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E-Safety in Schools Internet Safety Training. e-Safety in Schools Rebecca Chapman Alison Gaunt

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Presentation on theme: "E-Safety in Schools Internet Safety Training. e-Safety in Schools Rebecca Chapman Alison Gaunt"— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Safety in Schools Internet Safety Training

2 e-Safety in Schools Rebecca Chapman Alison Gaunt

3 e-Safety in Schools Aims & Objectives 1. Training in Internet Safety to be able to train pupils & staff at your school 2. Explore & understand web based technologies and some of the risks associated with these technologies 3. Planning School implementation of ThinkUKnow

4 e-Safety in Schools ThinkUKnow Internet Safety training Developed by the Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre www.

5 e-Safety in Schools Training Tips 1. Deliver training in pairs (if possible) 2. Use a flipchart to note down websites that the students might mention 3. Ensure you have all of the necessary equipment for the session - Computer - Training Pack (CD-ROM & Script) - Projector - Whiteboard or Screen - Speakers - Questionnaires & Feedback forms

6 e-Safety in Schools Any Questions?

7 e-Safety in Schools Tour of Technology MSN - Task: 1. Identify the risks 2. Look at the content. Is it inappropriate? 3. How could you manage the risks?

8 e-Safety in Schools Tour of Technology Myspace - Bebo - Piczo - Google (Chat room search) - Inappropriate Content - Skype -

9 e-Safety in Schools Tour of Technology Task: 1. Identify the risks 2. Look at the content. Is it inappropriate? Can you tell? 3. How could you manage the risks? 4. Share findings

10 e-Safety in Schools Next Steps How can you implement the ThinkUKnow training in your school? PSHE Lessons e-Safety focus days Assembly time Peer mentoring schemes

11 e-Safety in Schools Useful Resources

12 e-Safety in Schools Evaluation Please fill out the evaluation in your pack and send to CEOP to receive your individual trainer number.

13 e-Safety in Schools Any Questions?

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