of vasospastic phenomenons Improvement of hemorheology and hemodynamic properties

9 improvement of microcirculation antiinflammatory effects improvement of the performance of the immunological system protection against oxidative stress improvement of different metabolic activities improvement of toxin clearance through connecting tissue, liver and kidneys The most important biological effects of the ultraviolet blood irradiation

10 Physiological parameters influenced by ultraviolet blood irradiation Biophysical changes: -improvement of electrophoretical mobility of the erythrocytes -increase of the electric charge of the erythrocytes -increase of the chemoluminescence of the blood - increase of the ATP-content of the erythrocytes

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