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©2004 Pluta Brothers Design,

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Presentation on theme: "©2004 Pluta Brothers Design,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design,

2 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What We’ll Cover... Defining Eclipse Using Eclipse Examining Plugins Relating Eclipse to WebSphere Playing with Eclipse (and maybe a little WDSC) Exploring the Pros and Cons of Eclipse Identifying Who Should Use Eclipse

3 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Defining Eclipse

4 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Two Different Answers: Eclipse is an extensible, platform independent application development platform Eclipse is a product originally written by IBM and subsequently released into the Open Source community What is Eclipse?

5 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Answer One Eclipse is an application development platform Eclipse is platform-independent Eclipse is extensible We’ll do this in reverse order… What is Eclipse?

6 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse is an application development platform The function of Eclipse is to make it easy to develop applications. It’s primary role is as a replacement for Visual Age for Java, and it was largely written by the same people. Because of this, you will see a definite bias towards Java development, but Eclipse was designed to be far more than that. I’ll get into that more in the section on “What Does Eclipse Do?”. What is Eclipse?

7 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse is platform-independent Java-based Most of Eclipse is written in Java, and so will run on just about any platform. But not 100% pure Java However, the Eclipse developers decided that Swing, Java’s native user interface, was not suitable So they created SWT, the Software Widget Toolkit, to replace Swing What is Eclipse?

8 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, SWT – The Standard Widget Toolkit This is a big issue, and deserves mention right away SWT is NOT platform-independent Each platform needs a special native library Supported platforms include: Windows, Linux (Motif/GTK), AIX, QNX, HP-UX, Solaris and Mac OSX No third-party libraries are in development that I know of More info later in the presentation What is Eclipse?

9 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What is Eclipse?

10 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What is Eclipse?

11 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse is extensible Anyone can add to Eclipse First, it’s Open Source, so you can see how everything works Second, the framework was designed ahead of time to be extended, using something called plugins Eclipse provides a workbench view (with wizards!) specifically devoted to creating plugins What is Eclipse?

12 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Answer Two Eclipse was originally developed by IBM Eclipse has since been released into the Open Source community And is continuing to evolve What is Eclipse?

13 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse was originally developed by IBM OTI (Object Technology International) was bought by IBM in 1996 They developed Visual Age for Java 3.5 This is the same team that then developed Eclipse IBM spent roughly $40 million to develop the original Eclipse IDE What is Eclipse?

14 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse has since been released into the Open Source community The source code is available Other people are encouraged to add to the package There is a Project Management Committee, which is made up basically of OTI folks: Greg Adams, Erich Gamma, Kevin Haaland, Dave Thomson, John Wiegand What is Eclipse?

15 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, And is continuing to evolve Each release adds functionality The difference between 2.0 and the 1.x release was night and day Release 3.0 promises to add a tremendous amount of new capability What is Eclipse?

16 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Using Eclipse

17 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Does Eclipse Do? By itself, almost nothing! Built to be extended by plugins As “shipped”, includes a JDT Also includes a PDT Over 300 other plug-ins in development Some are free Some are commercial products  (Including WebSphere)

18 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Does Eclipse Do? By itself, almost nothing Without the JDT and PDT, Eclipse is sort of like Windows Explorer, only not as smart

19 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Does Eclipse Do? Built to be extended by plug-ins While not a lot is included in the base package, the framework is designed to be extended A standard set of APIs are available to allow the creation of plugins Just download a plug-in, copy it into the runtime library, and have it automatically included in the workbench For the most part, this works! Maybe not as well in the next release, though

20 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Does Eclipse Do? As “shipped”, includes a JDT The JDT, or Java Development Tooling, is a complete Java IDE Written by the same folks who wrote Visual Age for Java Most of the capabilities of VAJ are there Generate setters and getters Evaluate and change variables Plus some great new goodies Lots of refactoring support For client-side Java development, it’s really all you need

21 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Does Eclipse Do? Also includes a PDT PDT is the Plug-in Development Tooling, designed to help in the creation of plugins Contains a complete set of wizards to walk you through the process of creating a plug-in With the combination of the JDT and the PDT, you have everything you need to extend Eclipse yourself

22 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Examining Plugins

23 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Are Plugins? Over 300 plugins: Application server (37) Code mngt (55) Database (21) Deployment (10) Documentation (15) Entertainment (25) Graphics (5) J2EE development platform (3) Languages (16) Network (4)

24 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Are Plugins? Plugins (continued): Plugin Dev (3) Profiling (4) Team (23) Testing (26) Tools (21) UI (17) UML (5) Web (21) XML (19)

25 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Are Plugins? Lomboz – the J2EE Plugin Lomboz is a free eclipse plugin for the J2EE developers. It is a tool with a simple philosphy: "No magic tricks". Lomboz is integrated with many popular open source J2EE tools such as: Jasper, XDoclet, Axis and Ant. And naturally eclipse and the eclipse java development toolkit JDT.

26 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Are Plugins? CodeBeamer – Collaboration Tool CodeBeamer plug-in extends Eclipse 2 (WSAD) by providing team collaboration features such as Task, Bug and Issue management from within the Eclipse platform.

27 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Are Plugins? Oxygen – XML Editor XML editor offers a large coverage of today's XML technologies supporting XML, XML Schema, Relax NG schema, DTD and XSL documents.

28 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Relating Eclipse to WebSphere

29 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse and WebSphere The WebSphere Family WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Studio Other WebSphere Products WebSphere Commerce WebSphere Payment Manager WebSphere Host Integration WebSphere Host On-Demand WebSphere Host Publisher WebSphere MQ WebSphere Personalization WebSphere Portal WebSphere Transcoding Publisher

30 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse and WebSphere WebSphere Application Server Currently at Version 5 WebSphere Express Low cost entry level J2EE-compliant servlet container (no EJBs) WebSphere Base Edition Includes EJB support WebSphere Network Deployment (ND) Edition Designed for multiple server environments, with failover capability

31 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse and WebSphere WebSphere Studio The following tools are based on Eclipse: WebSphere Studio Site Developer (WSSD) WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (WDSc) WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries Advanced Edition (WDSc/AE) The WDSc products are used in conjunction with a server piece that runs on the iSeries

32 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse and WebSphere WebSphere Studio Family WebSphere Studio Site Developer (WSSD) WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) WebSphere Development Studio for iSeries Replaces SEU and the compilers If you own any compiler, you upgrade to WDS WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (WDSCi) WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries Advanced Edition (WDSCiAE)

33 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse and WebSphere WebSphere Studio Site Developer (WSSD) This is basically a very powerful design studio for non- EJB web applications Additional editors  JSP editor  CSS editor (I particularly like this tool)  XML editor Integrated test environment  WebSphere 4/5 and Tomcat Web Services development SQL support More features than I can list here

34 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse and WebSphere WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) Primarily adds EJB support EJBQL EJB/RDB mapping Includes EAR/WAR creation There’s also WSAD integration edition Not a lot of information on that particular tool

35 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse and WebSphere WebSphere Development Studio for iSeries Replaces SEU and the compilers Used with one of two PC-based tools: WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (WDSc)  WSSD plus iSeries extensions  Remote Systems Explorer  jLpex editors for various iSeries languages WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries Advanced Edition (WDSc/AE)  Includes all the WSAD capabilities as well

36 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Eclipse and WebSphere Eclipse WSSDWDSc WSADWDSc/AE EJB Support J2EE Support iSeries Support

37 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Makes up WDSC?

38 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, From Eclipse Workbench JDT From WSSD Site Designer Page Designer CSS Designer Image Creator Templates WTE From iSeries Extensions Remote Systems Explorer HLL editors iSeries Debugger Projects SQL and XML perspectives Wizards iSeries interactions Web Applications Web Services WebFacing What Makes up WDSC?

39 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Makes up WDSC? With WDSC, you can do everything required to build a complete multi-tiered application from the ground up.  Design the website  Lay out the web pages  Create a consistent look and feel  Create images for logos  Create JavaServer Pages and servlets  Attach beans to the JSPs  Create host programs to populate the beans  Debug the entire application, both locally and on the host

40 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What Makes up WDSC? WDSC includes some legacy development tools for backwards compatibility, until their Eclipse-based counterparts are functional enough.  Visual Age for RPG  CODE/400 WDSC also provides a number of productivity enhancements for quick development tasks.  Database web page wizard  Web interaction wizard  Webfacing

41 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

42 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse Editing a file Editing two files! Running a class Debugging a class A few quick glimpses at WDSc Playing with Eclipse

43 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

44 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

45 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

46 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

47 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

48 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

49 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

50 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

51 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

52 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

53 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

54 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

55 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Playing with Eclipse

56 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Some Looks at WDSC

57 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Some Looks at WDSC

58 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Some Looks at WDSC

59 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Some Looks at WDSC

60 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Some Looks at WDSC

61 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Some Looks at WDSC

62 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Some Looks at WDSC

63 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Examining the Pros and Cons of Eclipse

64 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Pros and Cons of Eclipse Pros FREE! Powerful base Java IDE, with features to rival Visual Age for Java (and VAJ is dead, so…) OPEN SOURCE! Hundreds of third-party plugins available adding all sorts of great capabilities FREE! Many commercial products are planning plugins Most importantly, WebSphere Development Studio Client (WDSC) is based on it

65 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Pros and Cons of Eclipse Cons It’s not small Disk – 80MB as installed Memory - 256MB is pretty much the absolute minimum Requires a Java Virtual Machine (another 40MB) It’s a little slow Startup is not particularly quick Scrolling through source occasionally causes “hiccups” Takes some getting used to Especially for non-VAJ users

66 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Examining the Pros and Cons of WDSC

67 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Pros and Cons of WDSC Pros All of the positives of Eclipse Available to iSeries developers for FREE WSSD extensions Web Site Designer, Page Designer Templates CSS and Image editors WebSphere Test Environment iSeries extensions RPG/COBOL/CL editors Remote System explorer Projects*

68 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Pros and Cons of WDSC Cons It’s gigantic Disk – about 1.5GB as installed, with each workspace taking 50MB and up Memory – 1GB is required for real multi-language development It’s a little slower Some wizards can take a while Takes some getting used to But not if you already know Eclipse!

69 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Looking at Who Should Use Eclipse

70 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Who Should Learn Eclipse/WDSC? Java developers Web site designers Web application developers iSeries programmers iSeries tool vendors

71 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Who Should Learn Eclipse/WDSC? iSeries Programmers SEU is history You will need to know WDSC If you don’t have access to WDSC today, the fastest way to upgrade your skill set is to learn Eclipse By learning Eclipse, you also begin learning Java and web development skills

72 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Who Should Learn Eclipse/WDSC? iSeries Tool Vendors Soon, the number one requirement for all tools will be Eclipse integration More importantly, iSeries tools will have to be integrated with WDSC In either case, you’ll need a plugin version of your tool

73 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Who Should Learn Eclipse/WDSC? Java Developers The JDT has all the great features of Visual Age for Java, especially the superior debugging features Most platforms are supported, and the Windows/Linux/Mac cross support is really superb SWT is a technology you will at least have to address during design – even if you use Swing instead, you have to make an informed decision

74 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Who Should Learn Eclipse/WDSC? Web site designers Plugins, including WYSIWYG editors, are getting very powerful and plentiful The WebSphere tools are particularly good

75 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Who Should Learn Eclipse/WDSC? Web Application Developers Whether you want to use commercial tools (WebSphere) or free tools (Lomboz) there are tools available to allow you to create J2EE applications quite easily XML and web services plugins are also available The WebSphere Test Environment is an unbeatable environment for debugging web apps

76 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What’s the Bottom Line? Eclipse is not “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Open Source project” IBM spent $40 million to build Eclipse, then gave it to the Open Source community Built by the OTI Group If you’ve used Visual Age for Java, Eclipse will be very familiar Eclipse is the foundation of all of the WebSphere Studio products You will eventually need to learn Eclipse or one of its descendants

77 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What’s the Bottom Line? Eclipse by itself is just a framework It is extended by plugins Eclipse comes with the JDT, which is a plugin for developing Java code You can edit side-by-side You can debug, even changing variables on the fly There are hundreds of other plugins available

78 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, What’s the Bottom Line? Everyone should learn Eclipse! iSeries programmers: if you don’t have access to WDSC yet, start with Eclipse It’s free and available on the Internet If you do have access to WDSC, and the resources to run it, do so NOW The more you know about WDSC, the better your job chances are

79 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Resources There are several books out there Including Eclipse: Step by Step, by yours truly, which is an excellent tutorial for Eclipse newcomers Order from MC PressMC Press WDSC: Step by Step comes out in September Pre-order from

80 ©2004 Pluta Brothers Design, Your Turn! How to Contact Me:

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