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The Sixth Seal (Paravipras/Elects) Ananda Marga (Baba)

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Presentation on theme: "The Sixth Seal (Paravipras/Elects) Ananda Marga (Baba)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sixth Seal (Paravipras/Elects) Ananda Marga (Baba)
Given by Maitreya For Full Screen viewing Click on the TV icon, below on the right hand side of your browser!

2 The Teachings of the Sixth Seal and Its Prophet, Baba
Lecture Given at The Feast Of Tabernacles 2001

3 When Did the Sixth Seal Start?
It started in eternity (EDP started in eternity). Who was the first spiritual teacher to humanity? God through His son, Adam (male/female). But when did it start historically (Scripturally)? God chose Abram (father of a nation) to start a historical/spiritual event.

4 God Blessed Abram God called upon Abram to leave his family and go to a new land. God blessed Abram.

5 The Name of Abram Was Changed to Abraham, and the Same Blessings Were Also Given to Abraham
God gave a new name to Abram. He is called Abraham (father of many nations). God gave the same promises He gave to Abram, to Abraham. The promises were the birthright (material blessing) and spiritual domination (scepter, spiritual kingship).

6 The Blessings of the Birthright and Scepter Given to Abram and Abraham Were for the Children of Hagar (Arabs) and Sarah (The Hebrews) This part of our teaching was discussed in the lecture we gave in 1992 and in 1991 in the Feasts of Tabernacles.

7 The Next Prophets Would Not Come From the Children Of Abram/Abraham
Although by the coming of Christ and Muhammad the promises given to the Children of Abram/Abraham were fulfilled, Muslims still believed that the next Prophet (Mahdi) would come from the lineage of Prophet Muhammad. Bab was from the lineage of Prophet Muhammad; Bahá'u'lláh was not. Last year a lecture was given on the Fifth Seal (Bab'í/Baha’i Faith). To supplement that lecture, also read this lecture as well. No two lectures are alike. Each time a lecture is given, new materials might be added to the topic.

8 The next Prophet (Baba) came neither from Hebrews, nor from Arabs
The Baha’i Faith until the coming of Ananda Marga (AM). The Baha’i Faith did not cover mystical paths. Next Prophet was a Mystic (Tantra)! Next Prophet was from India. He was affectionately called Baba. He was born Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar in Bihar, India 1921.

9 Who was Baba The name Baba is similar to Papa (Pope) meaning “Father.” He was also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (The Statue of Bless). 2. He founded AM In 1945 (people gathered around Him). 3. The Indiara Gandi government arrested him in 1971; He was imprisoned for 7 years. 4. He was accused of plotting to overthrow the Indian government! 5. The most important part of His teaching (Message) was the explanation of the Elects (Sadvipra). 6. Died of natural causes in 1990.

10 Baba’s Teachings Was based on Tantra and Hinduism.
Social services and service to humanity. Great organization and teachers. Purified Hinduism (no caste system). PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory).

11 Baba's Life and His Mission Started
Spread of the AM movement. Opposition of Indian government to His movement. Many people from many nations joined Him. His Mission was spread mostly by dedicated spiritual teachers called Achareyas. Three levels of teachers: whole time workers, Dadas, and Avodatas. Wholetimers dedicate their lives to AM work for one year. Dadas were the full time teachers of the AM. Avodatas were in the administrative positions. Organization was divided into many departments covering many aspects of the AM. Many other people were engaged in many other activities according to their abilities, talents and interests. AM Universal Relief Team (AMURT) became well known for their rescue missions and works. Close to the end of His life He gave detailed instruction for His vision of communities and society (too detailed!).

12 Baba's Movement After Baba
Movement became even more secretive (no one knows who is in charge). Not many new members are joining them, as it was in the beginning. It is in trouble with many governments. Its teachers are under scrutiny and are wanted in many nations! Not much strength left in them. They, however, still have great people in the organization and trying to carry His Will.

13 PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory)
The four classes in the society (Shudras, Ksattriyas, Vipras and Vaeshyas) Cyclical class domination. Sadvipras (Classless leaders)

14 Social ideology and PROUT
Thesis and Synthesis. Society is ever-progressive toward greater achievements!

15 Why Are Baba’s Teachings Not Perfect?
The spiritual aspect is based only on Hinduism and Tantra. Conflict between the spiritual aspect and social movement. Not based on the world Scriptures (too many personal ideas!)

16 What Our Mission Added to Baba’s Teachings
Our Teaching is Based on Scriptures (Word Of God). It is not based only on one religion (is inclusive). Baba never gave a complete system on how the society will eventually be transformed to a PROUT society; Mission has. Mission does not call the society a PROUT society but the KOHOE (Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth)! Our Teaching is more general (not too detailed) so leaves much room for creativity and individual flexibility. Maitreya correctly recognized that the Elects have to follow the Eternal Divine Path (besides what Baba explained of them). He called them Paravipras (beyond intellect, Pure intuition – connected to God).

17 What Did Baba Accomplish?
If we take the Tantra and Hinduism out, what is left is the PROUT and the explanation of the cyclical social movement. That was Baba’s true Mission. He defined the Elects. Many great ideas was presented to humanity through Him. Much social work and help was offered to humanity through His work.

18 Has Humanity Understood His Message?
He explained to humanity who is the Elect. Humanity, however, still do not know who are the Elects. With all the progress AM has accomplished, it is still a small minority. Humanity still has not realized (are asleep!) where in God’s Revelation that AM was Prophesied to come (in the beginning of The Revelation chapter 3 the sixth church).

19 Spiritual Message of the Sixth Seal
Symbolic meaning of the life of Baba (symbol of the first sixth seals). He was not crucified and did not suffer as much as previous Prophets (no longer was needed)! Paravipras needed to complete The Plan. Only with Paravipras present can the Communities Of Light be guided toward the fulfillment of The Plan. Each person has to go through the Eternal Divine Path in order to be(come) a Paravipra.

20 Relationship Between the Sixth Seal and The Greatest Sign
It is the Sixth Seal in The Greatest Sign. It shows that, although the rest of the EDP is necessary, we still need to create the Paravipras in order for the Communities Of Light to be guided toward the fulfillment of The Plan. It is a part of the Plan of God. Baba fulfilled the Prophecy of the coming of the sixth Angel in the Scriptures. It is a part of The Great Truth: The Greatest Sign and The Eternal Divine Path, and from God.

21 Each Seal In The Greatest Sign Is a Part of a Greater Truth
Each Seal In The Greatest Sign Is a Part of a Greater Truth. The Whole Is Greater Than Each Part. Each Sign in The Greatest Sign is a part of a Greater Truth (The Greatest Sign and the Eternal Divine Path). The Whole is Greater than the parts. The Whole has many different parts, as the body has many different organs.

22 The Whole Has Life. Separate Each Organ (Part) From the Body (Whole), and No Life Will Exist
When these different parts (organs) are put together, life can be manifested. Separate them and the parts (organs) are lifeless. These organs together still need Spirit to have life. Without Spirit they still will be lifeless. The Mission as the body and its components (parts) has to be received in whole. Our Teachings are the Spirit (Life) giving life to these parts. These together will Manifest the KOHOE. Accepting only one (or a few) part(s) of the Mission and rejecting other parts is like receiving a few organs of the body and expecting to have a normal life (receiving life). It will not work.

23 However, Parts Are Needed For Life To Manifest!
Each part, however, is necessary for the body (Mission) to function properly. Of course, some organs (parts) are more vital than others, such as the brain in the body. If it is not there, the body will die. Some others are not that vital but they are good to have (followed, accepted, etc.).

24 The Greatest Sign and the Eternal Divine Path Are the Answer For Human Salvation, Physically, Mentally and Spiritually; Individually and Collectively The Mission is the whole body, and soul. It has Life. Any separated part (not accepting the whole) makes the whole to die fast. It Unifies all the Great Religions of the world. It fulfills the Prophecies. It shows the way to bring the KOHOE. It brings individual and collective salvation to humanity. It shows the shortest Path to the Highest Spiritual Achievement. It is the answer to all human longings, physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually; individually and/or collectively.

25 (My Salutations To The Divinity Within You)
End Of The Baba Sal-Om (My Salutations To The Divinity Within You) M a i t r e y a

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