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Published byBenjamin Arnold Modified over 9 years ago
1 As of 31.12.2009 1
2 Contents Pages Background & Ownership 3-4 Financial Figures and Performance6- 10 Risk Management12-17 Business Strategies & Current Strengths19-22 National Presence and Participations24-26 2
3 Şekerbank is one of Turkey’s leading private commercial banks, offering universal banking services through its network of 260 branches. Background Milestones 1953: Established in Eskisehir as the “Sugar Beet Cooperative Bank” 1956: Moved to Ankara and renamed as Şekerbank 1970’s: Shifted to full service banking from cooperative banking 1980’s: Concentrated in commercial banking 1997: Initial public offering 2002: Initiated restructuring to change from a traditional commercial bank into multi channel, diversified financial institution based on customer and segment focused applications 2004: Moved its Head Office to Istanbul 2006: In June; Partnership agreement to sell 33,979% of shares to BTA (Bank Turan Alem) Group of Kazakhstan 2007: In March; Conclusion of Partnership Agreement with BTA Group 2008:Şekerbank rose by 393 places in the Top 1000 World Bank Ranking of Banker Magazine, rising to 582. from 976. Sekerbank was one of the top 50 fastest movers in rankings out of the Top 1000 World Banks in 2007 3
4 Şekerbank Pension Fund Started operations in February 1965 Consists of 6965 members (current & retired employees) Income sources of the Personnel Pension Fund are premiums, rental income and income from portfolio investments BTA Securities JSC 100% consolidated subsidiary of Bank TuranAlem ( BTA) Kazakhstan ( 81.5% of BTA has been acquired by the sovereign welfare fund of Kazakh government Samruk Kazyna, in February 2009. 4 As of June 2010, -BTA Securities and National Welfare Fund of Kazakhstan “ Samruk Kazyna” signed shares trust management agreement for Şekerbank’s shares. In accordance with this agreement, BTA Securities placed shares of Sekerbank T.A.Ş. into trust management of National Welfare Fund Samruk Kazyna. -IFC and Şekerbank Personnel Social Security Foundation signed an option agreement for IFC purchasing Şekerbank shares up to 5%. As per the said agreement, IFC buys from the ISE quoted shares currently held by Sekerbank Personnel Social Security Foundation, wihout changing 1/3rd ownership of Sekerbank Pension Fund. ( Şekerbank employees have two separate foundations: -Sekerbank Pension Fund, the major shareholder of the bank -Şekerbank Social Security Foundation which has a portfolio of Sekerbank floating shares on ISE ) Ownership Şekerbank Pension Fund 33,98 % BTA Securities JSC 33,98% Private Sugar Factories and Cooperatives 0,08% Quoted on ISE 31,96% -Personnel Social Security Foundation 8,94% -Konya Seker San. Ve Tic A.S. 6,62% -Others 16,4% As of 30 June 2010
5 Contents Pages Background & Ownership3-4 Financial Figures and Performance 6- 10 Risk Management12-17 Business Strategies & Current Strengths19-22 National Presence and Participations24-26 5
6 Financial Figures 6
7 In December 2008, the Board of Directors resolved to increase the paid in capital of the bank from TL 400 million to TL 500 million. The increase of TL 100 million cash injection took place in the first half of 2009. This is the sole capital increase in cash in the Turkish Banking sector for 09. In 2008, Sekerbank ranked the first in deposit growth and the second in asset and profitability growth among privately owned commercial banks. In 2009, the Bank recorded the only paid-in capital injection and recorded the highest tier-1 capital growth rate. The successful performance of Şekerbank on small and micro business contributed to the bank’s close cooperation with IFI’s: –In April 2008, Sekerbank T.A.S. has been chosen as a partner in European Union’s “Small Enterprises Loan Programme – SELP II with three other Turkish banks. –In May 2008, Sekerbank received a USD 10 million loan for 5 years under the insurance of “Overseas Private Investment Corporation” (OPIC) to support SMEs and micro business. –In June 2008, Sekerbank signed a subordinated loan agreement for EUR 15 million for 10 years with KfW to support small and micro segment. –In July 2009, Sekerbank T.A.S. received a EURO 10 million French government subsidized loan from Agence Française de Developpement (AFD) for a tenor of 12 years for small and micro business. –Following the 7-year 36 million loan agreement for SME and small business segment in November 2007, Sekerbank received a 5-year EUR 30 million food & agri loan from IFC in December 2009. –In June 2010, Şekerbank signed a loan agreement with The Green for Growth Fund (South East Europe Energy Efficiency Fund) for a 7 years EURO 25 million for energy efficiency lending. Summary of Achievements 2008-2010 7
8 Performance Review 8
9 Performance in 2008 and 2001 crises Total Deposits 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Sep.00 Dec.00 Mar.01 J un.01 Sep.01Dec.01 Dec.02 Mar.03 Jun.03 MILLION TL 2008 2001
10 2009 Performance Comparison Peer Group* (Growth Ratios) As of 31.12.2009 10 Peer Group: Finansbank-TEB-ING-FortisBank-Citibank (as of 30.09.2009) -Şekerbank-Denizbank-HSBC-Alternatif Bank--Tekstil Bank
11 2009 Performance Comparison (cont’d) Peer Group* (Balance Sheet Ratios) As of 31.12.2009 11 Peer Group: Finansbank-TEB-ING-FortisBank-Citibank (as of 30.09.2009) -Şekerbank-Denizbank-HSBC-Alternatif Bank--Tekstil Bank
12 2009 Performance Comparison (cont’d) Peer Group* (Profitability Ratios) As of 31.12.2009 Peer Group: Finansbank-TEB-ING-FortisBank-Citibank (as of 30.09.2009) -Şekerbank-Denizbank-HSBC-Alternatif Bank--Tekstil Bank
13 Contents Pages Background & Ownership3-4 Financial Figures and Performance6- 10 Risk Management 12-17 Business Strategies & Current Strengths19-22 National Presence and Participations24-26 13
14 Management of Capital Adequacy The Bank adopts conservative “risk indicators” which are approved by the Board of Directors, above the regulatory limits set by the national regulator. Capital Adeqacymin 12 % (Risk Limit = Regulatory Limit) 13 % (Risk Indicator) Tier I Ratiomin 10 % (Risk Limit)12 % (Risk Indicator) RegulatoryRisk Dec 09Sep 09Jun 09Mar 09 Limit Indicator Capital Adequacymin12% 13%16,30%17,29%16,83%14,57% Tier I Ratiomin-10%12%14,86%15,80%15,46%13,25%
15 Management of Credit Risk: Loan Portfolio Segmentation *As of 31.12.2009
16 NPLs are mostly in the corporate segment. Among 5,09 % corporate NPLs, there are 40 bulk files amounting TL 89.7 mio; secured by minimum100% tangible collateral. Without these bulk fully collateralized files, corporate NPL ratio is 3,5% Management of Credit Risk: NPL Segmentation
17 The Bank adopts conservative “risk indicators” which are approved by the Board of Directors, above the regulatory limits set by the national regulator. Compliance with those limits are monitored on a weekly basis, and evaluated during ALCO meetings. Liquidity Adequacy (FC) min 80 % (Risk Limit = Regulatory Limit) 100 % (Risk Indicator) Liquidity Adequacy (LC + FC) min 100 % (Risk Limit = Regulatory Limit) 120 % (Risk Indicator) Management of Liquidity Adequacy
18 A widespread as well as stable client base in deposits depicted by roll-over rates as high as 90 % lead to a “symmetric structure” with regards to the Bank’s aggregate cash flows: Management of the Cash Flow Structure As of 31.12.2009
19 Contents Pages Background & Ownership3-4 Financial Figures and Performance6- 10 Risk Management12-17 Business Strategies & Current Strengths 19-22 National Presence and Participations24-26 19
20 Business Strategy Şekerbank finalized a five- year strategy plan with the contribution of a well known international consulting company. The strategy is implemented since the beginning of 2007. According to the strategy, the goal of the bank is to shift towards customer focused and effective sales process and plan the necessary infrastructure for success. Target sectors The Business Plan identifies the base of the strategy as “Community Banking with Commercial Focus”. The outcome of this study that has been approved by the management and the Board, refers to the following business sectors as main focuses of the bank, to be supported by retail products; - Small and Medium Companies in general through community banking approach - Construction - Food and agriculture - Tourism 20
21 Business Strategy Community Banking Becoming a partner of growing SME’s Providing simple and user friendly products Reaching SME via TİM, KOSGEB and Universities Developing very Strong Deposit Base Putting in Product Differentiation, and Cross Selling Developing Retail Loans with a widespread customer portfolio Customer intimacy / product excellence Operational excellence Construction Focusing more on housing projects Managing cash flows of projects Financing existing projects Decreasing construction loans to total loans, while increasing other sector loans Food & Agri Creating a “Value Chain” from farmers to outlets Focusing on areas with growth potential Data based specialization & providing distinctive products designed for customer needs Pursuing close relations with Farmer Unions and other food organizations Tourism Serving tourism establishments, financing renovation, capacity increase and working capital requirements Serving restaurants, bus companies, local tour operations Focusing on cultural, educational, health and winter tourism Other Sectors Energy, Textile, IT, Logistics, Chemicals, Manufacturing Reaching sub sectors through the value chain of main sectors SME Retail 21
22 Business Strategy Source: BRSA web page:
23 Growth Plan (TL 000)2007 20082009 2010 (Projected) Cash Loans (Net)3,6144,8004,9066,477 Deposit4,1555,9326,6407,069 Total Assets6,0888,0418,95510,409 Securities1,3242,2342,5902,735 Shareholders Equity8659751,2491,452 Paid in Capital400 500 Net Interest Income439627715720 Net Fees and Commission9194103125 Net Profit123144152170 ROE14,21%14,80%13,71%11,70% ROA2,02%1,79% 1,63%
24 Expertise and historical relationship with small enterprises nationwide. Sound risk diversification : As of 31.12.09 Average loan size of the commercial book ( Corporate+ SME +Small Micro&Agri) is TL 39,481.- with 116,724 commercial customers. Average loans size of SME and micro is TL 27,554 with 113,650 customers Average loan size of the retail portfolio is TL 6,738.- with 164,080 retail customers. Well defined strategy and business plan for a sound SME focused growth and strong commitment thereto from both the shareholders and the staff Nationwide collection of utility bills, social security premiums and taxes 266 ATMs countrywide and 5 ATMs in Northern Cyrpus. Small and micro business application Current Strengths
25 Contents Pages Background & Ownership3-4 Financial Figures and Performance6- 10 Risk Management12-17 Business Strategies & Current Strengths19-22 National Presence and Participations 24-26 25
26 260 branches across Turkey 274 branches are targeted until year-end 2010 Well-defined geographical coverage (70 cities and 80 major towns) 11 Regional Offices: 2 in Istanbul, 9 in Anatolia Average presence of a branch over 25 years, qualifying “Şekerbank” as one of the most established and trusted banking brands National Presence RankBanksProvinces* that are covered 1İşbank81 2Akbank76 3ING /Garanti/ YKB71 4Şekerbank70 7Denizbank60 8Finansbank52 9HSBC51 10TEB49 11Fortis44 12Anadolubank22 13Tekstilbank21 14Eurobank Tekfen19 15Alternatifbank15 * Turkey has currently 81 provinces
27 Akdeniz Regional Office (21 Branches) Doğu Anadolu Regional Office (13 Branches) Karadeniz Regional Office (19 Branches) Güneydoğu Anadolu Regional Office (26 Branches) Cities without any branch Marmara Regional Office (29 Branches) Ege Regional Office (28 Branches) Ankara Regional Office (29 Branches) Trakya Regional Office (22 Branches) İstanbul Avrupa Regional Office (22 Branches) İstanbul Anadolu Regional Office (22 Branches) G.Hane Trabzon Adıyaman Burdur Tekirdağ Nevşehir İstanbul Çanakkale Bursa İzmir Aydın Muğla Denizli Antalya Eskişehir Ankara Konya Karaman İçel Adana Hatay G.Antep K.Maraş Kayseri Malatya Diyarbakır SamsunArdahan Kırıkkale Manisa Bingöl Bitlis Hakkari Mardin Muş Siirt Ş.Urfa Şırnak Van Bayburt Giresun Kastomunu Sinop Zonguldak Ağrı Artvin Erzincan Erzurum Iğdır Kars Amasya Elazığ Sivas Tokat Tunceli Çankırı Ordu Kırşehir Kütahya Uşak Yozgat Aksaray Rize Bilecik Kırklareli Balıkesir Afyon Isparta Düzce 1 Niğde Çorum G.Hane Trabzon 2 Adıyaman 1 Burdur 2 Tekirdağ 3 Sakarya 2 Nevşehir 1 İstanbul Avrupa 22 Edirne 3 Çanakkale 2 BURSA 8 İZMİR 13 Aydın 4 Muğla 3 Denizli 2 ANTALYA 9 Eskişehir 3 Konya 8 Karaman 1 Mersin** 4 Adana 5 Hatay 2 GAZİANTEP 3 K.Maraş 3 Kayseri 5 Malatya 1 Diyarbakır 1 SAMSUN 3 Ardahan Kırıkkale 1 Manisa 5 Bingöl Bitlis Hakkari Mardin 1 Muş Siirt Ş.Urfa 1 Şırnak Van 1 Bayburt 1 Giresun 1 Kastamonu 3 Sinop Zonguldak 2 Ağrı 1 Artvin 2 Erzincan 1 ERZURUM 1 Iğdır 1 Kars 1 Amasya 2 Elazığ 1 Sivas 2 Tokat 4 Tunceli Çankırı 1 Ordu 3 Kırşehir 1 Kütahya 1 Uşak 2 Yozgat 1 Aksaray 1 Rize 1 Bilecik 1 Kırklareli 4 Balıkesir 5 Afyon** 5 Isparta 3 Bolu 1 Niğde 1 Çorum 2 Bartın Kocaeli 2 Batman 1 Kilis 1 Osmaniye 1 Karabük 1 İstanbul Anadolu 20 Trakya İstanbul* Branches 12 Regional Offices Yalova 1 Düzce 1 İÇ ANADOLU BÖL. 29 İç Anadolu Regional Office (29 Branches) Fethiye 1 Muğla ** 4 ANKARA BÖLGE 29 Anamur 1 Sandıklı Dinar 2 National Presence
28 Şeker Leasing (quoted on ISE) %46,56 Founded in 1997, headquartered in Istanbul and three liason offices in Ankara, Bursa and İzmir. Şeker Factoring %84,99 Founded in 2000, member of Factors Chain International. Şeker Yatırım (Investment Banking) %99,04 Founded in 1997, all Şekerbank branches are agents to the Company Şekerbank Kıbrıs Ltd. %92,56 Şekerbank Off-shore Ltd.%74,30 Participations 28
29 The information in this document has been obtained by Sekerbank T.A.Ş. (“Sekerbank”) from sources believed to be reliable, however, Sekerbank cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or correctness of such information. This document has been issued for information purposes only. The financial reports and statements announced by Sekerbank to the public and the relevant corporations are accepted to be the sole material. Sekerbank does not accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this document or its contents due to the misleading information in this document. All estimations contained in this document are the opinions of Sekerbank and can be subject to change without notice. This document can not be interpreted as an advice to the investors and Sekerbank can not be held responsible for the results of investment decisions made on account of this document. This document has been issued specially to the person, whom the document is concerned and may not be reproduced, distributed or shared with third parties for any purpose Disclaimer Statement 29
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