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Professor Salavatova Samıra Salıkhovna Dr. Salavatov Mudarıs Khamıtovıch As. Sandulova Liliana Mudarisovna Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University,

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Salavatova Samıra Salıkhovna Dr. Salavatov Mudarıs Khamıtovıch As. Sandulova Liliana Mudarisovna Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Professor Salavatova Samıra Salıkhovna Dr. Salavatov Mudarıs Khamıtovıch As. Sandulova Liliana Mudarisovna Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University, Repablic of Bashkortostan

3 Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University

4 As we know, in the 90th years of the last century in our country great social and political changes took place. Those changes, of course, concerned educational sphere too. Among the known significant changes in the educational sector is the growing of the role and the increase, in the number of national schools. This fact was already characteristic to Russia in the 20th post-revolutionary years. But in the period from 70th till 80th years the popularity of the national schools decreased significantly. It was due with many reasons: low national consciousness, the desire of people to receive education in Russian, and other reasons. But the basis of all this was the government policy, aimed at creating a great community, called "Soviet people".

5 Together with the collapse of the Soviet Union this superconcept “Soviet people" disappeared too. Much can be said about the positive and the negative consequences of this process. We will focus on one of the positive aspect of perestroika reforms, namely, regionalization. Regionalization in education sphere allows the use of national regional material in schooling. In schools children are taught the history, literature and culture of the people who live in this region. But regionalization should not be a one-way process in a coherent state. Regionalization is a two-way process. On the one hand educational schools are created and implement education programs with ethno-cultural component, with teaching in native (non-Russian) language, consisting liberal education, built on a different, non-Russian culture. On the other hand, this kind of education should provide inner stability of society and unite society with common civil values.

6 In multinational republic of Bashkortostan a fairly large number of national schools operate. Nowadays teaching at the primary level is conducted in six languages (Russian, Bashkir, Tatar, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurt). The primary level is 4 years. In our republic adopted two state languages – Russian and Bashkir. The Education Law of the Russian Federation provides the possibility to study in native (non-Russian) language in primary school (up to the 9th grade including). And the law of the republic of Bashkortostan expands these possibilities: that means that it allows to teach children in native language up to the11th grade.

7 However, the implementation of teaching of pupils in their native (non-Russian) language is accompanied by a number of problems. There are problems of organization nature, there are problems of methodological nature. We will focus on methodological problems. One of these problems is that if children are taught only in their native (non-Russian) language of the mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects, in which way they can study at higher education institution in Russian language? In addition, graduated school pupils must pass the unified state examination in mathematics and other disciplines at their choice. This exam is in Russian. It is the same for all schools in Russia.

8 It should be noted that we have spent long term study to clarify the people’s attitude of different nationalities to study in native language. More than 3 thousand respondents were interviewed. Among them are pupils and their parents, teachers from national schools, students from different colleges. Three approaches were marked out:

9 The first approach is “children should be taught to all subjects only in native (non-Russian) language”. These respondents are not more than 7%. The second approach is in school only native language should be studied, but the process of study should be realised in Russian. These respondents are about 20%. A third approach asserts the following: children should be taught in native language only in the elementary school (not more than 4 years), and then they should gradually move to study in Russian. In higher education institutes specific training of national schools should be created for future teachers.

10 In our research we adhere to the third approach. The solution of language problems of pupils in national schools we see in the bilingual education. However, method of bilingual education of students in national schools has not developed completely yet. Our research is devoted to development of specific method of bilingual teaching of mathematics in the national school. Besides, we construct the system of training of teachers of physical and mathematical sciences for national schools. A study is executed with the financial support of Grant by Russian Foundation for Humanities: Regional contest “Ural: history, economy, culture” within the framework of scientific research project «Ethno-cultural component in teaching mathematics in the national school and the intensification of professional- systematic training of teachers for its realization: development and introduction”

11 The method of bilingual teaching of mathematics includes two lines: the method of the national-Russian bilingualism and the method of the Russian-national bilingualism. In elementary school in teaching mathematics national-Russian bilingualism is used. Children are taught in their native language, and gradually use the terms in Russian..

12 From 5th grade Russian-national bilingualism is used. Teaching is conducted in math textbooks in Russian language, but teacher makes clarifications if necessary in native language,, besides he introduces mathematical terms in native (non-Russian) language. It allows pupils to understand the new terms more precisely. The use of bilingualism requires additional time in the classroom, that’s why intensive technologies are created. Among them – technology of comment letter :students by turn recite aloud the text, that they write simultaneously. For example, definition of a term, proof of a theorem or solution of a problem.

13 Among intensive technologies we use a technology of integration activities. Students studying folklore, solve mathematical problems on material of this folklore. In technology lessons children learn to cooking Bashkir national dishes, solve mathematical problems on the proportions of products. We also create training materials both in two languages: Russian and native.

14 Our research has continued. And today there are already some positive results. These are the results of high mathematical achievements of pupils in national schools. And also their positive emotional state.


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