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NFEC Regional Update EAL. Today’s presentation  EAL’s recently launched qualifications  Level 2 Engineering Technology qualifications for schools 

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1 NFEC Regional Update EAL

2 Today’s presentation  EAL’s recently launched qualifications  Level 2 Engineering Technology qualifications for schools  EAL’s ‘Gateway to Industry’ qualifications  Level 4 qualifications in research and development  EAL’s Specialist Industry Apprenticeship packages  Improved systems and materials

3 EAL Level 1 Introductory Welding Qualifications launched this year  Level 1 Award in Introductory Manual Metal Arc Welding Skills (QCF)  Level 1 Award in Introductory Metal Inert Gas Welding Skills (QCF)  Level 1 Award in Introductory Oxy – Acetylene Welding Skills (QCF)  Level 1 Award in Introductory Thermal and Plasma Cutting Skills (QCF)  Level 1 Award in Introductory Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Skills (QCF)  Level 1 Award in Introductory Brazing and Soldering Skills (QCF)  Level 1 Award in Introductory Welding Skills (QCF) And a Level 3 qualification  Level 3 Diploma in Casting Technology (QCF)

4 EAL Level 2 First Certificate in Engineering Technology (NQF)  Guided learning hours: 230  Minimum learner age: 14  Learner pre-requisites: none  Available: First Registration: Sept 2013  Funding Eligibility: Schools funding EAL Level 2 First Diploma in Engineering Technology (NQF)  Guided learning hours: 330  Minimum learner age: 14  Learner pre-requisites: none  Available: First Registration: Sept 2013  Funding Eligibility: Schools funding EAL Level 2 Engineering Technology qualifications for schools

5 EAL Level 2 Engineering Technology qualifications for schools cont. These new qualifications:  are intended for delivery in schools.  meet the seven requirements of the Wolf report.  are included in the 2015 DFE Key Stage 4 Performance Tables.  have the equivalence of one GCSE  consist of mandatory and optional units.  are designed for…  learners who require a Level 2 vocational engineering qualification to provide them with a broad understanding of engineering.  14-16 learners completing a vocational engineering qualifications as part of their school curriculum.

6 They offer a broad range of engineering skills including:  installing security systems and motor vehicle maintenance  CAD  electronics  mechanical engineering  maintenance  fabrication and welding  pipework installation. EAL Level 2 Engineering Technology qualifications for schools cont.

7 EAL ‘Gateway to Industry’ qualifications Designed to help Centres engage new learners and maximise alternative funding and income streams. offer ‘roll-on roll-off’ programmes that prepare learners for progression to higher level qualifications create links with your local Jobcentre Plus branch, allowing them to refer potential learners to you position your Centre as a key provider of skills needed by local industry support people who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs).

8 EAL ‘Gateway to Industry’ qualifications cont. Gateway to engineering Level 1 …  Level 1 Award in Engineering & Manufacture (QCF) - 600/6002/5 (GLH 80)  Level 1 Certificate in Engineering & Manufacture (QCF) - 600/5973/4 (GLH: 120)  Level 1 Diploma in Engineering & Manufacture (QCF) - 600/6145/5 (GLH: 320) Gateway to engineering Level 2 …  Level 2 Certificate in Preparation for Working in the Engineering Manufacturing Industry (QCF) – 600/0602/X (GLH: 130)

9 EAL Level 4 qualifications in research and development  Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Research and Development (QCF) - 600/6037/2  Level 4 Diploma in Research and Development (QCF) - 600/6047/5  Level 4 NVQ Extended Diploma in Research and Development (QCF) - 600/6244/7

10 Reminder: Specialist Industry Apprenticeship packages  Providers are no longer required to register learners for EAL’s Functional Skills in order to take advantage of our package discount and benefits.  The new range is growing rapidly and is currently available in the following sectors:  engineering and manufacturing  logistics and operations.

11 Apprenticeship packages on offer:  Apprenticeship in Engineering Manufacture (Operator and Semi-Skilled) – EMPACK2Y  Advanced Apprenticeship in Engineering Manufacture (Craft and Technician) – EMPACK3Y  BIT Apprenticeship in Operations and Quality Improvement – BITPACK3Y  Apprenticeship in Improving Operational Performance – IOPACK2Y  Apprenticeship in Warehousing and Storage – WHSPACK2Y

12 New and improved systems and materials  New Centre guidance CD available This new guidance replaces the existing Centre Operations Manual, which contained S/NVQ and VRQ Operational Manuals and Assessor/Internal Verifier guidance that is in the secure part of EAL website.  New BULK registrations facility This BULK registration process has been put in place to support Centres in instantly registering multiple learners, on various individual qualifications.  Changes to qualification materials There will be changes to the layout, terminology and logos used within NVQs in Engineering and Manufacturing and Business Improvement Techniques qualification materials with effect from 1st April 2013.

13 New and improved systems and materials cont.  Qualification revision - Level 2 NVQ Diploma in PEO (QCF) EAL’s Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Performing Engineering Operations (QCF) has recently been subject to NOS review. The revised qualification will be available for registration under a new qualification number from 1st April 2013.  Personal Learning Record (PLR) reminder Centres are reminded to ensure that the Unique Learner Number (ULN) is completed when you register your learners through Online Services. This is a mandatory Skills Funding Agency (SFA) requirement for any learners completing qualifications on a funded basis and is an important element of logging learners’ achievements into their Personal Learning Record (PLR).

14 Thank you for your time

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