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Solar Eclipse Friday 20/3/2015. Success Criteria I can state how a solar eclipse can occur when the sun is so much larger than the moon and earth. I know.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Eclipse Friday 20/3/2015. Success Criteria I can state how a solar eclipse can occur when the sun is so much larger than the moon and earth. I know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Eclipse Friday 20/3/2015

2 Success Criteria I can state how a solar eclipse can occur when the sun is so much larger than the moon and earth. I know the safety rules and behaviour expectations required for the event. I can safely observe the solar eclipse without damaging my vision or going blind ;) Learning Intention – Understand and safely observe a solar eclipse.

3 A solar eclipse doesn't happen very often The most recent full solar eclipse was in 1999. There have been partial eclipses since this time. The reason why they don’t happen often is due to the orbits of the Sun, Moon and Earth are different. When the Sun, Moon and Earth line up there is a solar eclipse.

4 Orbits The Earth orbits the Sun. The Moon orbits the Earth.

5 The Moons orbit is not spherical but elliptical. At times it is closer to Earth making it look larger than it is.

6 The Sun is 400x the size of the Moon and _______x the size of the Earth.

7 The fact the Sun is so far away makes the Sun look smaller and the Moon looks around the same size, it can roughly mask the Sun causing an eclipse.

8 Not everyone sees an eclipse at the same time.

9 Pin hole projector




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