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Review of Midwifery Supervision NI WELCOME. What’s happening elsewhere? Brenda Devine 20 th April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Midwifery Supervision NI WELCOME. What’s happening elsewhere? Brenda Devine 20 th April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Midwifery Supervision NI WELCOME

2 What’s happening elsewhere? Brenda Devine 20 th April 2015

3 Supervision Supervision functions include: Administrative – includes professional standards and adherence to policies Teaching – educating, professional development Helping – supporting at the personal level Mediation – enabling the supervisee to reflect on their practice and engage with their organisation. (adapted from Davys and Beddoe 2010)

4 Netherlands supported by three pillars; the university education, the KNOV organisation and the council registration system. Regular registration asks that midwives keep up-to- date by delineating a yearly number of clinical and educational hours.

5 New Zealand 1996 Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) - women nominate their carer - 80% choose midwife as LMC Development of Midwifery Standards Review to encourage midwives to reflect on practice with two trained reviewers (1Midwife/1 Service User)

6 NZ-Midwifery Standards Review All midwives in New Zealand have to undertake MSR (at the end of their first year of practice and thereafter two yearly), in order to hold an Annual Practising Certificate maintain professional standards of practice reflect on the partnership demonstrate her commitment to ongoing professional development and accountability examine her practice with midwifery peers and consumers of midwifery services

7 Australia National competency standards Performance is assessed to obtain and retain their license to practice as a midwife Standards are a framework for assessing their competence, and are used by the National Board as part of the annual renewal registration of license process to assess midwives

8 Social Services Effective Supervision provides Social and emotional wellbeing Improved self-efficacy and sense of empowerment Organisational commitment and intention to stay Appears to help reduce staff turnover

9 Health Visiting Regionally Agreed Definition: Safeguarding nursing supervision provides specialist professional safeguarding advice and support that promotes best safeguarding practice through: ReflectionConfidence InformationCompetence LearningAccountability

10 Restorative Supervision Model Creativity energy solution focused Identification of learning and development needs Anxiety Restorative Supervision Model (Wallbank, 2012)

11 When it works well? Lewis P (2012).........will foster an environment of supportive, safe and effective practice Read,J. Wallace,V. (2014) provides the framework for midwives development needs to be addressed.......and act, as independent advocates for women and their families

12 Exercise 1 - Group Work At your tables we want you to discuss and agree what is good about our current framework of midwifery supervision that you do not want to see disappear THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SHAPE THE FUTURE OF MIDWIFERY SUPERVISION FOR NI


14 Exercise 2 – Cafe Style 1.Start at your table 2.Move clockwise around the other tables Member of ERG will remain at the table and provide an update to the previous groups discussion – have you anything additional to add? THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SHAPE THE FUTURE OF MIDWIFERY SUPERVISION FOR NI

15 Open Discussion

16 Closing Remarks Mrs Olive Macleod Executive Director of Nursing NHSCT

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