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Page. 1 Asian Menopause Survey March 2007 Hans Rekers VP Medical Affairs NV Organon.

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1 Page. 1 Asian Menopause Survey March 2007 Hans Rekers VP Medical Affairs NV Organon

2 Page. 2 Objectives To provide : Current insights in women’s thoughts and feelings about menopause and HRT:  Their views  Their perceptions  Their concerns  Their fears  Their beliefs  Their experiences  Their needs Today

3 Page. 3 European Menopause Survey 2005 March 8th 2005 By Linda Abrams Healthcare

4 Page. 4 Research design & methodology Asia PacificEurope Women’s age45-60 Sample size10004201 TimeMarch 2006January 2005 CountriesChina, Hong Kong, Taiwan,Malaysia, Thailand Netherlands, UK Belgium, Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, InterviewFace to faceTelephone

5 Page. 5 Survey on Menopause in ASIA PACIFIC AGE GROUP MALAYSIACHINAHONG KONG TAIWANTHAILAND 45 – 49105903045 50 – 551351505075 56 – 6060 2030 TOTAL300 100150 Total Number of Respondents = 1000 Sample

6 Page. 6 Questionnaire design Demographic profile Attitudes, Interests and Opinions regarding to:  Menopause  Breast  Sexual well-being Survey on Menopause in ASIA PACIFIC

7 Page. 7 Findings  Menopause  Breast  Sexual well-being

8 Page. 8 Q17. Feeling about the menopause 46% Almost half the Asian menopausal women are affected by menopause symptoms

9 Page. 9 Total (N=1000) % of women Q15 Currently experiencing or have experienced any symptoms in the past 5 years? Base: All respondents Symptoms experienced are in general mild Sleeplessness most mentioned

10 Page. 10 Reasons to seek treatment in Asia

11 Page. 11 Reasons to seek treatment in Europe Base: women who sought treatment for menopausal symptoms n=2721 % women

12 Page. 12 Usage of treatmentsinEurope Usage of treatments in Europe

13 Page. 13 Usage of treatmentsinAsian Usage of treatments in Asian

14 Page. 14 HRT usage in Asia by country/regions % of women

15 Page. 15 General feeling about HRT 48% Negative 43% 9%

16 Page. 16 % of women Largest hurdles preventing the use of HRT

17 Page. 17 Largest hurdles preventing the use of HRT Hong Kong (N=12) Thailand (N=16) Malaysia (N=17) % of women

18 Page. 18 Few women have ever considered HRT. Far more would be confident to use upon the doctor’s advise Q35. Confidence to use HRT with doctor’s advice Q36. Ever considered treatment for menopausal symptoms

19 Page. 19 Findings  Menopause  Breast  Sexual well-being

20 Page. 20 Self breast examination

21 Page. 21 Worries about getting breast cancer

22 Page. 22 (Europe) Perceived risk factor for developing breast cancer (Europe)

23 Page. 23 Asia Perceived risk factor for developing breast cancer ( Asia ) % women

24 Page. 24 % of women Largest hurdles preventing the use of HRT

25 Page. 25 Perceived differences between various kinds of HRT (Europe) % women 99% of women are not aware of differences between HRT’s in relation to breast

26 Page. 26 Perceived differences between various kinds of HRT (Asia) 94% of women are not aware of differences between HRTs in relation to breast

27 Page. 27 Findings  Menopause  Breast  Sexual well-being

28 Page. 28 Reduced sexual functioning Experience reduced sexual functioning and/or reduced libido 71% 25% 4%

29 Page. 29 Discomfort during sex Experienced vaginal pain, dryness or discomfort during sex 75% 19% 6%

30 Page. 30 On relation with partner: 66% On femininity64% On quality of life65% On self esteem34% Reduced sexual interest has a negative impact

31 Page. 31 % women Reasons for not seeking treatment

32 Page. 32 Importance of sexual relationship before and after the menopause Before menopauseNow Very importantImportantUnimportantVery unimportant Don’t know

33 Page. 33 Base: All respondents Seek treatment Take medication/drugs Don’t knowYESNO Willingness of all respondent to seek or take treatment, if confronted with sexual symptoms not

34 Page. 34 Base: All respondents Take hormone replacement therapy Don’t knowYESNO Willingness to take HRT for sexual problems Not

35 Page. 35 % women Menopause and ageing perceived as main reasons for reduced sexual functioning

36 Page. 36 % women More than half the women don’t discuss problems with partners, only 6% with their doctors 18

37 Page. 37 With improved sexual functioning I would enjoy life more 61% 34% 5% Base: All respondents

38 Page. 38 75% women would talk about it if doctors bring it up If my doctor would bring up the subject of sexual problems himself, it would trigger me to talk about it 75% 23% 2%

39 Page. 39 Summary and conclusions Sleeplessness and hot flushes are most common reason for seeking treatment for Asian women HRT use is much lower in Asian than in European women Breast cancer risk (and other perceived AEs) major hurdle for acceptance of hormone treatment Perceived efficacy differences between HRT options, no awareness in differences in breast (cancer) effects

40 Page. 40 Summary and conclusions Most women experience reduction in libido / sexual functioning This affects their femininity, QoL and self esteem Most women uninformed about treatment options and/or unwilling to seek or take treatment 6% discuss symptoms with their doctor, 75% willing to discuss in doctor initiates 61% would enjoy life more if sexual functioning improved

41 Page. 41 Adequate information, less media driven scare stories Doctors perceptive of the potential symptoms (and worries) they may experience - but dare not discuss pro-actively Menopausal womens’ needs

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