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Foreign Language/ Fine Arts/ CTAE 3 Foreign Language/Fine Arts/ CTAE Credits required + 5 Additional Required Credits Fine Arts = Band, Chorus, Drama,

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1 Foreign Language/ Fine Arts/ CTAE 3 Foreign Language/Fine Arts/ CTAE Credits required + 5 Additional Required Credits Fine Arts = Band, Chorus, Drama, Art CTAE = Pathway courses

2 Foreign Language A Minimum of 2 Units of the same foreign language is required for students planning to enter or transfer into a University of Georgia Institution. Spanish I, II, III, A.P. Spanish French I, II, III Other foreign languages are available through Edgenuity, see the guidance office for information.

3 Fine Arts – Visual Arts Art I = Introduces art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment and studio production. Emphasizes the ability to understand and use elements and principles of design through a variety of media, processes and visual resources. Explores master artworks for historical and cultural significance. Art II = Enhances level-one skills in art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment and studio production. Emphasizes and reinforces knowledge and application of the design elements and their relationship to the principles of design. Explores different two-and three-dimensional art media and processes. Investigates master artworks to increase awareness and to examine the role of art and the artist in past and contemporary societies. Art III = Enhances level-two skills in art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment and studio production. Provides practice in applying design elements and principles of design. Provides focus on different two- and three-dimensional art media and processes and master artworks. Stresses idea development through production and creativity and through the study of master artists. Art IV = Enhances level-three skills in art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment and studio production. Provides opportunities for in-depth application of design elements and principles of design in two-and three-dimensional art media and processes. Stresses creative problem solving through art production and the study of master artists and their works.

4 Fine Arts – Chorus/Band Chorus 10 th Fall Chorus 10 th Spring Chorus 11th Fall Chorus 11th Spring Chorus 12th Fall Chorus 12th Spring Band 10 th Fall Band 10 th Spring Band 11 th Fall Band 11 th Spring Band 12 th Fall Band 12 th Spring


6 CTAE Pathways Pathway courses are listed in a specific order. You must take the courses in the order they are listed. Rationale We are not going to put you in a welding class with no knowledge of safety or metals. You take Industry Fundamentals and Occupational Safety first then take the next consecutive courses. You MUST take the preparation courses first before the actual welding begins. THIS APPLIES FOR ALL PATHWAYS -

7 Agriculture Pathways- prerequisite courses must be taken. Agribusiness - The course will help students build a strong knowledge base of the agribusiness industry as they study agribusiness types, business management, financial analysis, communications, agricultural law, leadership and teamwork, ethics, and agricultural economics. 1. Basic Ag. Science 2. Ag. Management & Leadership3. Marketing Ag. Products/Services Animal Systems - Introduces scientific principles applied to the animal industry; covers reproduction, production technology, processing, and distribution of agricultural animal products. 1. Basic Ag. Science2. Animal Sci. & Biotechnology*3. Ag. Animal Production/Management

8 Agriculture Pathways- prerequisite courses must be taken. Forestry/Natural Resources- The course covers establishing forests by natural and artificial means, maintaining and surveying forests, identifying and protecting trees, practicing silviculture, measuring trees and land, mapping, preparing for timber sales and harvest, employing multiple-use resource management, keeping records, and figuring taxes. 1. Basic Ag. Science2. Forest Science 3. Wildlife Management Plant Systems- The course introduces the major concepts of plant and horticulture science. 1. Basic Ag. Science2. Gen. Horticulture & Plant Science*3. Nursery & Landscape Power Structures & Technical Systems- Agricultural mechanics technology which may include small engine maintenance and repair, metal fabrication, wood working, electrical wiring, and maintenance of agricultural machinery, equipment, and tractors. 1. Basic Ag. Science2. Ag. Mechanics I3. Ag. Mechanics II

9 There are many pathways dealing with building and construction- prerequisite courses must be taken. Carpentry - Teaches techniques for reading and using blueprints and specifications especially as related to the carpentry craft. It provides specific knowledge and skills in site layout and floor and wall framing systems. 1. Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 2. Intro. Construction 3. Carpentry Electrical- Provides a general knowledge of electrical systems including series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits. It provides the basic skills and knowledge to navigate and use the National Electrical Code. It provides an introduction to the skills and knowledge of conduit bending and installation. 1. Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 2. Intro. Construction 3. Electrical Masonry- Provides the knowledge and skills needed for cutting, laying, and finishing masonry units. It provides the math knowledge and skills needed to calculate distances, areas, and volumes common in masonry work. It also provides the knowledge of the types and properties of mortar and materials used in a concrete mixture. 1. Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 2. Intro. Construction 3. Masonry Plumbing -Basic skills and knowledge required to handle, estimate, and store materials used in the plumbing trade. Involved in this process is the correct interpretation and application of basic information from architectural and construction working drawings, especially as related to plumbing installation. 1. Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 2. Intro. Construction 3. Plumbing

10 There are many pathways dealing with building and construction - prerequisite courses must be taken. Machining Operations- History of the machining trade, equipment used in the trade, attributes of successful machinists, industry credentialing, and career opportunities. Course topics include safety, applied mathematics, measuring instruments, blueprint reading, and metallurgy. Practical experience will be gained in the proper use and maintenance of hand tools, the pedestal grinder, the drill press, and band saws. 1. Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 2. Intro. to Metals 3. Machining Operations Welding - Master basic welding techniques. Students will identify, rate, select, and use proper weld techniques to produce quality beads. The student will also properly prepare base metal to produce good weld quality. 1. Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 2. Intro. to Metals 3. Welding Sheet Metal- Development of skills in basic trade math. Students will identify, rate, select, and use steel and other metals to develop and fabricate basic sheet metal projects. The course includes the development of skills in basic piping practices by using fasteners, hangers, and other support systems. 1. Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 2. Intro. to Metals 3. Sheet Metal

11 Business/Industry Pathways Prerequisite Courses Required 1, 2, then 3. Marketing and Management - Develop skills in applying economic concepts to marketing, distribution and logistics, marketing information management, finance in marketing, product/service planning, pricing mixes, promotional strategies, and personal selling. 1. Marketing Principles 2. Marketing & Entrepreneurship 3. Marketing & Management Interiors, Fashion & Textiles- Fascinating world of fabrics, fibers, dyes and fabric construction. Textiles for apparel, interior furnishings, and industrial applications are investigated. Testing methods, labeling laws, trends, applications, and color forecasting are all included. 1. Foundations of Interior Design 2. Fundamentals of Fashion 3. Textile Fashion Food and Nutrition-Common nutritional concerns, their relationship to food choices and health status and strategies to enhance well-being at each stage of the lifecycle are emphasized. This course provides knowledge for real life and offers students a pathway into dietetics, consumer foods, and nutrition science careers. 1. Food, Nutrition & Wellness 2. Food for Life * 3. Food Science * Web & Digital Design-Product design and presentation, students will create and learn digital media applications using elements of text, graphics, animation, sound, video and digital imaging for various format. The digital media and interactive media projects developed and published showcase the student skills and ability. 1.Introduction to Digital Technology 2. Digital Design 3. Web Design Administrative Support- Enhance their computer technology, decision-making, productivity, communications, and problem-solving skills. Areas of instruction include advanced computer applications and integration of word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software, as well as the use of emerging technologies. 1. Intro to Business Technology 2. Business Communication & Procedures 3. Adv. Computer Apps.

12 Education Pathways- prerequisite courses must be taken. Early Childhood Care & Education - The course provides in-depth study of early brain development and its implications for early learning, appropriate technology integration, and developmentally appropriate parenting and child guidance trends. Also addressed are collaborative parent/teacher/child relationships and guidance, child directed play, the changing dynamics of family culture and diversity, the causes and effects of stress on young children, and infant nutrition. 1. Early Childhood Education 2. Early Childhood II 3(A). Curriculum & Instruction 3(B). Internship Teaching as a Profession - Teaching Profession candidates study, apply, and practice the use of current technologies, effective teaching and learning strategies, the creation of an effective learning environment, the creation of instructional opportunities for diverse learners and students with special needs, and plan instruction based on knowledge of subject matter, students, community, and curriculum performance standards. 1. Examining the Teaching Profession 2. Contemporary Issues in Education 3. Internship

13 Healthcare Pathways prerequisite courses must be taken. Biotechnology Research and Development- no current description 1. Intro. to Healthcare Science 2. Introduction to Biotechnology 3. Applications of Biotechnology Therapeutic Services – Medical-focused anatomy course addressing the physiology of each body system, along with the investigation of common diseases, disorders and emerging diseases. The prevention of disease and the diagnosis and treatment that might be utilized are addressed, along with medical terminology related to each system. NursingAllied Health 1. Introduction to Healthcare Science1. Introduction to Healthcare Science 2. Essentials of Healthcare2. Essentials of Healthcare 3. Nursing Essentials3. Allied Health and Medicine

14 Technology Pathways- prerequisite courses must be taken. Web & Digital Design - Emphasis will be placed on effective use of tools for interactive multimedia production including storyboarding, visual development, project management, digital citizenship, and web processes. Students will create and design web sites that incorporate digital media elements to enhance content of web site. Various forms of technologies will be used to expose students to resources, software, and applications of media. 1. Introduction to Digital Technology 2. Digital Design 3. Web Design Audio-Video Technology and Film (MT) 1. Audio & video Technology & Film 2. Audio & Video Technology & Film II 3. Audio & Video Technology & Film III Mechatronics (MT) 1. Intro. to Mechatronics 2. AC Theory, Electric Motors and Hydraulic Systems 3. Semiconductors and systems Engineering Drafting and Design (MT Campus Only) 1. Intro. to Drafting/Design 2. Survey of Engineering Drawing 3. 3D Modeling and Analysis Architectural Drawing & Design (MT Campus Only) 1. Intro. to Drafting & Design 2. Architectural Drawing & Designing I 3. Architectural Drawing & Design II

15 Automotive Pathways Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair (MT) 1. Basic Maintenance and Light Repair 2. Intermediate Maintenance and Light Repair 3. Advanced Maintenance and Light Repair Master Automotive Service Technician (MT) 1. Advanced Auto. Service Technology 2. Intermediate Master Auto. Service Technology 3. Advanced Master Auto. Service Technology All pathways must be taken in order. Basic, Intermediate, then Advanced.

16 Cosmetology Courses for Cosmetology Introduction to Personal Care Services Salon II Salon III Salon IV Salon V Salon VI Salon VII All courses are taken in order...we are not going to let you cut our hair on your 1 st day in Cosmetology.

17 Which Pathway interests you?? Take time to consider what you enjoy and what you would like to learn more about. Each pathway has classes listed in the order they must be taken. You have to take all pathway courses in order. Look at the pathways listed on your sheet. Circle the pathway that interests you.

18 Listing your choices List your 3 required credits of CTAE/Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts. These credits will include: Foreign Language Band/Chorus/Art ROTC CTAE Courses

19 BRIDGE BILL 3/13/15 You need to make sure your parent has an appointment time with your BDB Advisor for 3/13/15. The BRIDGE BILL Meeting is a Requirement.

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