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Palindrome Quiz By Brian Carruthers.

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Presentation on theme: "Palindrome Quiz By Brian Carruthers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Palindrome Quiz By Brian Carruthers

2 What is a Palindrome? A palindrome is a word, phrase or number that reads the same forwards or backwards. Origin – from Greek palindromos ‘running back again’. Some examples of palindromes are: Bob, Viv The numbers 99,101, 262, 747, 2002. “Able was I, ere I saw Elba.”

3 Question 1 When both a clock’s hands are on 12, and the sun is overhead, what time is it?

4 Question 2 This young dog is a palindrome.

5 Question 3 This part of the body is a palindrome.

6 Question 4 This member of the family is a palindrome.

7 Question 5 This member of the family is also a palindrome.

8 Question 6 This type of boat is a palindrome.

9 Now let’s look at numbers.
Remember a palindrome reads the same forwards and backwards.

10 Question 7 What is the greatest palindromic number less than 50?

11 Question 8 What is the smallest palindromic number greater than 20?

12 Question 9 What is the next palindromic number after the one you have just found?

13 Question 10 What is the palindromic time you might have a cup of tea just before 10.00am.

14 Question 11 What was the last palindromic year in the 20th Century?

15 Question 12 What was the first palindromic year in the 21st Century?

16 The answers are: 1. noon 2. pup 3. eye 4 mam/mum 5. dad/pop 6. kayak
7. 44 8. 22 9. 33

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