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Kristoffer Greaves 2010 APLEC Conference Bond University

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Presentation on theme: "Kristoffer Greaves 2010 APLEC Conference Bond University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kristoffer Greaves 2010 APLEC Conference Bond University
Bloom to Marzano Kristoffer Greaves 2010 APLEC Conference Bond University

2 From Bloom to Marzano Taxonomies of Educational Objectives
Relevance to Practical Legal Training Bloom et al Marzano and Kendall What’s changed? Implications for Practical Legal Training

3 ‘Taxonomy’ of Educational Objectives
Classification / Arrangement Bloom et al: Domains of educational activities Categories of educational activities within those domains Marzano and Kendall: Domains of knowledge Levels of Processing

4 Bloom et al Domains and Categories
Cognitive Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation Affective Receiving, Responding, Valuation, Organisation, Internalisation, Psychomotor Perception, Mindsets, Guided Response, Mechanism, Complex Overt Response, Adaptation, Origination

5 Bloom’s Cognitive Categories
Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember

6 Marzano and Kendall Domains and Levels of Processing
Self-System Metacognitive System Knowledge Utilisation (Cognitive) Analysis (Cognitive) Comprehension (Cognitive) Retrieval (Cognitive) Information Mental Procedures Psychomotor Procedures

7 What’s the Difference? Bloom cf Marzano
Framework of info processing (not predictive) Theory of human thought (predictive) Combines forms of knowledge with knowledge processing Separates knowledge domains from processes operating on them Psychomotor skills - not published Psychomotor procedures included Knowledge - remembering phenomena accurately Knowledge - information retrieved and procedures executed Comprehension – objectives, behaviours, responses Comprehension – translation, interpretation, extrapolation Analysis Synthesis Knowledge utilisation Knowledge explored at first cognitive level only Knowledge domains interact with all levels of processing

8 Marzano and Kendall Domains and Levels of Processing
Self-System Metacognitive System Knowledge Utilisation (Cognitive) Analysis (Cognitive) Comprehension (Cognitive) Retrieval (Cognitive) Information Mental Procedures Psychomotor Procedures

9 Information Mental Procedures Psychomotor Procedures
Information Domain Details – Vocabulary terms, Facts, Time Sequences Organising Ideas – Principles, Generalisations Information Mental Procedures Psychomotor Procedures

10 Mental Procedures Domain
Processes – Macroprocedures Skills – Tactics, Algorithms, Single Rules Information Mental Procedures Psychomotor Procedures

11 Psychomotor Procedures Domain
Processes – complex combination procedures Skills – Single combination procedures, Foundational Procedures Information Mental Procedures Psychomotor Procedures

12 Levels of Processing Cognitive System Level 1 – Retrieval
Level 2 – Comprehension Level 3 – Analysis Level 4 – Knowledge Utilisation

13 Levels of Processing Cognitive System Level 1 – Retrieval Recognise
Recall Execute

14 Levels of Processing Cognitive System Level 2 – Comprehension
Integrate Symbolise

15 Levels of Processing Cognitive System Level 3 – Analysis Matching
Classifying Analysing Errors Generalising Specifying

16 Levels of Processing Cognitive System Level 4 – Knowledge Utilisation
Decision making Problem Solving Experimenting Investigating

17 Levels of Processing Meta-cognitive System Specifying Goals
Process Monitoring Monitoring Clarity Monitoring Accuracy

18 Levels of Processing Self System Examining Importance
Examining Efficacy Examining Emotional Response Examining Motivation

19 Potential Implications
Improved Framework for: Educational Objectives Designing Assessments Improving Standards for Competencies Curriculum Design

20 Examples Level 1 Retrieval Recognise – Information – Details:
The jurisdictional limit of the Victorian County Court is: $100,000 $250,000 $450,000 Unlimited

21 Examples Level 1 Retrieval Recognise – Information – Organising Ideas:
Which Court is most likely to hear a complex Trade Practices Act claim: State Magistrates Court Federal Court State County Court Federal Magistrates Court

22 Examples Level 1 Retrieval
Recognise – Mental Procedures – Validate Mental Skill: Which of the following steps would be the least likely first step you would take after receiving an opponent’s affidavit in an interlocutory application: Read the affidavit Identify potentially inadmissible material Begin drafting an affidavit in reply Advise your client and obtain instructions

23 Examples Level 1 Retrieval
Recognise – Mental Procedures – Validate Mental Procedure: Of the following circle the steps you would take when given money on account of costs and disbursements: Write a trust account receipt Complete a trust account deposit slip Make an entry in the trust account receipts cash book Bank the money in the office account

24 Examples Level 1 Retrieval
Recognise – Psychomotor Procedures – Validate Psychomotor Skill: Which of the following statements are true when appearing in court: Maintain eye contact with the person on the bench Maintain composure even when you disagree Stand when addressing the court Speak in hushed tones to preserve the solemnity of the occasion

25 Thank you! @pleagletrainer

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