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Lesson 30 Cementing - cont’d

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1 Lesson 30 Cementing - cont’d
PETE Well Drilling Lesson 30 Cementing - cont’d

2 Cementing cont’d Large-Hole Cementing Cementing of Liner
Through Casing Through Drill Pipe Through Grout Pipe Cementing of Liner Cementing from Floater Multistage Cementing Cement Bond Log

3 Read: Applied Drilling Engineering Ch. 3. Cementing
HW #16 – Cementing of Conductor Casing Due November 22, 2002

4 Normal Displacement Method
Large-Hole Cementing Normal Displacement Method Down the inside of the Csg. Use two wiper plugs Takes a long time . . . Large surface area exposed to the cmt.

5 Inner String Cementing
Large-Hole Cementing Inner String Cementing Down the inside of the DP Use top wiper plug Stab-in adapter Much shorter displ. time

6 Large-Hole Cementing Outside Cementing 1. Down the inside
2. Small-dia. pipe outside Cmt and gradually remove the pipes Alternative: Pipes attached (for large pipes)

7 Drilling Liners Liners are commonly used to seal the openhole below a long intermediate casing string to: 1. Case off the open hole to enable deeper drilling. 2. Control water or gas production 3. Hold back unconsolidated or sloughing formations. 4. Case off zones of lost circulation and/or zones of high pressure encountered during drilling operations.

8 Drill Pipe Liner


10 Displ. Mud Dart Cmt. Ball Dart Ball

11 Multi-Stage Cementing
Pump first stage Displace cmt. Open stage tool Pump second stage Displace cmt Last plug closes tool

12 Opening Bomb Closing Plug Stage Collar Cementing Basket

13 Cmt Mud Cmt


15 Before Squeeze After Squeeze


17 Tieback liner showing sealing nipple

18 Liner and sealing nipple
1. Reinforce the intermediate casing worn by drilling. 2. Provide greater resistance to collapse stress from abnormal pressures. 3. Provide corrosion protection. 4. Seal an existing liner which may be leaking gas.

19 Delayed Set Cementing

20 Reverse Circulating Cementing

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