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Published byGordon Houston Modified over 9 years ago
1 Center for S a t ellite A pplications and R esearch (STAR) Satellite Operational Algorithm Readiness (SOAR) 16 NOV 2010 PRESENTED BY: DR. AL POWELL DIRECTOR DR MIKE KALB DEPUTY DIRECTOR COPC Meeting AFWA, Omaha, NE 16 NOV 2010
2 Integrated Earth Observations A distributed system of systems – Provides comprehensive set of space- based observations – Links all platforms: space-, air-, and surface-based (land, ocean and ice) – Requires inter-calibrated observations – Facilitates exchange of data and information – Improves decision-maker’s abilities to address pressing policy issues
3 STAR’s Mission To provide NOAA with scientific research and development that transitions state ‑ of ‑ the-art satellite data systems, products, and services to operations for use by land, atmosphere, ocean, and climate user communities. STAR has over 40 years experience working satellite algorithms, sustainment, and their transfer into operations. RESEARCH TO OPERATIONS, CALIBRATION, ALGORITHM DEVELOPMENT & SUSTAINMENT
4 STAR Life Cycle Satellite Support
STAR Organization Center for Satellite Applications & Research (STAR) Scientific capacity is maintained in three divisions: atmosphere, ocean and university partners & NOAA Cooperative Institutes
What is Satellite Operational Algorithm Readiness (SOAR)? Provides consistent management and policies across all NOAA satellite data sources: NOAA operational (any satellite NOAA uses in its operations), NASA research, or international missions Uses the similar/same procedures across systems to ensure consistency and repeatability of process
7 SOAR Provides… STAR provides… End-to-End Capabilities – Instrument Trade Studies (Alg Related) – Proxy Dataset Development – Algorithm Development and Testing – Product Demonstration Systems – Development of Cal/Val Tools – Integrated Cal/Val Enterprise System – Sustained Radiance and Product Validation – Algorithm and application improvements – User Readiness and Education – Risk reduction – Innovation to work future requirements Experience in Algorithm Delivery and Implementation Developed, tested, delivered and implemented operational product generation systems – POES, JPSS (NOAA polar ops missions) – GOES, GOES-R (NOAA geo ops missions) – DMSP (DoD, NOAA applications) – AIRS, MODIS (NASA) – MeTOP (IASI, GOME, ASCAT) – JPSS / NPOESS (NDE Project) – International and evolving capabilities: Oceansat (India), FY (China), Meteor (USSR), GCOM (Japan), Radarsat (Canada), Jason (French-US) etc. SOAR will bring algorithm development and data use efficiencies wherever satellite data is applied for mission applications
Satellite Operational Algorithm Readiness (SOAR) Enterprise Process Lifecycle Cooperative Research Division Satellite Oceanography & Climate Division NOAA Calibration Center (NCC) Satellite Meteorology & Climate Division Research & Development Joint Center, Sat. Data Assimilation Satellite Algorithm Testbed Post-Launch Science Maint. Collaborative Environment (CE) GOES-R / Geo Missions International Missions Decadal Survey Missions Science Outreach Visualization Algorithm Integration Cal/ ValQuality Assurance User ReadinessRequirements Missions JPSS/ Polar Missions Capabilities Science Our Federal Scientific Staff provide the knowledge and work that builds and sustains a portfolio of enabling capabilities. They are the raw material for mission success.
How will SOAR work? STAR Structure Viewed from Inside NOAA Each algorithm program will be tailored for the operational mission from the available scientific capacity STAR Mgt Atmospheric Division Ocean Division University Partnerships Division NESDIS
How will SOAR work? A Venn Diagram Analogy Each algorithm program will be tailored for the operational mission from the available scientific capacity STAR Mgt Atmospheric Division Ocean Division University Partnerships Division GOES-R JASON AIRS JPSS
SOAR Enterprise Services for Multi-Mission Satellite Scientific Algorithm Development and Cal/Val 11 Quality Assurance Algorithm Integration Cal/Val Research & Development Enterprise Services Service Domains Mgmt / Org Oversight User Readiness Decadal Survey JPSSNDEGOES-RInt’l Requirements Provides mature development processes and draws expertise from scientists in other agencies, such as NASA, DOD, and Cooperative Institutes and other universities NOAA Calibration Center GSICS Coordination Center
12 Algorithm Working Group (AWG) Leverages nearly 100 scientists from NOAA, NASA, DOD, EPA, and NOAA’s Cooperative Institutes (University partners) Applies first-hand knowledge of algorithms developed for POES, GOES, DMSP, AIRS, MODIS, MetOP and Space Weather (new addition). Leverages other programs & experiences (GOES, POES, MODIS, AIRS, IASI, NPOESS and other prototype instruments and international systems) Seeks to facilitate algorithm consistency across satellite platforms -- prerequisite for GEOSS (maximize benefits and minimizes integration) PURPOSE: (1) To select, develop, test, validate, and demonstrate Level-2 + algorithms that will meet requirements and provide them to the Satellite Ground Segment. (2) Provide sustained life cycle validation and Level-2 product enhancements
13 GOES-R AWG Organizational Structure GOES-R Program Office GOES-R Ground Segment Application Teams GOES-R Risk Reduction Program Lead Deputy Program Lead GOES-R AWG Program Manager Deputy Program Manager Technical Advisory Committee Integration Team ADEB Algorithm Development Executive Board. Development & Proxy Teams Cooperative Institutes JCSDA & Others GOES-R Program Management AWG Mgt & Execution - Alg Selection & Program Guidance Implements alg runoff, code dev, testing, etc. Selects specialty area algs and provides special guidance in area of expertise Establishes requirements, standards, infrastructure, architecture, integrates software from the product development teams, and prepares deliveries to system prime Scientific Guidance Risk Reduction effort Conducts program reviews, leads IV&V, recommends changes and provides direction Risk Reduction effort (includes exploratory algorithms, processes and improved data utilization) AWG management structure and processes mitigate risks associated with delivering algorithms on schedule STAR Office of Primary Responsibility Functional Responsibility GOES-R Cal/Val WG Oversight and verification of Instrument performance
Change Brings Opportunity STAR: Assumed leadership of the Data Products and Algorithm Group for NPP and JPSS, June 2010 – STAR is a “client” to both GOES-R and JPSS – we deliver algorithm capabilities to the programs Will provide an enterprise approach to life cycle (end-to-end) satellite algorithm development and cal/val activities across NOAA (and other) satellite missions and platforms Will deliver the consistency and quality of sensor & product applications the U.S. needs for an effective global observing system 14
JPSS “Science”View NOAA Senior Management Defense Weather Satellite System (DWSS) Flight Project Flight Project Mgr: Schwer Program Office Program Manager (NASA) – P. Burch Deputy Program Manager (NASA) – E. Citrin Business Manager (NASA) – L. Greenslade Chief Engineer (NASA) – A. Whipple Program Scientist (NOAA) – K. St. Germain Senior Project Scientist (NASA) – J. Gleason Ground Project Ground Project Mgr: Devito Instrument Managers, Engineers, & Scientists Data Product Implementation AFWA Operational Customers FNMOC & NAVO Operational Customers NOAA LORWG (represents NOAA’s Users) Spacecraft IDPS, C3S, FTS Climate Research Community Data Products & Algorithms (NOAA/STAR) NOAA/ NASA SMD Program Division Inst. Scientists Inst. Managers Sensor Scientists Integrated Sensor Science Team From Instrument Specs Through Pre-launch Testing To Post-Launch Performance AWG Including Cal/Val Independent Reviews will be defined in the Management Control Plan USER GROUPS: Multiple levels of engagement with the JPSS Program
Data Products and Algorithms Group Responsibilities Provide integrated end-to-end data product leadership Characterize SDR and EDR performance Coordinate between Integrated Sensor Science Team and DPAG/AWG Validate data products Propose corrections for existing algorithms and develop new algorithms Deliver algorithm changes/updates and new algorithms for Ground project integration into IDPS Communicate algorithms and performance to the broader science & user community 16
Sensor ScienceAlgorithm & Product Science Integration and Transition Sensor Science Chair: Weng Co-Chair, Sensor Science: Guenther: Co-Chair, Intercalibration: Cao Sr. Engineer/Risk - Baker Sr. SDR Alg Eng – Caponi DP Alg Eng/QA – Denning Validation Chair: Ignatov Co-Chair: Pierce DP Alg Eng/QA- Feeley Science Co-Chair: Csiszar Co-Chair: DeMaria Sr. DP Alg Eng - Belsma DP Alg Eng/QA- Griffin Science Communication and Outreach Chair: Daniels (acting) Co-Chair: Hughes Process Mgmt /QA(pt)-Trumbower Algorithm Integration Chair: Wolf Team Lead- King QA Lead- Qiu Correct Calibrate Communicate ImproveValidateDevelop Instru. Scientist Version 1.3a Sensor Scientists: ATMS - Blackwell CrIS - Bingham OMPS - Jaross VIIRS - DeLuccia CERES – Priestley SEM-N - Denig Validation Leads: Cloud&Aerosol - Starr ERB - TBD Imagery&CM - Kopp Land - Privette Ocean - Arnone Ozone – Flynn Sounding - Barnet Space Wx – Denig Application Leads: Cryo-Keys Ozone-Flynn Land-Csiszar SST-Ignatov Imagery-Hillger Sounding-Barnet Hydrology-Ferraro Clouds-Heidinger Rad. Bud.-Laszlo Ocean Wind-Chang Ocean Color-Wang Aero–Kondragunta ……….& Laszlo Key NOAA NASA IPA NRL FFRDC Contractor Technical Advisory Committee/ IPR Operational Algorithm Teams Calibration Application Leads : ATMS - Mo CrIS - Han OMPS - Wu VIIRS – Guenther CERES – TBD SEM-N - TBD Administration STAR Budget Analyst (NOAA) - TBD Contract Support Specialist – Butler EVM /Scheduler(2)– TBD Technical Writer (pt) - Hobish Science Maintenance Product Enhancement PSDI NDE Proving Ground GSDI JPSS STAR Data Products & Algorithm Group Program Manager (NOAA) - Rokke Dep. Program Manager Operations (NOAA) - Kilcoyne Quality Assurance Manager (NOAA)- Zhou Business Manager – Godin REPORTS TO JPSS GROUND SEGMENT Algorithm Development Executive Board Integrated Sensor Science & Product Teams Chair : Rokke Risk Reduction User Readiness STAR Office of Primary Responsibility 17
Users Benefit from a Multi-Mission Algorithm Enterprise Approach (SOAR) Coordinated requirements analysis Consistency of scientific algorithms Consistency of sensor and product validation Consistent and repeatable processes/standards for development PDRs, CDRs, TRRs, SRRs, software, test plans, EVM, etc. Enables the generation of blended and integrated products Faster research to operations Consistency in quality of user readiness and training Inter-calibrated sensors
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