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The African Wild Ass By; Randy Barnes 3/25/11 Mrs.Dunnavant Ecology.

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Presentation on theme: "The African Wild Ass By; Randy Barnes 3/25/11 Mrs.Dunnavant Ecology."— Presentation transcript:

1 The African Wild Ass By; Randy Barnes 3/25/11 Mrs.Dunnavant Ecology

2 Names Common name; African Wild Ass Scientific name; Equus asinus

3 Habitat Hilly terrain Rocky desert Temperate grasslands Desert

4 Location of where they live Ethiopia Eritrea Somalia They once ranged from Sudan, Israel, and Egypt

5 Why they are Endangered Over hunting Loss of habitat Competition with domestic livestock

6 Diet Grasses Bark Leaves

7 Size Shoulder height; 125 cm Body length; 200 cm They look like a small horse with a big head that is really stocky

8 Reproduction Females reach sexual maturity at 3-4 years old Breeding occurs during wet season Births occur mainly between October and February Give birth to one foal every other year Lifespan; 25-30 years Gestation period; 1 year

9 Population 400 live in Eritrea Fewer than 160 in Ethiopia Less than 10 in Somalia 1500 in Sudan but may be feral

10 Conservation efforts Protected by law in Somalia Sudan Ethiopia Illegal hunting still occurs Live in many nature reserves but live stock still compete with them there

11 Interesting Facts Only bond is between mother and foal Need to drink water at least every three days Ancestors of domestic

12 Pictures

13 Works cited /species_info.php?id=13 gered/endangered.html

14 Quiz How long is the gestation period of the wild ass? How long can the wild ass go without drinking water? How many wild asses live in Ethiopia? What is one place that they are protected? What kind of animal does it resemble?

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