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Good morning! Glad to see you again. Today we’ll speak a lot about art and its role in the world culture. The theme of our lesson is “British Painters”.

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning! Glad to see you again. Today we’ll speak a lot about art and its role in the world culture. The theme of our lesson is “British Painters”."— Presentation transcript:



3 Good morning! Glad to see you again. Today we’ll speak a lot about art and its role in the world culture. The theme of our lesson is “British Painters”. Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people: writers, poets, scientists. Good morning! Glad to see you again. Today we’ll speak a lot about art and its role in the world culture. The theme of our lesson is “British Painters”. Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people: writers, poets, scientists.

4 Our life seems to be impossible without art. It really occupies an important part in our daily life. Art offers us not only pleasure and amusement but it is also a vehicle of culture and education. Art penetrates into all spheres and sides of your life and makes it brighter, richer and more intellectual. People like and know different types of art. Some of them are fond of painting. Others have a special liking for music or they have a passion for literature.

5 But all of us can’t help admiring the canvases of such great painters as Thomas Gainsborough, Constable, Hogarth, Rembrandt etc. So, art unites different people, influences the development of personality, makes our inner world richer, feels our soul with different feelings. It makes us stronger, enforces us in difficult situations. Time is flying, art is forever.

6 the term - термін to designate – для визначення a particular method – особливий метод a taste in coloring - почуття кольору а representation - представлення to characterize - характеризувати an absence of - відсутність to strike – вражати forcibly – сильно to stand by himself - стояти відособлено for the sake of brevity – для стислості English school of painting - Англійська школа живопису

7 The English school of painting is an expression for English (or British) painters who produced characteristically English paintings

8 Generally, the term "school" is used to designate a special collection of traditions and processes, a particular method, a peculiar style in design, and an equally peculiar taste in coloring -

9 all contributing to the representation of a national ideal existing in the minds of native artists at the same time

10 However, the term cannot be used in this way to characterize English art,

11 because there is an absence of any national tradition that strikes one most forcibly in studying English painting.

12 Each English painter seems to stand by himself - isolated from his brother artists.

13 For the sake of brevity, all these separate manifestations are grouped together under the name of "English school of painting".

14 was fond of - любив childhood - дитинство being very talented –будучи дуже талановитим to reflect - відображати nature's colors – кольори природи sketch – скетч, ескіз landscape - пейзаж true to life - реалістично he is said to be – він вважається direct observation – безпосереднє спостереження The French Impressionists - французькі імпресіоністи the Dutch masters - датські майстри

15 John Constable (1776-1837)

16 was fond of the place where he was born and spent his childhood on the river Stour.

17 He saw very beautiful woods, greens in nature and, being very talented, reflected nature's colors in his sketches, which he then composed into pictures.

18 He painted the landscape without any changes and the trees or other objects were in his paintings very true to life.


20 He is said to be the first landscape painter in England

21 His direct observation of nature, his free handling of paint,

22 the "light-dews-breezes-bloom-and freshness" of his landscape were revolutionary:

23 his work leads from the Dutch masters of XVIIth century to the French Impressionists.


25 genuine - істинний, справжній in habits - за звичаями, за характером by birth - родом social life - соціальне життя was accompanied by satire - супроводжується сатирою down-to earth - приземлено the founder - засновник caricature - карикатура the charm of childhood – чарівність дитинства delicate colors – ніжних тонах brilliantly - блискуче disposition – розташування

26 William Hogarth (1697-1764)

27 may be called the first genuine English artist - English in habits, disposition, and temperament, as well as by birth.

28 He is the first really original English artist

29 In his pictures he reflected social life

30 and in many of them the beauty of his paintings was accompanied by satire.

31 The "Marriage a la Mode",

32 "The Election Entertainment" were painted to show the life very satirically.

33 His art is humorous, down-to earth and popular

34 He was the founder of English caricature.


36 the Pre-Raphaelite movement - рух прерафаелітів established - встановлений dominated - домінувало concentrated on - зосереджено на religious - релігійний literary - літературний genre - жанр executed in – виконані в colorful – яскравий, барвистий minutely detailed – детальний, докладний style- стиль second half of – друга половина

37 The Pre-Raphaelite movement, established in the 1840s,

38 dominated English art in the second half of the XIX century.

39 Its members -

40 William Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti John Everett Millais and others

41 concentrated on religious, literary, and religious subjects,

42 executed in a colorful and minutely detailed style

43 Bertruccio’s bride Hughes

44 Midnight eve Hughes

45 Night

46 Day Hughes

47 Idle tears Hughes

48 Isabella and her pot Hunt

49 Valkiria Hughes

50 Monna Giovanna

51 Hunt

52 Hymn Hunt

53 A Converted British Family

54 Hunt

55 Constable




59 Thank you very much for your attention!

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