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Animal Encyclopedia By: Sara H 6C.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Encyclopedia By: Sara H 6C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Encyclopedia By: Sara H 6C

2 Table of Contents Dingo African Lions Jaguars Snowy Owl Arctic Hare
Orca Whale Shark

3 Dingo Wild dogs that are usually associated with Australia, but are thought to be introduced to that country some 3,000 to 4,000 years ago from Asia Dingos have golden-reddish colored fur These animals can live alone or with a small pack Table of Contents

4 African Lions Lions are the only cats in the world that live in packs, called prides Female lions do most of the prides hunting while the male lions protect the territory Table of Contents

5 Jaguars Jaguars are the largest of the South American Big Cats
Most jaguars are tan or orange with black spots Females have litters of one to four cubs Table of Contents

6 Snowy Owl This owl uses its snowy white plumage to camouflage its self in its Arctic habitat The snowy owls preferred meal is lemmings Table of Contents

7 Arctic Hare The arctic hare makes its home in the tundra of North America They are a little bit larger than rabbits Arctic hares sometimes are loners but most travel in packs of dozens Table of Contents

8 Orca Orcas hunt in deadly pods
They are known to hunt seals right off the ice Table of Contents

9 Whale Shark Whale sharks swim with their mouths open so that they can catch small fish and plankton The whale shark is the worlds second largest fish Table of Contents

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