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Roll Back Malaria Partnership Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (MERG) 5 th Meeting, Cairo, 4-5 May 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Roll Back Malaria Partnership Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (MERG) 5 th Meeting, Cairo, 4-5 May 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roll Back Malaria Partnership Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (MERG) 5 th Meeting, Cairo, 4-5 May 2005

2 Outline RBM External Evaluation– M&E MERG –TOR –Membership –Task Forces –Products –Future Activities World Malaria Report 2005

3 Recommendations on M&E from External Evaluation Failure to clearly define goals and priorities of the M&E strategy Too may indicators, too many sources of data Insufficient guidance to countries on data collection and methodology Insufficient attention given to ensuring representativeness of data Lack of consistency in indicators and definitions, guidelines and practices, sampling methodologies Source: RBM External EvaluationRBM External Evaluation

4 Recommendations on M&E from External Evaluation Priorities: I. Build an effective system for international comparative purposes –by strengthening country capacity in data collection –around (e.g. 5) standardized indicators that are exempted from country modification –using standardized ways of measurement II. Technical assistance to countries on M&E of programmes at national + district levels Source: RBM External EvaluationRBM External Evaluation

5 Specific recommendations for M&E: Strengthen M&E capacity Establish reference group for periodic consultation on technical issues Establish transparent system for assessing data quality and standardization across countries, esp for core indicators Establish clear guidelines for data collection protocols and sampling strategies Establish and maintain a plan and timeline for RBM M&E reports –Establish a format for annual reporting on progress with standardized indicators & timeframe –Establish global malaria database, including documentation of data sources and representativeness –Global malaria reports every few years Source: RBM External EvaluationRBM External Evaluation

6 2 nd RBM Partnership Board Meeting Geneva, February 2000

7 RBM Global Core Indicators Malaria death rate (probable and confirmed) among target groups (under-five and other target groups) Number of malaria cases, severe and uncomplicated (probable and confirmed) among target groups (under-five and other target groups) % of households having at least one treated bednet % of patients with uncomplicated malaria getting correct treatment at health facility and community levels, according to national guidelines, within 24 hours of onset of symptoms % of health facilities reporting no disruption of stock of antimalarial drug (as specified in the national drug policy) for more than one week during the previous 3 months

8 Establish reference group for periodic consultation RBM Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group 1 st meeting, Washington, DC, May 2003 –TOR prepared, reviewed and submitted to the Board through the Partnership Secretariat –Priority activities discussed and Task Forces established: mortality (chair: UNICEF, first meeting July 2003) morbidity (chair: WHO, first meeting Feb.2004) anaemia (chair: WHO, first meeting Oct. 2003) survey tools (chair: Macro DHS, first meeting Feb.2004) M&E capacity building in countries (chair: Malaria Consortium) 2 nd meeting, Kampala, November, 2003 3 rd meeting, Geneva, May 2004 4 th meeting, New York City, November, 2004 5 th meeting, Cairo, May, 2005


10 Purpose/rationale to act as an advisory body for the RBM Secretariat on all matters pertaining to monitoring and evaluation…on the international, regional, and national levels to provide technical advice on state-of-the-art approaches to monitoring and evaluation of malaria programs technical focus will be on the global indicators to assure consistency and accuracy in national and regional reporting [GR1] Will this be possible for a group that meets 2-3 times a year?[GR1] Key Elements of MERG TOR

11 Functions Developing and providing technical guidance on appropriate data collection methods, analytic strategies, and dissemination of recommendations Identifying critical technical questions arising from M&E activities Organizing smaller working groups to address the questions and provide technical feedback on issues Developing and maintaining consensus around M&E strategies across partners and institutions Identifying and recommending strategies for addressing the needs for capacity building at all levels Other activities pertinent to M&E as requested by the RBM Secretariat Key Elements of MERG TOR

12 Core 15-20 members WHO (HQ, AFRO, EIP represented) UNICEF (headquarters and regional offices) World Bank Key bilateral donors (USAID, DFID) Global Fund RBM inter-country, inter-agency teams INDEPTH Network of demographic surveillance sites NMCP/MOH/National Statistical Offices (or similar statistical or analytical divisions within national governments) -- 4 people from different countries or regions Research organizations or academic institutions with expertise in the area of malaria M&E (including MACRO/DHS CDC, etc.) Others invited, depending on venue and agenda Membership

13 Chair: the Lead person for M&E of malaria at WHO Co-chair: will rotate among the principal RBM partners, starting with UNICEF Chair: WHO Co-chair: UNICEF Secretariat: MACRO Key Elements of MERG TOR

14 Products of MERG Task Forces Mortality Task Force –Recommendations for mortality monitoring for different intensities of monitoring for African countries; initial focus on all-cause and malaria-specific mortality among children under 5 years of age –Final report on burden of mortality directly attributable to malaria for children under 5 years of age in Africa for the year 2000 Morbidity Task Force –Consensus on estimation method for estimating the incidence of clinical malaria episodes in all countries –Estimates will allow regular updating, for tracking of trends and progress towards RBM and MDG goals, and they will serve as input to WHO's global burden of disease

15 Products of MERG Task Forces Anaemia Task Force –Recommendations supporting use of anaemia in children under 5 years as additional impact indicator in stable malaria-endemic settings –Anemia to be measured in household surveys as haemoglobin level, using HemoCue measurement on fingerprick blood, in children aged 6-59 months

16 Products of MERG Task Forces Survey and Indicator Guidance Task Force RBM Core HH Survey Indicators Guidelines” document Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) package: –MIS Questionnaire and brief rational for each question (brief) –MIS Tabulation Plan –MIS Interviewer’s Manual –MIS Training and Supervisor's Manual –Guidance on sampling issues (sample size, framework, etc) –Laboratory guide (Hb and parasite testing) –CSPro survey data management tool for MIS; PDA format

17 Products of MERG Task Forces Strengthening National Capacity for M&E Task Force Building capacity in monitoring and evaluating Roll Back Malaria in Africa: A Conceptual Framework for the Roll Back Malaria Partnership -- based on review of M&E capacity in NMCPs in Africa

18 Products for 2005 WHO country-level incidence estimates based on MERG Morbidity Task Force estimation method – final available soon Report on burden of anaemia attributable to malaria in African children under 5 –available soon MIS package being finalized –available by June 2005 Guidance for priorities on country support to improve capacity for M&E based on task force report –To be discussed at meeting June or July 2005 –Budgeted work plan?

19 Global malaria reports every few years Africa Malaria Report published April 2003

20 World Malaria Report 2005 Launch May 3 Cairo (WHO/EMRO) Geneva (WHO) New York City (UNICEF)


22 Summary The RBM MERG has provided an effective mechanism to build consensus on core M&E activities and on approaches to addressing technical issues MERG continues to function due to a core group of key partners committed to effective collaboration; individual have provided financial support for MERG activities Major investment needed in capacity building at all levels RBM Board and Secretariat should advocate for the work of the MERG among partners and seek support for implementation for MERG recommendations at the country level Reporting to the global RBM partnership critical for keeping malaria on the global health agenda

23 Discussion Points Leadership of MERG Need for changes to TOR? Frequency of meetings –Next meeting—when and where? –Agenda items?

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