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The Need for Transportation Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo Information Centre on Disability (ICD) Tanzania Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "The Need for Transportation Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo Information Centre on Disability (ICD) Tanzania Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Need for Transportation Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo Information Centre on Disability (ICD) Tanzania Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘ August, 26-27, 2009 Arusha

2 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 2 “10 – 14% of the world’s population have some form of functional limitation preventing them from using easily and safely all or some form of transport. “ (Merilainen Transportation Poverty and Disability in Developing Countries)

3 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 3 Presentation Contents Personal Experience / Anecdotes Interaction with Counterparts Desk Based Research Introduction Definitions Gaps & Barriers Costs & Benefits of Transportation Industry Conclusion & Recommendations

4 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 4 Introduction Transport essential for sustaining livelihood and access to services, goods, facilities and information African urban areas: Changes in life-styles bring along changes in transport systems Research data mainly available for Nigeria, South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique Personal experiences from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia Presentation concentrating on road transportation and related modes

5 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 5 Definitions Transport Accessibility Transport Equity Transport Security

6 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 6 Social Gaps & Barriers Operators’ Ignorance Privatized public transport system Scarcity of transport Challenges of travelling by plane and train for SNP

7 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 7 Social Gaps & Barriers Inaccessible Information “If the platform number changes, I cannot hear. I only see everybody is moving away, and I get confused.” (Hearing impaired person, South Africa-C. Venter et al). Awareness vs. Action Respective policies in place - enforcement remains questionable (e.g. Nigerian Disability Decree 1993) Higher Cost for Travelling Independent travelling impossible Paying extra for assistive devices Stress, fatigue, accidents, mental sloth inefficiency Inadequate Logistics

8 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 8 Psychological Gaps & Barriers Degrading Treatment

9 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 9 Psychological Gaps & Barriers Lack of personal security Poor quality of road networks Congestions forcing pedestrians on the roads Horrendous scale of traffic accidents in developing countries

10 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 10 Structural Gaps & Barriers Inadequate Information Obstacles through inaccessible vehicle design

11 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 11 Structural Gaps & Barriers Ignorant planning & inaccessible infrastructure “Planning in the transportation industry implies provision of policies, regulatory mechanism and guidelines, so as to ensure equity. That is taking into account needs and capabilities of different groups of people, goods and services in the mobility process.” (Litman 2006). Quality of life for SNP depends much on their capacity to reach different locations Infrastructure designers do not take into account special needs passengers Tanzania: National Transportation Policy (2003)

12 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 12 Structural Gaps & Barriers Alternative modes of transportation and assistive devices as a solution? Limited choices of means of transportation for SNP Usability of assistive devices depending on friendliness of the built and natural environment Wheelchairs in developing countries: Lack of quantity, private and charity instead of states’ initiatives, high tear and wear, prohibiting natural environment, high energy consumption, physical damages

13 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 13 Costs & Benefits of Transportation Industry Cost and benefits of the transportation industry lie in its essentiality in sustaining livelihood, facilitating access to basic needs, facilities, goods and services. Enhancement of quality in life OR Exclusion of people with special needs from social life

14 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 14 Costs & Benefits of Transportation Industry Need for cushioning “vulnerability shocks” Failing the 1st of the Millenium Development Goals by excluding SNP from daily life INCLUSIVE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS

15 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 15 Universal Design New paradigm that emerged from "barrier-free" or "accessible design" and "assistive technology Broad-spectrum solution producing buildings, products and environments usable for everyone Already part of our everyday lives

16 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 16 Universal Design Requirements for accessible transportation modes and infrastructures: Wide doors/steps and grab rails Prioritized seats behind the driver Contrasting colours on steps Curb ramps and sidewalks Wheelchair lift Low floor buses with kneeling features, etc.

17 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 17 Universal Design Requirements for accessible systems: Complaint numbers are in place Special Needs Passengers get fare concessions Information is provided in a clearly understood manner i.e. tactile guide way; warning signals; hand signals and the like Operating procedures are reviewed Attitudinal barriers are tackled through training and awareness campaigns Transfer of solutions takes into account local circumstances The UNIVERSAL DESIGN APPROACH is complied with so as to avoid adaptations

18 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 18 Call for Action “Those who recognize, or begin to recognize themselves as oppressed must be among the developers of the pedagogy. No pedagogy that is truly liberating can remain distant from the oppressed by treating them as unfortunates and by presenting for their emulation models from among the oppressors. The oppressed must be their own example in the struggle for their redemption.” (P. Freire, 1970).

19 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 19 Conclusion & Recommendations Large gap between transportation needs and reality for SNP in developing countries African countries: still ignoring special needs of SNP by not considering barriers posed by architects and contructors UNIVERSAL DESIGN as a solution

20 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 20 Conclusion & Recommendations For the UNIVERSAL DESIGN CONCEPT to be effective in Africa, it has to have a policy clout: respective polices, legislations, programmes and political will Incorporate accessibility requirements in the original designs which adds only 0.2% to the cost Consult Special Needs Passengers who know their needs best in order to avoid fallacious assumptions

21 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 21 Conclusion & Recommendations “Don’t just sit there gaping at me like an impotent observer because life is a serious matter and the man writhing in pains is not dancing for amusement.” (Naiwa Osahon of Nigeria)

22 The Need for Transport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Africa by: Kaganzi Rutachwamagyo (ICD) Conference on ‚Developing Sustainable Transportation Systems‘, August 26-27, 2009 22 Conclusion & Recommendations Thanks for your attention and affirming that: Yes, we can develop inclusive transportation systems.

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