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Platting Update Orange County BCC January 27, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Platting Update Orange County BCC January 27, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Platting Update Orange County BCC January 27, 2015

2 Presentation Outline  Purpose  Platting Background  Platting Challenges  Developer Engagement  Summary

3 Presentation Outline  Purpose  Platting Background  Platting Challenges  Developer Engagement  Summary

4 Purpose  Public comments from August 2014 regarding length of time to receive plat approval  Summarize discussions with development community  Discuss actions taken

5 Presentation Outline  Purpose  Platting Background  Platting Challenges  Developer Engagement  Summary

6 Platting Background  Map or drawing depicting the division of lands into lots, blocks, parcels, sites or other divisions for the purpose of recording. Plats shall meet all the requirements of Florida Statutes, Chapter 177 and shall be so certified by a land surveyor registered in the State.

7 Platting Background  Plat process defined in OC Code Chapter 34 – Occurs after Comp Plan / Rezoning – Occurs after Construction Plan approval, and with Certificate of Completion  Process ensures legal public access before property is sold  Why it is important to the County? – Protect interest of the County and future owners – Future impacts to County

8 Platting Process Land Development Process Flow Chart Comprehensive Plan Amendment Rezoning Preliminary Subdivision Plan Development Plan (optional) Subdivision Construction Plans Plat Review Building Permitting (Vertical)

9 Platting Process Platting Process Flow Chart Pre-Submittal Meeting (optional) Plat Submittal Staff Review (13 Divisions) Preliminary Address Assignment School Capacity Review ROW Review Concurrency Review Street Name Approval Plat Accepted / Recorded Outstanding technical comments Clean submittal with all required documents

10 Platting Background  Reviewing Orange County Divisions Development Engineering Engineering Survey EPD Parks & Recreation Zoning Planning Concurrency Transportation Planning Real Estate Management Utilities 911 Property Appraiser Comptroller

11 Platting Background  Plat Review Requirements – Conditions of Approval – Subdivision Survey – R-O-W Conveyances – Easement Subordination – Environmental Site Assessments – Title Opinion – Developer’s Agreement – Establishment of MSBU’s – Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions

12 Platting Background  Platting complexities – Multiple phases – Physical site restrictions – Environmental requirements – Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions – School Impact Fees/Road Concurrency Obligations – Land Ownership Changes

13 Presentation Outline  Purpose  Platting Background  Platting Challenges  Developer Engagement  Summary

14 Platting Challenges  Three main issues affecting platting reviews 1.Staff workload 2.Applicant quality control 3.Regulatory streamlining impacts

15 Platting Challenges 1.Staff Workload – Increased demand with economic recovery – Staffing changes already made Added 2 staff in Public Works for platting and PSP reviews Added staff in Real Estate – Future staffing changes Replace two re-assigned positions with permanent full time positions FY 15/16 Budget – request two (2) additional positions – Improve metrics / reporting

16 Platting Challenges Distribution of Approval Times* January 2012 – December 2014 6 Weeks – 3 Months 11% (16 approved) 3 – 6 Months 41% (57 approved) 6 – 9 Months 29% (40 approved) 9 Months or More 19% (27 approved) Total # of Plats – 140 *Approval time reflects initial submittal to recording

17 Platting Challenges 2.Quality Control – Typical review comments addressing: Survey errors and omissions Compliance with BCC conditions Agreement inconsistencies Required reports outdated Easements/Encumbrances not identified Current Title Opinion Re-submittal Delays – Evaluating mandatory pre-application meeting and more detailed sufficiency reviews

18 Platting Challenges 3.Regulatory Streamlining —Review what documentation can reasonably be reviewed with the plat submittal —Confirm what documentation can reasonably be submitted at earlier stages of the review process —Optimize streamlining reviews of Planned Developments, Preliminary Subdivision Plans, and Development Plans

19 Presentation Outline  Purpose  Platting Background  Platting Challenges  Developer Engagement  Summary

20 Developer Engagement  Meeting with GOBA on August 27, 2014  Discussed: – Developer concerns regarding time, coordination – Staff concern of increased plat complexity and poor quality control  Committed to future discussions, staffing, and process evaluation

21 Developer Engagement  Platting Survey – On-line survey sent to over 160 customers – 53 responses – 14 questions Customer perceptions regarding process Customer expectations Suggestions for improvements

22 Developer Engagement  Developer’s Forum – Conducted on January 20, 2015 – Over 60 attendees – Purpose of the forum: Education Discovery Solutions Manage expectations

23 Developer Engagement  Developer’s Forum input received – Add staff to address workload – Mandatory pre-submittal meeting – More thorough sufficiency review – Establish timeline goals for review comments – Enhanced online information and access – Improved management / reporting – Evaluate further process changes

24 Presentation Outline  Purpose  Platting Background  Platting Challenges  Developer Engagement  Summary

25 Summary  Platting is a critical component of the land development process  Areas of concern – Staffing – Quality control – Streamlining impacts  Developer’s Forum ensures communication and manages expectations  Evaluating future process changes or staffing needs

26 Platting Update Orange County BCC January 27, 2015

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