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Pressure Equipment Regulations - the introduction of a new category of AIA and the impact on SAQCC Certified Competent Persons AIA Meeting November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Pressure Equipment Regulations - the introduction of a new category of AIA and the impact on SAQCC Certified Competent Persons AIA Meeting November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pressure Equipment Regulations - the introduction of a new category of AIA and the impact on SAQCC Certified Competent Persons AIA Meeting November 2010

2 Changes in responsibilities for periodic inspection from VUP to PER

3 VUP Responsibility for periodic inspections Responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the User. Constraints applying to User were:  Had to use an SAQCC CP certified inspector  Obligated to ensure inspector had appropriate knowledge and experience for the specific job of inspection

4 PER Responsibility for periodic inspections Regulation 11:  User may inspect Category 1 Equipment (SANS 347 categorisation)  Higher categories must be inspected by an AIA In- Service (AIA-IS) – From April 2011  Inspection task has to be performed by an authorised person AIA-IS has to ensure the authorised person:  Is certified by SAQCC CP  Has appropriate experience and knowledge for the specific task

5 PER Responsibility for periodic inspections Notes of caution:  There is a shift of responsibility (and accountability) to the AIA-IS as a body specialising in periodic inspections  Not permissible for an AIA-IS to use a ‘non-certified’ inspector to perform work which is ‘signed-off’ by a certified CP

6 Requirements for approval as an AIA-IS

7 Requirements for AIA-IS approval? Requirements for appointment as an AIA-IS by Dept. of Labour not yet clarified but it is likely that:  SANAS accreditation will be required prior to DoL approval  SANAS will use SANS 10227 as the standard for AIA-IS assessments

8 Requirements for AIA-IS approval? SANS 10227 is appropriate to an AIA-IS because:  An AIA-IS deals with complex in-service issues including down rating of equipment  AIA-IS will need to have most of the competencies associated with ‘traditional AIAs’ including a design evaluation capability

9 Can an individual CP become an AIA-IS?  Likely requirements for accreditation as an AIA-IS are beyond the capabilities of virtually all individual CPs  Reality is vast majority of CPs will need to find employment with an AIA-IS from April next year

10 What changes to the SAQCC CP system have the PER prompted?

11 Will there be any changes to the SAQCC CP Certification scheme? Certification criteria remain the same:  Physical capability  Successful completion of approved training course  Supervised practical training

12 Will there be any changes to the SAQCC CP Certification scheme? Certification categories remain the same: Pressure vessels:  Unlimited scope  Limited scope – air receivers with and without physical access, accumulators, medical or other small autoclaves Boilers (renamed Steam Generators):  Unlimited scope

13 Will there be any changes to the SAQCC CP Certification scheme? Training course requirements are being changed significantly to address:  longstanding concerns about the inadequacy of the scope and depth of training  the clear allocation of responsibilities of the AIA-IS and the CP in job of work

14 Will there be any changes to the SAQCC CP Certification scheme? There is one change to supervised practical training requirement:  When a certification candidate is already certified in one of the unlimited categories of equipment the duration of supervised experience required for certification in the other unlimited category is reduced to 1 year irrespective of the educational qualification level

15 What are the new SAQCC CP training requirements?

16 New SAQCC CP PV and SG training requirements

17 Current training requirements for SAQCC CP PV and SG  Each is a four day course examined by a two hour theory examination (Closed Book)

18 New scheme requirements  Persons intending to apply for limited PV certification will need to attend only weeks 1 and 2 of the PV stream. Those intending to apply for Unlimited will need to attend all 6 weeks  Persons intending to apply for Steam Generator certification will need to attend all three weeks of the Steam Generator stream

19 Content of foundation week Common to both the PV and SG streams:  Welding processes – characteristics and applications of SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, FCAW, SAW  Types of defects – associated with processes  Visual inspection – aids and tools  Introduction to NDT  Welding procedures and welder qualifications – purpose  Introduction to materials technology – properties and treatment

20 Exemptions from Foundation Week  SAIW Level 1 welding inspector or similar (IWP/IWS etc)  SAIW Engineers Appreciation course – direct access to exam

21 Content of CP PV core week Regulations and codes:  Competent person responsibilities  Pre-inspection  Safety and entry procedures  External inspection  Internal inspection  Appurtenances  NDT  Toxic substances and medium specific failures e.g ammonia  Pressure testing  Repairs

22 Content of week 1 Process plant for CP PV  Pressure vessel inspection (API 510 to be used as basis)  Drawing and design  ASME IX  ISO/EN Welding procedures and welders

23 Content of week 2 CP PV – Process plant content  Plant equipment knowledge  Risk based inspection  Failure mechanisms  Repair welding

24 Content of week 3 CP PV – Process plant content  Fitness for service  Advanced NDT  Tank inspection  Report writing

25 Content of week 4 CP PV – Process plant content  Inspection practices for piping  Inspection of pressure relief devices  Inspection, repair, alteration, re-rating of in-service piping systems  Pipe flanges and flanged fittings

26 Examination requirements for new schemes For both the PV and SG streams:  The part of an examination addressing general technical knowledge will be closed book  The part of an examination addressing codes, standards or regulations will be open book

27 Examination requirements for new schemes Pressure Vessel Courses Limited Certification  A two hour examination (1 hour multiple choice theory and 1 hour practical) at the end of the Foundation week  A two hour examination at the end of week 2 (1 hour multiple choice general knowledge closed book and 1 hour regulations and codes open book) Unlimited Certification  As for Limited Certification  A one hour general knowledge closed book exam and a two hour open book exam at the end of each of the four additional weeks (closed and open book)

28 Revised Content of CP SG (core week 1)  Regulations, codes and standards – including competent person responsibilities  Types of generators  Components, furnaces, superheaters, reheaters, economisers, attemperators, air heaters, sootblowers  Ancillary equipment, fans, stokers, pulverisers  Fabrication methods  Refractories, lagging and cladding  Knowledge of operation, heat transfer, steam and water quality, maintenance  Boiler metallurgy  Corrosion and erosion

29 Revised Content of CP SG (core week 2)  Pre-inspection  Safety and entry procedures  Inspections, external inspection, internal inspection, fireside inspection, waterside inspection  Appurtenances, valves and fittings  NDT  Pressure testing  Repairs  Records

30 Examination requirements for new schemes Steam Generator Courses  A two hour examination (1 hour multiple choice theory and 1 hour practical) at the end of the Foundation week  A four hour examination at the end of week 3 (two hours multiple choice general knowledge, two hours regulations and codes open book)

31 When will the new courses be introduced? New course requirements come into effect from January 2011  Industry experts have worked with SAIW to develop new course material  SAIW lecturers are being trained by industry experts

32 Will the changes impact on existing certified persons?

33 What will happen to existing certified persons?  All existing certifications will be retained  Renewals will be treated as they are currently

34 SUMMARY  Many AIAs have included in-service inspection in their scope of activities informally in the past. Now they are required to demonstrate their capabilities for these activities by assessment.  PER enhances the status of AIAs significantly and there is an expectation of professionalism by the regulatory authorities.  The changes made by SAQCC CP are intended to improve the professionalism of inspectors involved in periodic inspections, enhance their standing and support AIA-IS companies in meeting their responsibilities

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