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Optimizing Data Warehouse Loads via Parallel Pro-C and Parallel/Direct-Mode SQL Bert Scalzo, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimizing Data Warehouse Loads via Parallel Pro-C and Parallel/Direct-Mode SQL Bert Scalzo, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimizing Data Warehouse Loads via Parallel Pro-C and Parallel/Direct-Mode SQL Bert Scalzo, Ph.D.

2 About the Author Oracle DBA from 4 through 10g Worked for Oracle Education Worked for Oracle Consulting Holds several Oracle Masters BS, MS and PhD in Computer Science MBA and insurance industry designations Articles in Oracle Magazine Oracle Informant PC Week (now E-Magazine)

3 About Quest Software

4 Star Schema Design Dimensions: smaller, de-normalized tables containing business descriptive columns that users use to query Facts: very large tables with primary keys formed from the concatenation of related dimension table foreign key columns, and also possessing numerically additive, non- key columns used for calculations during user queries “Star schema” approach to dimensional data modeling was pioneered by Ralph Kimball

5 Dimensions Facts

6 10 8th -10 10th 10 3rd -10 5th

7 The Loading Challenge How much data would a data loader load, if a data loader could load data? Dimensions: often reloaded in their entirety, since they only have have tens to hundreds of thousands of rows Facts: must be cumulatively loaded, since they generally have hundreds of millions to billions of rows – with daily data loading requirements of 10-20 million rows or more

8 Hardware Won’t Compensate Often people have unrealistic expectation that using expensive hardware is only way to obtain optimal application performance CPU SMP MPP Disk IO 15,000 RPM RAID (EMC) OS UNIX 64-bit Oracle OPS / PQO 64-bit

9 Hardware Tuning Example Problem: Data load runtime 4+ hours 8 400-MHz 64-bit CPU’s 4 Gigabytes UNIX RAM 2 Gigabytes EMC Cache RAID 5 (slower on writes) Attempt #1: Bought more hardware 16 400-MHz 64-bit CPU’s 8 Gigabytes UNIX RAM 4 Gigabytes EMC Cache RAID 1 (faster on writes) Runtime still 4+ hours !!!

10 Application Tuning Example Attempt #2: Redesigned application Convert PL/SQL to Pro-C Run 16 streams in parallel Better utilize UNIX capabilities Run time = 20 minutes !!! Attempt #3: Tuned the SQL code Tune individual SQL statements Use Dynamic SQL method # 2 Prepare SQL outside loop Execute Prep SQL in loop Run time = 15 minutes !!!

11 Lesson Learned Hardware: Cost approximately $1,000,000 System downtime for upgrades Zero runtime improvement Loss of credibility with customer Redesign: 4 hours DBA $150/hour = $600 20 hours Developer $100/hour = $2000 Total cost = $2600 or 385 times less Golden Rule #1: Application redesign much cheaper than hardware!!!

12 Program Design Paramount In reality, the loading program’s design is the key factor for the fastest possible data loads into any large-scale data warehouse Data loading programs must be designed to utilize SMP/MPP architectures, otherwise CPU usage may not exceed 1 / # of CPU’s Golden Rule #2: minimize inter-process waits and maximize total concurrent CPU usage

13 Example Loading Problem Hardware: HP-9000, V2200, 16 CPU, 8 GB RAM EMC 3700 RAID-1 with 4 GB cache Database: Oracle (32 bit) Tables partitioned by month Indexes partitioned by month Nightly Load: 6000 files with 20 million detail rows Summarize details across 3 aggregates

14 Original, Bad Design

15 Original’s Physical Problems IO Intensive: 5 IO’s from source to destination Wasted IO’s to copy files twice Large Waits: Each step dependent on predecessor No overlapping of any load operations Single Threaded: No aspect of processing is parallel Overall CPU usage less than 7%

16 Original’s Logical Problems Brute Force: Simple for programmers to visualize Does not leverage UNIX’s strengths Record Oriented: Simple for programmers to code (cursors) Does not leverage SQL’s strengths (sets) Stupid Aggregation: Process record #1, create aggregate record Process record #2, update aggregate record Repeat last step for each record being input

17 Original Version’s Timings Process Step Start Time Duration (minutes) CatT-00030 SortT-03045 SQL LoaderT-07515 PL/SQLT-090180 T-270 270 CPU Utilization Glance Plus Display HP-UX 11.0 16 CPU’s

18 Parallel Design Options Parallel/Direct SQL Loader: Use Parallel, Direct option for speed Cannot do data lookups and data scrubbing without complex pre-insert/update triggers Multi-Threaded Pro-C: Hard to monitor via UNIX commands Difficult to program and hard to debug “Divide & Conquer”: Leverages UNIX’s key strengths Easy to monitor via UNIX commands Simple UNIX shell scripting exercise Simple Pro-C programming exercise

19 What Are Threads? Multithreaded applications have multiple threads, where each thread: is a "lightweight" sub-processes executes within the main process shares code and data segments (i.e. address space) has its own program counters, registers and stack Global and static variables are common to all threads and require a mutual exclusivity mechanism to manage access to from multiple threads within the application.

20 Non-Mutex Architecture

21 Non-Mutex Code main() { sql_context ctx1,ctx2; /* declare runtime contexts */ EXEC SQL ENABLE THREADS; EXEC SQL CONTEXT ALLOCATE :ctx1; EXEC SQL CONTEXT ALLOCATE :ctx2;... /* spawn thread, execute function1 (in the thread) passing ctx1 */ thread_create(..., function1, ctx1); /* spawn thread, execute function2 (in the thread) passing ctx2 */ thread_create(..., function2, ctx2);... EXEC SQL CONTEXT FREE :ctx1; EXEC SQL CONTEXT FREE :ctx2;... } void function1(sql_context ctx) { EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE :ctx; /* execute executable SQL statements on runtime context ctx1!!! */... } void function2(sql_context ctx) { EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE :ctx; /* execute executable SQL statements on runtime context ctx2!!! */... }

22 “Divide & Conquer” Design

23 Step #1: Form Streams degree=16 file_name= ras.dltx.postrn file_count=`ll ${file_name}.* | wc -l` if [ $file_count ] then if [ -f file_list* ] then rm -f file_list* fi ls ${file_name}.* > file_list split_count=`expr \( $file_count + file_count % $degree \) / $degree` split -$split_count file_list file_list_ ### Step #2’s code goes here ### fi Unix shell script to form N streams (i.e. groups) of M/N data sets from M input files

24 Example for Step #1 files: ras.dltx.postrn.1 ras.dltx.postrn.2 ras.dltx.postrn.3 ras.dltx.postrn.4 ras.dltx.postrn.5 ras.dltx.postrn.6 ras.dltx.postrn.7 ras.dltx.postrn.8 ras.dltx.postrn.9 ras.dltx.postrn.10 ras.dltx.postrn.11 ras.dltx.postrn.12 file_list_aa: ras.dltx.postrn.1 ras.dltx.postrn.2 ras.dltx.postrn.3 ras.dltx.postrn.4 file_list_ab: ras.dltx.postrn.5 ras.dltx.postrn.6 ras.dltx.postrn.7 ras.dltx.postrn.8 … Data Set 1 Data Set 2

25 Step #2: Process Streams for file in `ls file_list_*` do ( ( cat $file | while read line do if [ -s $line ] then cat $line | pro_c_program fi )& done )& done wait Unix shell script to create N concurrent background processes, each handling one of the streams’ data sets

26 Example for Step #2 file_list_aa: ras.dltx.postrn.1 ras.dltx.postrn.2 ras.dltx.postrn.3 ras.dltx.postrn.4 for each file skip if empty grep file sort file run Pro-C inserts data file_list_ab: ras.dltx.postrn.5 ras.dltx.postrn.6 ras.dltx.postrn.7 ras.dltx.postrn.8 for each file skip if empty grep file sort file run Pro-C inserts data All running concurrently, with no wait states

27 Step #3: Calc Aggregations sqlplus $user_id/$user_pw@sid @daily_aggregate sqlplus $user_id/$user_pw@$sid @weekly_aggregate sqlplus $user_id/$user_pw@$sid @daily_aggregate alter session enable parallel dml; insert /*+ parallel (aggregate_table, 16) append */ into aggregate_table (period_id, location_id, product_id, vendor_id, … ) select /*+ parallel (detail_table,16 full(detail_table) ) */ period_id, location_id, product_id, vendor_id, …, sum(nvl(column_x,0)) from detail_table where period_id between $BEG_ID and $END_ID group by period_id, location_id, product_id, vendor_id;

28 Pro-C Program Algorithm: Read records from Standard IO until EOF Perform record lookups and data scrubbing Insert processed record into detail table If record already exists, update instead Commit every 1000 inserts or updates Special Techniques: Dynamic SQL Method #2 (15% improvement) Prepare SQL outside record processing loop Execute SQL inside record processing loop

29 Dynamic SQL

30 “Divide & Conquer” Version’s Timings Process Step Start Time Duration (minutes) Stream #1T-00015 Stream #…T-00015 Stream #16T-00015 AggregateT-01510 T-25 25 CPU Utilization Glance Plus Display HP-UX 11.0 16 CPU’s

31 Results Old Run Time = 270 Minutes New Run Time = 25 Minutes RT Improvement = 1080 % Customer’s Reaction: took team to Ranger’s baseball game gave team a pizza party & 1/2 day off gave entire team plaques of appreciation

32 Other Possible Improvements Shell Script: Split files based upon size to better balance load Pro-C: Use Pro-C host arrays for inserts/updates Read lookup tables into process memory (PGA) Fact Tables: Partition tables and indexes by both time and parallel separation criteria (e.g. time zone)

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