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Is there “World Hunger”? PERS 2002. Hunger Definition Hunger is a recurrent, involuntary lack of access to food. Hunger may produce malnutrition over.

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Presentation on theme: "Is there “World Hunger”? PERS 2002. Hunger Definition Hunger is a recurrent, involuntary lack of access to food. Hunger may produce malnutrition over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is there “World Hunger”? PERS 2002

2 Hunger Definition Hunger is a recurrent, involuntary lack of access to food. Hunger may produce malnutrition over time. Dietz WH & Trowbridge FL (1990, August). Symposium on the identification and prevalence of undernutrition in the United States: Introduction. The Journal of Nutrition, 120(8), 917-918, p 917.

3 842 Million Undernourished  US total population estimate is just over 292 million.  For every person in the US there are almost three undernourished (hungry) people in the world  Where are the hungry?  11 million in industrialized countries  34 million in “transitional” countries  798 million in developing countries

4 Hunger Situations Food shortage--regional Food poverty--household Food deprivation--individual

5 Life expectancy, yr/kcal per person per day Countr y 1750185019502000 UK37 / 2170 40 / 2360 69 / 3230 78 / 3220 France26 / 1657 42 / 2480 67 / 2785 79 / 3512

6 Food Balance Sheet kcal/ capita/day g protein/ capita/day Africa243451.3 Asia271371 Europe325097.1 Oceania299194.1 Central America295380.5 South America283875.8 North America3713113.0

7 Course of Comparisons  US and other industrialized countries  Overconsumption  Choice  Transitional and developing countries  Upper socioeconomic groups—same as industrialized countries  General population  Calories  Amino acids (protein)  Micronutrients

8 Why are there differences?  Resources  Programs  Comparing programs—similarities and differences  Funding sources  Purpose(s)  Target audience(s)  Vehicle(s)  Size

9 International Views on Hunger USDA Secretary Veneman (Video 1, Clip 1) Eide (with Suarez) (Video 1, Clip 2) Jonsson (with Suarez) (Video 2, Clip 2)

10 Hunger in the USA? Food shortage—no Household poverty—yes Personal deprivation—yes Institutionalized programs—many Entitlement programs—food stamps, WIC, school nutrition Enrichment and fortification programs— many Local, community outreach—food banks, congregate meal sites, Meals on Wheels, Project Open Hand Extended outreach

11 1992 International Conference on Nutrition (ICN) Eliminate famine and famine-related deaths Eliminate starvation Eliminate vitamin A deficiency Eliminate iodine deficiency

12 World Food Summit (1996) Create conditions for eradication of poverty and for durable peace Eradicate inequality and improve access to resources Pursue participatory and sustainable food, agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development policies and practices

13 Ensure that trade policies foster food security Prevent and be prepared for natural disasters and man-made emergencies Promote optimal allocation and use of public and private investments to foster sustainable food, agriculture, fisheries and forestry systems

14 Personal Responsibilities Jonsson (Video 2, Clip 5)

15 Make a difference each day… The hunger site:

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